Many well-known and outstanding psychics have predicted many things that have come true. And yet some of those psychics also predicted things that didn’t happen. Unfortunately, when you hear about a prophecy that a well-known psychic creation has failed to come true, others point the finger at them and call them scammers, fakes, or worthless psychics.
Unfortunately, many tarot readers, mediums and others in the industry are not legit. They will tell their clients or the public what they want to hear rather than what they really feel. Unfortunately, these readers give the legitimate readers in the industry a bad name for their dishonesty. However, you should remember several reasons why psychic predictions are made by the best or better than average psychics don’t always work out. Now let’s discuss some of those reasons.
There is no such thing as a psychic with a 100% accuracy rate
Excellence is what you want to see in any professional you hire, not perfection. That’s because perfection isn’t realistic. There is no such thing as a psychic or tarot reader with a hundred percent percentage. And if there was a reader who said yes, they are not fair. Think of a famous doctor. You want to have a doctor who is highly skilled and knows his craft well. However, even the best doctor will make some mistakes, because perfection does not exist. Regardless of their profession, anyone humble enough to tell you that they always try their best but aren’t perfect is trustworthy. The ones who tell you they are better than other professionals in their field and never make mistakes are the ones you should avoid with a ten foot pole.
Understand that free will can change the way fate plays out
The last thing you want is to ever go to a psychic or tarot reader who tells you what will happen in your life that is set in stone. That’s because nothing is set in stone, because there’s no such thing. If they say so, then it is dishonesty on their part. At the same time, however, I believe that some things are destined to happen, and those things are inevitable. Does that sound contradictory? I’ll explain this better. Nothing is set in stone, because you are free to choose whatever path you choose in life. However, once you choose a certain path, certain things will happen that are inevitable. That’s fate.
Sometimes there are a few things in your life that will inevitably happen no matter what path you take. For example, if you look at your birth chart, you will see specific karmic points in your chart. At the same time, however, that doesn’t stop you from making choices that will lead you to other things that are destined to happen in your life. I’ll explain this better.
If you were born into a low-income family, that was the purpose of your life. That was probably for you to experience living a life where you had to have a family to make ends meet. However, there is nothing certain that will put you in financial trouble for the rest of your life. You may have planets such as a connected Saturn in your Second House that indicate a living paycheck to paycheck.
But what if a favorable Venus or Jupiter transit makes an easy aspect to Saturn or another area of your horoscope during a crucial time in life that can lead to improving your financial situation? Whether you take advantage of those opportunities is not entirely dependent on free will. If you are entrenched that being rich is not in your hands because you see your parents struggling, you will reject those opportunities and face financial difficulties in life. That will be your destiny, for that is the path you take. However, if you realized that you can break free from the financial hardships and find the right money-making opportunity, your destiny would be very different – and richer.
A current example of how free will interfered with the way fate played out
Before I talk about this example, when I do tarot readings for clients, I always ask them to be specific with their questions. Otherwise I wouldn’t get a clear message out of the cards. However, if they ask me to research something based on a specific path they’re taking and get a result that isn’t favorable, they’re asking if that’s destined to happen. I always tell them it’s destined to happen if they go down the path that the cards said wasn’t the best to follow. However, I also tell them that there is such a thing as free will, and that they can change their destiny by following a different path. Therefore, if they ask me to look in a different direction that they intend to take, and the cards reveal a much better message – that is the direction they should take to achieve a better fate.
That means if, for example, they ask me to research how a job they applied for would turn out and the message I got from the cards didn’t show the best result, then it would be best to look for another job who would. provide a much better result. So that’s an example of a common problem I research for clients.
Let’s take a look at that example. In December I did a tarot reading, exploring when the pandemic would end in certain countries. The way the cards appeared resulted in August 2021, which we now know is wrong. Was it wrong because I didn’t know my stuff? No. And I will also reiterate that I don’t have one hundred percent accuracy. No reader does. At the same time, however, it could have happened. I’ll tell you why. The lecture was conducted immediately after Pfizer and Moderna were ready and approved. Because I thought about that while reading, the cards picked up on that.
By August 2021, and even earlier, the US, Canada, UK and many places in Europe had enough vaccines to cover the eligible population. So on that basis, the pandemic could have ended regardless of its variants in those countries. However, as we know, there has been no end to it because vaccine uptake has been inadequate, and while the vaccines were there, they may have been less accessible to many people. That’s free will interfering with that prediction. Therefore, since that happened, that changed fate. Therefore, unfortunately, the pandemic continues and rages in many parts of the world. The only thing about free will is that no one can ever predict it. Therefore, if a conscientious and highly accurate psychic ever predicted something that wouldn’t happen, they could have been wrong. However, free will may have probably played an important role.
The conclusion is that no clairvoyant has perfect accuracy. It’s not happening. Second, free will cannot be predicted at all. Therefore, nothing is set in stone, nor can it be. If you decide to follow a certain path, things will inevitably happen. That’s why it’s fate. However, you can always change course because of free will, which will change your future. That’s something to remember: the choices you make will lead you to an inevitable destination.
Let’s say you’re not sure what choice to make regarding a job, an important goal, or the direction you want a relationship to take. In that case, it’s a good idea to consult a reputable reader or trusted therapist to help you make the best decision. You want to maximize your chances of the best result.