This month’s transits can be one of the most exciting to date.
Venus starts an in -depth retrograde in RAM on the 1st and pushes us to a time of fiery passions and emotions that run high, so that we have to investigate our relationships with ourselves and others with more intensity and goal.
Moreover, when Mercury Ram enters the 3rd, we cannot really escape the need to embrace that inner fire. So by the time we reach the lunar eclipse in Virgo at the 14th, we will be well prepared to set clear intentions for our real needs and expectations.
Last but not least, Mercury will do that Also Go retrograde in RAM on the 15th, so if you are not ready at this point to seriously think about what your soul ignites, March will not go any punches to ensure that it is done. (And don’t forget that the season of Ram itself starts on the 20th!).
Beduated? Don’t worry … We have covered you.
Let’s turn to the tarot for some concise, useful and guarantee guidance and insight into what to expect (with one big Arcana and each a small Arcana card) on a more personal level.
We have drawn 2 tarot cards for every constellation
Death & 9 of Pentakels (vice versa)
RamIs finding change and transformation, although it is not an easy transition.
The Death Card always asks us to look inside, investigate what works and what doesn’t work and really step into new horizons. You may be looking for new opportunities, especially because the 9 of Pentacles creates reverse tension with your finances and career.
However, to make the steps you are looking for, the changes must first come from within.
How did you stop yourself and what skin do you have to throw to be the version of yourself who can claim the life you know you deserve?
Temperance & Knight of Wands (vice versa)
Bull Looking for balance in difficult times.
Temperance is the stable alchemist, a patient figure of spiritual finesse and strength. You have been called to embody this archetype at the moment, despite the knight of magic ranging, reversing that this month consistently destabilizes your sense of ambition and willpower.
You can feel restless, insecure and often very spread in your desires.
But March is an opportunity to make special knowledge of this, more recently and intentionally to ground in the light of this instability.
Don’t miss it: you have drawn the temperance tarot card – what now?
The Fool & 9 of Swords (vice versa)
Twin Jumps in new things, throwing fears to the road.
The fool brings you a new beginning and fresh starts. This month is a time of expansion, open hearts and arms and life from a new perspective, ready or not.
This comes from an authentic release of everything you had previously stopped, especially fears and self -doubts about what your possibilities were real. The 9 of Swords reverse shows that you make a conscious attempt to get out of your own way.
With some effort and intentionality, March has the potential to be a powerful month for Gemini to make a number of strong changes.
The Hanged Man & Knight of Swords (vice versa)
Cancer Is deliberately reconsidering their next steps.
The hung man asks you to find a break and balance, especially because the knight of swords turned your thoughts and your perspective suddenly feels disoriented and foggy.
Perhaps you want to make restless decisions or speak to feel, but ultimately this month is about recently making self -protection, security and remembering your core values.
In appearance this may seem like a quiet time for most cancers. But internally you are busier than ever.
The sun and 2 of cups
Leo Discovered what really makes them shine this month!
The sun and the 2 cups are both beacons of positivity, good feelings and intense emotional connections. You feel seen, understood and safer in your relationships and friendships than before.
This set of cards encourages you to prioritize those you care about and pay attention to how your heart reacts to different people.
Just know that your intuition And Your heart now both speaks prominently to show you what is best for you and what and who you really support.
The wizard and 5 cups (vice versa)
VirginYou have to create and innovate without the extra pressure of perfectionism.
We know and love the tendency of Virgin to get everything right, because you tend to be one of the most productive and reliable signs of the zodiac.
The magician and the 5 of the cups, however, have turned back a hint that this month you are quite busy experimenting with new things (projects, connections, hobbies and work) … and mistakes are inevitable.
As a result, you have to give yourself a lot of grace to continue and laugh to these things, instead of getting caught in the details and disappointments.
Justice (vice versa) & 7 of pentacles (vice versa)
LibraThe balance you are looking for does not come from over analysis.
Although justice can be reversed, it can be a particularly difficult pain to resolve for scales (that consistently strive for and looking for balance and fairness), the 7 of pentacles warned against analyzing your next steps and plans on this.
You may not have selected everything at the moment, and that’s okay. Some things cannot be planned, and especially with work and career, you are encouraged to loosen the reins and let things play naturally.
This is not an easy task for scales, but it is a necessary for the coming month.
The Empress (vice versa) and 3 of Pentacles
ScorpioYou are a powerful maker, but everyone needs help every now and then.
The empress has your relationship with your intuition, your creative senses and your self -confidence reversed to forge your ability to make an abundant life for yourself.
Fortunately, the 3 of Pentacles indicate that you have a lot of willing support … if you choose to take others on their offers.
Sometimes solving everything alone is not the answer, and allowing others to contribute to your work and livelihood can actually be more rewarding, insightful and inspiring than ever expected.
The Moon (vice versa) and 7 of Mags
ArcherMysteries are revealed and there can be very little time to process them.
The moon inverted suggests that truths come to light and the fog that may have been confused is now on.
However, the 7 of the magic bricks also indicate that archer is quite busy this month, tied with your hands in all kinds of personal efforts, problems and complex social situations.
Trade now and process later. You will have time to understand and ask big questions about what everything means later, but now is a time to get on the board and definitely move.
The chariot and 9 of cups
Ibex Has a hugely abundant and successful month ahead … if you are ready to accept it all!
The 9 of the cups and the chariot are both especially positive signs of fulfilled desires, achieving your goals and claiming with confidence the life that you know you have always earned.
However, it all requires some self -awareness, real trust and the willingness to say “yes” to new things that come to you. In other words, it is not suddenly shy in the light of the success you have worked so hard to reach.
Otherwise there is enough for Capricorn to enjoy this March. Are you ready to grab it for yourself?
Wheel of Fortune & 8 or Swords
Aquarius still finds the fate that works for them, although it is not always a very glamorous journey.
The Wiel van Fortune suggests that this month turns to fall back into Destiny’s hands, the confidence that falls into the command of the universe, and knowing that you don’t always have to know everything.
The 8 of the swords will cause you some problems, whereby you bring all the ways to the attention you still feel modest and are stopped by yourself and the world around you.
But you are now struggling with hands-on and trying to concentrate on re-denying a healthy relationship with the unknown, and the effort is really what will count the most.
The World & Knight of Pentacles
FishGood things are just around the corner … Even when it has come for a long time.
The world promises that this month some finality, closure and full circle moments will offer previously initiated efforts and plans. You are in accordance with the ‘right path’, so to speak, and this month will help that reality confirm to you.
De Ridder van Pentakels also shows you mainly focused on your daily routines and responsibilities, so it is not as if you are deviating too far from the standard here.
In other words, although life goes in a solid direction, none of this should not be too surprising or from the way.
What else can you bring you March 2025
Life can be unpredictable and full of unexpected changes, but the wisdom of your tarotscope can give you a bit of an extra leg on that front!
However, as we judged in the beginning, a variety of other things are still happening under the surface – astrological, energetic and beyond.
Here are a few things to know what is coming:
Take the quiz: Which tarot card are you?