When: December 6, 2024 – February 23, 2025
What: Mars retrograde in Leo and Cancer
Takeaway: When Mars is retrograde in Leo and Cancer, anxiety increases and we may experience delays in our creative pursuits and ambitious endeavors. Avoid lashing out when you’re feeling competitive, or undermining others with moody one-liners when you’re irritated. Instead, explore your triggers and use this information to help you cultivate a clearer relationship with your anger, desire, self-advocacy, and personal power.
The go-getter planet is going to rewind
On December 6Mars stations retrograde in Leo, prompting us to review, rework and reassess our relationship with aggression and temper. The go-getter planet is connected to our vitality, our creative instincts, our ability to fight the good fight when necessary, and our willingness to take decisive action. However, when Mars is out of trouble, we may lash out, stand up for ourselves too much or too little, or cut ties prematurely rather than seeking compromise. And with Mars returning in this passionate fire sign, we are also tasked with learning how to unleash our radiant gifts and share our special talents sustainably and respectfully.
Rework your appearance
Leo is known as the superstar of the zodiac, always looking for a spotlight and a stage. But red carpets and photo ops aren’t all that matter to the Celestial Lion. This fixed fire sign is associated with the physical heart, which is a clue to its deeper meaning. Leo has the instinct to lavishly offer his bountiful treasures—whether artistic inspiration, material resources, or uplifting words—to other people and to the altar of life itself. When we have a healthy connection with the Leo archetype, we can celebrate our own generosity and allow others to enjoy the abundance in their lives, without shame or apology.
When Mars appears to travel in reverse, it invites us to reexamine our relationship with frustration and power. And when this confrontational planet turns in this theatrical sign, it urges us to examine the areas of our lives where we are too presumptuous or too timid in our self-expression. Where do we grab the microphone too hastily, literally or figuratively, and where do we secretly long to attract attention with more courage and fanfare? During this retrograde period, pay attention to any situations or circumstances that make you feel ignored by your colleagues or jealous of their success. Stimuli of annoyance indicate where your self-confidence could use some loving attention.
If you feel blocked or ignored during this time, indulge in slo-mo mode. It’s annoying when momentum stalls or positive feedback doesn’t flow in, but there is plenty of wisdom and self-knowledge to be gleaned during these dry spells. Revisit your projects and make sure they still resonate. If you don’t have enough energy to do them justice, rest. And if the fire in your belly is making you boil, look for constructive (and fun) outlets to release the steam.
Find clarity in your frustration
The pressure builds to a breaking point January 2, 2025when Mars squares Pluto, the planet of power and underworld travels. This is a powerful moment to clarify what is holding you back from sharing your uniqueness and making yourself a witness. However, this awareness can arise from arguments, ego clashes, or sudden obstacles that arise on your path to glory. If your best laid plans seem to be overshadowed by the show swimming of others or completely thwarted by the cosmos, temporarily lay down your sword. Humility is not about denying the validity of your dreams; it’s about becoming calm and still enough to open yourself up to guidance beyond your current range of understanding. Keep a journal about the roots of your frustration and the core of your desires in the situation at hand. Do you try to win battles and slay dragons just for your own benefit, or do you fight for the greater good? By recommitting to your deepest goals, you can leave tense scenarios behind without sacrificing your dignity or losing your sense of direction.
Don’t avoid conflict
On January 6, retrograde Mars shoots back into Cancer. There’s a reason why this cardinal water sign’s mascot is a soft-bellied, hard-shelled crustacean: Cancer is naturally concerned with emotional protection. So grab your tissues – and your list of simmering resentments.
This phase of Mars retrograde encourages us to delve deeper into our relationship with anger and temper – and to reflect on the patterns we developed in childhood or learned from early caregivers. How did you learn to express your annoyance as a child? Did you have the space to vent freely, or were you pressured to bottle up your outrage? Have you been allowed to assert your preferences, or are you still struggling to stand up for yourself? Check your own metaphorical crab shell and consider whether it needs repairing. If you experience increased irritability, please inquire within. If your feistiness signals that a line has been crossed, seek out the tools needed to fix it.
Just as real-life crabs tend to go sideways, we may also be more inclined to avoid conflict during Cancer transits. But if we’re not proactive in expressing our frustrations, they’re more likely to leak out in unproductive ways. Consider bouts of passive aggression or pouting as punishment. If you find yourself boiling inside or suddenly throwing a mini-tantrum, ask yourself if you’ve actually taken the time to express your feelings openly and directly before taking action. It can be challenging to express difficult emotions in a way that honors both yourself and others. If you don’t already have this skill, give yourself grace—commit to learning it and putting it into practice.
If housework, tending the fireplace or grooming are particularly stressful or heavy during this period, take it easy. Eventually your momentum will pick up again. For now, leave the messy junk drawers as they are and pass the tea, please.
8 ways to work with this Mars retrograde
Here are some tips to make the most of this transit and navigate the trickier moments of this retrograde Mars in Leo and Cancer:
- Learn as much as possible about conflict resolution, responsibility and recovery.
- Break. If frustration or competitiveness increases, take a deep breath. Celebrate the value of your own contributions, even if they sometimes go unrecognized. Assess what is more enlivening at the moment: demanding more attention for your offering or giving others space to shine. Strike a balance between acting as the main character and being a passive member of the audience.
- Meditate alone or with the guided meditations in the CHANI app. Think about all the ways you can deal with anger instead of feeling at the mercy of its whims.
- To elect your battles wisely. Mars retrograde is a time to delve inward, so a private journaling session will feel much purer than arguing with others.
- To make art expresses your irritation. Gather your jealousy. Write odes to your resentment. Dress up as your anger. You can alchemize annoyance by dealing with it artistically.
- Bill your limits. Do you have them? Do you need them? Have you made them known to others? When your outward defense mechanisms are flawed or unclear, you are more likely to become overwhelmed and lash out.
- Self-advocate. No one else will know what you need or what you feel if you don’t openly communicate your experiences. Practice expressing your preferences in a way that is clear and firm, but also compassionate and thoughtful.
- Discover how this retrograde will impact you by reviewing your results for October – December 2024 in the ‘This Year’ section of the CHANI app homepage.
Looking for more information? Read your daily horoscope:
Ram | Taurus | Twin | Cancer | Lion | Virgin | Libra
Scorpio | Archer | Ibex | Aquarius | Pisces
Then download the CHANI app iOS or Android for additional horoscopes, meditations, affirmations, readings for the current moon phase and sign, and more.