We can’t start every week with such a big bang as a Full Moon… but this week we can!
This Full Moon in Gemini will occur on the 27th and will provide us with an excellent opportunity to sort through our plans, thoughts and ideas.
This usually very cerebral, intellectual and curious zodiac sign entering the home of the Moon (where we house our emotions and hearts) means that we will have to be willing to merge both worlds.
This is not just the time for thoughts and not just the time for feelings, but to fully embrace both parts of ourselves.
With that in mind, it’s time to see what insight the Tarot has to offer, so we can make the most of these powerful times.
Your sign’s weekly tarotscope for November 27 – December 3, 2023
The chariot
Ramsomething about this Full Moon energy seems to resonate well with your spirit.
The Chariot offers a clear, success-oriented energy that pushes you to accept your strengths and seize the rewards you know you deserve (even though that knowing is sometimes more unconscious than conscious).
This is a powerful week to consolidate plans or even implement some if that is possible for you at this time.
With this card, fortune favors those who are willing to embrace a go-getter mentality and confidently step into the powerful roles the universe is seemingly eager to provide at this time.
5 of wands
While conflict and chaos may not be the most exciting thing you see on the table, Taurus can survive just fine.
The Magic Wand 5 points to disagreements and conflicts breaking out in the world around you, whether in general, in your social circles, or both. It can be tempting to block out the noise and retreat into your shell, but this time it can be quite difficult to actually avoid it.
Your other tendency may be to problem-solve or want to solve the problems at hand, but this card is not easy.
Patience, calmness and the use of observation skills are the keys to success this week.
The Hierophant (reversed)
Twin struggles to fit into the mold everyone wants them to fit into.
The Hierophant is usually a card of traditional order, capable of merging the spiritual with the physical, organizing esoteric and intangible concepts into something we can easily understand and retain.
The reversal of this card indicates that you may not be as comfortable with the ‘traditional’ ways of receiving information intuitively that you are used to, and that some Geminis may be questioning their position towards others and their communities altogether.
Know that this contemplation, even if it comes from discomfort and disagreement, is ultimately a good, productive energy to harness right now.
6 of cups
Cancerit can be valuable to wander through the memories.
The 6 of Cups predict that nostalgia and old memories from the past will rain down this week. Expect your dreams to contain ancient lessons, themes, and even people from past times.
This isn’t because you’re meant to dwell on the past or necessarily call up old friends and familiar faces; there may be a few lessons worth remembering.
Sometimes our unconscious mind has a way of communicating messages to us through something we already know.
Ace of Cups (Reverse)
Lion may be frustrated by how love is or isn’t finding them right now.
The reversed Ace of Cups places an uncomfortable barrier to your ability to make new connections, and you may find it strange and difficult to connect with your heart space.
This type of blockage does not always exist because we have done something wrong, but needs extra attention and care to be dealt with properly.
In what ways may you have sabotaged yourself or stopped yourself from opening your heart? It’s time for self-reflection and some quality ‘me time’.
8 of cups
Virgin is to somehow move on with their lives.
Normally for Virgos we stereotypically expect this to mean you are working hard on something and making progress on your personal plans.
But right now, the 8 of Cups indicates that it’s less about what you are add in your life… and more about subtraction. This week is about letting go of memories, people and ideas that no longer serve you.
Cutting that emotional and spiritual cord that has tied you to the past is sometimes the most productive thing you can do.
Knight of Swords
Scale are finally making great progress in the direction they want.
The Knight of Swords is a powerful, expressive energy that you seem to embody well this week. You take charge of your own life and say something when it feels right.
Overall, this week has the potential to go by faster than you realize.
If you see an opportunity to do or say something you’d like to do, don’t be afraid to take it then.
6 wands (inverted)
Scorpion hasn’t been getting any flowers lately, and it’s not easy to feel so unappreciated.
The 6 of Wands reversed shows that the kind of success you may secretly long for (some appreciation, recognition, and acknowledgment for the work you’ve done) seems very far away right now.
Others may not see you the way you would like, and despite Scorpio’s seemingly confident appearance, this can definitely get you down!
For now, maybe you should be the one to congratulate yourself and show yourself some self-love and congratulations. Don’t pretend it doesn’t affect you – just proactively create the space and love you need for yourself.
The Devil (Reverse)
Archeryou let go of the baggage and burdens that have been holding you back.
With The Devil, many of those burdens are sometimes self-imposed: blocks around self-esteem, negative habits that fuel insecurities, and so on.
But the reversal of this card indicates that you are now ready to start over.
It’s time to address these issues head-on (and also dig to the source) to gain access to a fresh slate. The work ahead may not be easy, but it will be worth it.
4 of Swords
Ibex will have to rest whether they like it or not.
The 4 of Swords is not always a welcome period of intensive mental and physical rest, but it is always a necessary one.
If you notice obstacles and roadblocks in your path when it comes to work and social life, know that the universe is trying to slow you down – not trip you up.
This is a time for patience and rejuvenation, becoming comfortable with doing nothing.
Queen of Pentacles
Aquarius embraces the productive, abundant attitude of the Queen of Pentacles this week.
This is a good omen for Aquarians who hope to achieve a lot in the areas of work, career and organizing the home. This energy is slow and detailed, but never too far removed from the bigger picture.
This week, trust your skills and senses as you cultivate the spaces and routines that fulfill you. This card shows that you are very capable of doing this right now!
2 cups
Fishing has a wonderful omen for love and relationships on the table this week.
The 2 of Cups is a beautiful sign for Pisces, who want to deepen their connections with others, whether romantic, platonic, or something else. It’s time to open your heart and focus on fully understanding those around you, and being receptive to vulnerability and authentic emotional exchanges.
How are you opening your heart this week?
Your guide to the Full Moon in Gemini
The insights of the Tarot speak directly to us, offering advice, guidance and a warning for the week ahead. We can meditate on the words of the ancient craft and usually get what we need from it, either immediately or throughout the week.
However, not everyone may be well informed about what to do for a specific Full Moon (or even what to do for a Full Moon in general). So as we close, we’d like to give you some resources to help you with this: