Welcome to a brand new week of magic, astrological wonders and intuitive mysteries!
This week we face a Full Moon in Virgo on the 24th, grounding us in our dreams and practical ambitions.
Who are you really and what do you want to pursue? What small habits or routines contribute to that dream, and what obligations might need some adjustment? That is the energy that this special lunar event makes us think about.
Since there are such important questions to consider, we also contacted the Tarot for your weekly Tarotscope guidance (and a little more personal information about what’s to come).
Your sign’s weekly tarotscope for February 19 – 25, 2024
The High Priestess (reverse)
Ramwe know it’s not easy for you not to have all the answers.
And yet this week is exactly what you need to come to terms with. The High Priestess reversed complicates your relationship with your intuition, putting you at odds with what you think you know to be true about yourself, your future plans, and the world around you.
Although this is an uncomfortable energy to experience, this necessary blockage can be worth working through.
In other words… there is light at the end of the tunnel, as long as you are willing to drive through it.
Knight of Cups (Reverse)
Taurus may feel some discomfort from their heart space at this time.
The reversed Knight of Cups can leave you feeling emotionally disconnected or feel completely in overdrive (as if you feel everything at once).
This can be an important week for getting your ducks back in a row: intentional rest, meditation, and dedicated journaling time.
You may think this uncomfortable phase will pass on its own, but the Full Moon gives you the chance to reorganize your thoughts and emotions before they spiral into deeper disarray.
Ace of Wands
Twinare you ready to see sparks fly?
The Ace of Wands offers new opportunities, new starts and innovative ideas. You may have special revelations this week or find yourself unexpectedly initiating something spontaneous.
While this card may be full of fun surprises, it’s important to seize the moment but not get lost in the excitement.
Keep your head on your shoulders… And run boldly into the unknown, if you can!
Death (reverse)
Cancer has been trying to make progress for some time now.
Death reversed, however, once again blocks your desire for transformation. You recognize internally that something needs to be done – you no longer want to stand still where you are.
At the same time, it’s a lot easier said than done. You may be unsure about what parts of your life are right for you, and it’s hard to make the final decision to cut something when you’re still unsure.
Take some time for yourself this week to really reevaluate and feel what is really in your heart.
The sun (inverted)
It looks a bit sketchy Lionbut the darkness does not come from without.
The reversed Sun indicates that you are not feeling the usual light and joy that Leos are known for. You may feel more disconnected from your sense of self and generally more hazy or foggy about what brings you happiness.
This period of dissatisfaction does not necessarily mean that there is something wrong with you or the world around you. Sometimes we just don’t feel like ourselves.
This is one of those moments for you, Leo. Be patient with yourself.
King of Pentacles (reversed)
Virgin want to to get organized this week, but it’s harder than it seems.
When the King of Pentacles is reversed, you may encounter practical problems. People don’t listen to you as clearly, and it can suddenly feel like hundreds of responsibilities have piled up at once.
Not having 100% control can be extremely disorienting. special for Virgos, but we all have moments of disorganization and disorder.
The key to success this week is to loosen your grip, leave some room for chaos, and remember that you can only control…whatever you can control.
7 of cups
Scalethe final conversation is in your hands.
The 7 of Cups indicates that you have important decisions to make. For some Libras, this may involve your relationships with others. For other Libras, you may have multiple dreams and ambitions that you are trying to combine at the same time.
Not everything can be taken with you. In order to choose something well, you have to let go of a number of other options.
Remember, Libra: making the “wrong” decision is sometimes still better than not choosing at all.
The Chariot (reverse)
ScorpionThis week is one of evaluating your personal successes and failures.
The Chariot is usually a card of driven, dedicated and obvious success. We find it after a lot of hard work and dedication and come out the other side knowing a lot more about ourselves.
Conversely, you may have difficulty resonating with your past successes, and relating your current path to what you would like to achieve later.
In other words, this is a time for honest self-reflection and evaluation before taking any major steps forward.
Knight of Swords
Archerare you ready to seize the day?
The Knight of Swords certainly asks that of you. This is a card of clear communication, bold, decisive action and quick movements.
This week can go by quickly, so you’ll have to be prepared to keep up the pace. Stay observant, vigilant and always ready to take the initiative (perhaps even before you are asked).
With the right attitude, this week can be powerful for the wild archer.
The Hierophant (reversed)
Ibex It doesn’t fit with the larger systems and institutions currently in play.
However, this is not always as big or dramatic as it seems.
The reverse Hierophant may indicate that you are having difficulty connecting with your work environment, a boss, a person in your life who is in a position of authority, or even with old ways of thinking about your spirituality and faith.
This disconnect can make it difficult to plan or coordinate with others, and you may feel the urge to withdraw into your shell and do things your own way.
3 of Swords
Aquariusthis week is one in which self-forgiveness and patience are important virtues.
The 3 of Swords brings to light loss, pain and heartbreak. This could be a new step for some Aquarians who receive disappointing news or experience a difficult event in the coming days.
For others, you may still be working through an old wound (and yet it may still sting just as much).
This is a week of healing, processing and giving yourself enough time to find the rest you need. No sudden moves or choices are needed here, Aquarius.
6 of Pentacles
Fishingthis week’s themes for you are… kindness, resources and generosity.
The 6 of Pentacles asks you to step on the to give instead of the recipient at the end of this week. In other words, you may have resources (time, effort, financial support) that others can really use right now.
You may think you have nothing to offer, but you’ll be surprised what others value right now.
Keep an open heart and see where there are opportunities to make a difference this week.
How to connect with the Full Moon in Virgo
Perhaps now you feel more ready to dive into this week’s energy, armed with guidance and insight from the Tarot.
But it never hurts to have more than one card (no pun intended) on hand! Here are a few of our favorite essentials to get ahead of this week’s energy:
Dive deeper: What does the moon in Virgo mean for each zodiac sign?