As we transition from one month to another this week, the stars and planets themselves will be going through some important transitions.
Venus, planet of love and beauty, will enter its home sign of Taurus on the 29th. Almost immediately afterwards, Mars (the planet of war, drive and ambition) will enter are house sign of Aries on the 30th.
And as if there haven’t been enough astrological events, Pluto will begin its retrograde in Aquarius on May 2, bringing us into a time of change, transition, and turmoil.
What impact will these changes have on your own changes? We have aligned ourselves with the wisdom of the Tarot to see what the cards had to say!
Weekly Tarotscope for April 29 – May 5, 2024
The chariot
Ram expect a lot of success this week… if they’re willing to accept it.
The Chariot is a clear, powerful and progressive card that draws attention to your ambitions and goals; it’s time to grab what you want, ready or not.
With confidence, self-awareness and enough motivation, this card can indicate that you are on the right track to achieving some great things this week (especially goals and ideas already on your to-do list).
Read this next: You’ve drawn the Chariot Tarot card – what now?
Ace of Wands
Taurus branches out to new horizons.
The Ace of Wands offers new ideas, a fresh start and room for expansion in the areas of passions, travel and entrepreneurial projects.
This opportunity can be tangible and obvious, or it can take the form of a fleeting idea that just passes by.
Either way, it’s important to be open to the possibilities that come your way this week.
Page with swords (reversed)
Twinit’s time to be thoughtful and reflective about your next steps.
When the Page of Swords is turned over on the table, you may feel compelled to speak up and speak out, jump to conclusions or decisions, or ask questions before thinking.
However, this card is warning you against rushing into these things and causing yourself to say or do things you may later regret.
Watch your steps before you take them, and maybe even bite your tongue before speaking hastily if necessary.
The Devil (Reverse)
Cancer need to look inward at their true demons, but that’s easier said than done.
The Devil Reverse requires self-reflection on a fundamental, serious and sometimes even deeply unconscious level.
Confronting your own shadows can be uncomfortable, but this is a necessary step toward true inner growth (and eventual transformation on the outside, as your circumstances will also change to match your vibe).
This week is about initiating that radical honesty and shedding light on your own shadows.
it is time for Lion to find balance, inner peace and harmony.
Temperance asks you to now play the role of a balanced, peace-seeking harmonizer.
This card is a powerful omen for spiritual prosperity and finding compassion for yourself and others, but it also requires a lot of thoughtfulness, meditation, and honesty to keep this card going.
What will you do this week to support and nourish this powerful card?
King of Pentacles
Virgin is on top of their earthly responsibilities this week.
The King of Pentacles shows that Virgos have firm, clear and practical control over their finances, career and skills this week.
It may be that your resources are not quite in order and you still feel like you have a lot to do and arrange. But rest assured that this card says you have what it takes to get the job done!
Which items will you check off your to-do list first, Virgo?
Scale should remember their inner strength this week – it will come in handy!
There is a light at the end of every tunnel, there is beauty to be found in every situation and there is strength to be found even in times of incredible weakness and difficulty.
That’s the essence of the Power card, and that’s the message Libra needs to hold on to a lot right now.
Your inner resources and perseverance are all you really need to achieve success this week; trust yourself!
5 wands (inverted)
Scorpion They may avoid external chaos in their environment, but find a very different form of chaos within.
The 5 Wands reversed show that you carefully avoid drama, conflict and gossip that occur in your social circles (and perhaps workplace banter for some Scorpios).
However, you still can feeling the energy that surrounds you… within you. Some Scorpios have internalized the chaos and taken it over for themselves.
Take extra time this week for healing and replenishment as you remove the energy that isn’t truly yours.
Queen of cups
Archer“This week’s true power lies in the core of their hearts.
In other words, the Queen of Cups asks you to look internally at your emotional intelligence, your creativity, your imagination and your intuition.
These resources can often be vastly underestimated and overlooked, especially when the loudest voices in a crowd seem to dominate.
But this week it’s less about what is said and more about what is felt.
4 of wands
Ibexthis week is all about friends, family and joyful celebrations!
The 4 of Wands asks you to focus on your loved ones, find what feels good, and celebrate the small victories.
You may not feel like there’s much to celebrate, but that’s not the point. This card is less about material victories and more about finding the beauty in your connections themselves, and celebrating love and support as it exists.
These small celebrations can be the key to a week full of light, laughter and love!
6 of Swords
Aquarius last week they were faced with the 6 of Swords that were reversed, but this week they were faced with the same card again.
This week, however, you will be pleased to notice that the card is now upright, no longer full of resistance and stagnant, foggy vibrations.
Now is the time to move fully and courageously forward into the unknown, even without clear plans or long-term visions.
You may not have all the answers, but this week you are still called to channel all your courage.
The fool
Fishing Finally a break this week!
With The Fool on the table in front of you, you’re in for a time of adventure, new beginnings, and possibly even travel or location changes for some Pisces.
This is a good week to try new things, speak your mind and ask questions (be curious and open-minded).
How to use your tarotscope masterfully
Did you know that there is more than one way to use your Tarotscope?
You may think that reading and digesting your reading material is all it takes to unpack the guidance the Tarot provides.
However, there are a few other fun, creative ways to connect with your Tarotscope that you can also use this week:
- Keep a journal and reflect more creatively on the insights
- Examine your Tarot card more deeply
- Expand your reading with an additional free reading of 3 cards
Related article: THESE are the top 10 tarot cards that point to love