The solar eclipse on April 8 will affect us all in different ways. While this majestic astrological and astronomical event will create a spectacle in the sky, it will also have an impact on our lives. This week is an opportunity for new beginnings. Check out your weekly horoscope for April 8-14 to embrace your cosmic energy and transform your life!

RAM (March 21 – April 19)
Aries, the solar eclipse will occur in your sign and will have a direct impact on you. This is a perfect time to change your life! It gives you the courage and confidence to make bold changes. Expect your social life to be more active and for you to meet exciting people. You might get a promotion at your workplace or even decide to open your own business!
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Only a few things will go your way this week, dear Taurus. But try to stay calm and positive, knowing that better times await you. Know your limits and rest when you break away from your hectic schedule. A loved one can give you a pleasant surprise to help you relax.
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
Gemini, this week you step into your divine power! You feel energetic, optimistic and full of life! If you decide to socialize, you can make new friends and even discover new ways to add some diversity to your love life. A romantic getaway with your partner can be a good idea for the upcoming weekend. If you’re single, this is the perfect time to enjoy your favorite hobbies!
CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
Dear Cancer, I recommend taking it easy as the Solar Eclipse and your Ruler, the Moon, take center stage this week. If you can go on vacation and relax, that would be great! But if that’s not an option, try to keep your emotions in check and not react to every mood swing you experience.
LEO (July 23 – August 22)
Leos are this week’s queens and kings, as their Ruler is involved in a rare solar eclipse. But don’t expect miracles to happen even if your energy is generally positive. Develop a productive routine and take care of your health and soul as you follow your dreams. Good structure can bring you closer to your ideal life.
VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
Virgo, you may be feeling challenged and struggling a bit this week. Work can be stressful and your loved ones may not understand what you are dealing with. Take some time to relax, try some yoga, or enjoy your hobbies to recharge your batteries!
LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
Dear Libra, Even if you love your job and are eager to complete one project after another, you may not be as productive as you would like this week. There is so much cosmic energy unfolding these days that you feel both excited and exhausted. Maintain a good routine and take as many breaks as you need.
SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
Scorpio, this week is one for relaxing and clearing your mind. Don’t dive into complex work projects as you would instinctively do! Take a good look at your plans and relationships. Look at what needs to go and what needs to stay in your life. You will thank yourself for making this choice because it will help your life stay on track.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
Dear Sagittarius, this week it seems you can’t stay home. You feel a desire to travel, and if you can, it is advisable to embrace it. You can visit friends and family or perhaps travel for work. Your current travels offer you new opportunities and help you meet the right people!
CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)
Although you can be stubborn and determined, Capricorn, this Solar Eclipse may give you some flexibility. You learn new perspectives and start looking at your life differently. You may even have an epiphany that will help you better understand your path and purpose.
AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
Dear Aquarius, this is the best time to be creative and bring your wildest ideas to life! Embrace your unique nature and don’t be afraid to express it! Are you a musician or a writer? Or maybe you like painting? This is the week to dive into that energy and help it blossom!
PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
Dear Pisces, this week may bring potential disagreements and highly emotional energy. But don’t let that influence you more than necessary; it will all pass. If you choose to communicate your vision openly and are willing to make compromises, you can keep such disagreements in check.