This week, emotions and passions run high as Mercury retrograde begins in Aries (also on the first of the month).
If that’s not enough bold and brash Aries energy for you, Venus will also enter Aries on the 5th, driving us even further into spark and intrigue.
You may feel more passionate about your feelings, relationships, and how you want to interact with others, but the pesky Mercury retrograde also complicates how well you can carry out those ambitions.
With a complex mixture of energy being stirred, we believe there is no better time than now to contact the Tarot to see what the cards advise in the coming week.
Your sign’s weekly tarotscope for April 1 – 7, 2024
The sun
Ram Shining bright with The Sun on their sleeve!
This card is a positive omen in all endeavors and offers confidence and joy at the center of your being. In doing so, it sheds a little light on every aspect of your life, not just one or two areas.
The key to fully embracing it is to find joy and authenticity in everything you pursue; every choice and conversation should be approached with a completely honest and candid attitude.
Queen of Wands (reverse)
Taurus need to get their confidence back in order.
The reversed Queen of Wands tells you that you are not using your independence, willpower, and sense of self-confidence as clearly or powerfully as you should.
This could be a sign of insecurity or internal disorder. Whatever the cause of the problem, this card asks you to seriously examine your sense of self and abandon the self-criticism.
You’re as smart and capable as ever, but you also have to believe it.
Knight of Swords (Reverse)
Twinthe key to success for this week lies in the way you approach communication.
While the Knight of Swords can typically be a beacon of momentum, quick decision-making, and impending conversations, the reversal of this bold card requires more pause.
You may feel the urge to speak up and act decisively, but those instincts still need to be honed a little further. You may be more inclined to act at aggressive or fast.
While it’s great that you want to make progress, this card encourages you to first think a little more about how you do that.
9 of Swords (reverse)
CancerYou may not have all the answers right now, but remember that you don’t have to.
The 9 of Swords reversed indicates that you are putting unnecessary pressure on yourself. It is time to put away the worries and fears and move forward into the light.
Of course it is easier said than done. But this card assures you that nothing is as bad as it seems.
Sometimes try and decide something can be more productive than struggling to find the ‘right’ answer (which may not exist).
Wheel of Fortune
There is so much whimsy and wonder in this world, and Lion is on its way to discover everything!
The Wheel of Fortune offers luck and excitement, but also requires a little faith. You are not called to plan everything down to the last detail at this time.
Instead, you are called to surrender to the hands of fate, go with the flow and move with what feels right at the time.
Adventure and excitement are coming, as long as you keep your arms (and mind) open to receive them.
Queen of Cups
Virginare you ready to tune in to your heart?
With the Queen of Cups it is time to settle into the realm of what exists within, to delve into your own unconscious feelings, intuition and emotions.
Virgos may enjoy the sense of control and order a little more than most signs, and this can usually manifest itself in organizing more practical, everyday tasks and responsibilities.
This week you may find that you can draw a lot of strength and expertise from within instead.
7 of Swords
Scale may be tempted to go to the “dark side” this week.
The 7 of Swords indicates that Libras may be feeling a bit overdone currently independent and feel the need to create shortcuts for themselves or skate forward to the top without much concern for the consequences.
The truth is that there are no ‘shortcuts’ (whether they are white lies or something more extreme) Real come without consequences.
Eventually your choices will catch up with you. Be extra conscious and attentive to your words and actions this week.
The Fool (reverse)
Scorpionsay it with us: just because you can… doesn’t mean you should.
The Fool reversed creates impulsive energy and tempts you to try things sometimes just to feel something.
You may feel restless and restless, uncertain about your decisions, but you still don’t want to sit idly by.
While the desire for adventure and novelty is good, use this card as an opportunity to think thoughtfully about how you actually want to pursue this (and make it truly meaningful and long-lasting).
Queen of Pentacles (reversed)
Archer needs a moment of grounding and reorganization.
This week marks the moment when the Queen of Pentacles turns to you to evaluate your priorities, how you spend your time, and what motivates you to accomplish your practical, more mundane responsibilities.
Overall, you may have been feeling out of step with your schedule and your practical senses lately, so this week is your chance to get back in touch with that.
Let order be your focus.
The Hierophant (reversed)
Ibex isn’t known for straying too far outside the routine, but this week is an exception.
The reversed Hierophant shows that you are carefully examining your understanding of structure, conventions, and authority in your life.
Questions are asked such as: what have you learned? Which teachings really resonate with you and which do not? How do you want to teach others?
Whether you play a literal leadership role in the lives of others or not, people may still look to you for guidance – and it’s important to know what you really want to share with them.
Queen of swords
If there is one thing Aquarius can always rely on, it is their own power of humor.
The Queen of Swords puts your intelligence, your problem-solving skills and your keen adaptability in the spotlight.
This week is all about having faith in your mind, using it to the best of your ability, and sharing words of wisdom where and when it makes sense.
So if you’re not sure which foot to lead with… consult your sharp intellectual instincts first.
The moon (inverted)
Fishing seeks to uncover layers of intuitive chaos and spiritual mysteries… but that is no easy task.
The Moon is always a spiritual powerhouse of a card, upright or inverted.
The reversal indicates that you may be focusing more on your own internal mysteries than on external chaos, but you are still embracing a lot of whimsy and unpredictability through this card.
This week is about asking difficult questions, becoming comfortable with receiving silence in response, and finding beauty in the process of spiritual questioning.
Your Curated Weekly Spiritual Resources
The chaos in the world can sometimes seem so uncertain and difficult to comprehend.
Tuning into the Tarot’s guidance can be a helpful compass as you navigate the week ahead in times like these. In addition to seeing the greater scope of the universe’s astrological movements, the cards provide an additional layer of insight and understanding for us on a personal level.
With a well-rounded knowledge of both systems (Tarot and Astrology), you can approach your week with confidence, knowing you have all the tools you need.
If you’re still looking to brush up on some of that spiritual toolbox, we’ve rounded up a few essential resources to help you this week:
- Check out our guide to all 2024 retrogrades
- Learn more about Venus and how it affects you
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