As I sit on my couch while my husband indulges in a horrible binge on Netflix (I assure you there’s no Netflix and chill happening here) and eat a drumstick which is of course choc mint because there’s really no other flavor that takes up my time is worth, I have achieved something. I am sunk in what we call ‘reality’. I feel completely comfortable sitting at home with my family and have no paranormal thoughts or the urge to open Google for some research. I am in a ‘non-paranormal state of mind’. It happens from time to time and I’ve blogged about it before because for most of us this is what we call our ‘love jobs’. We all have lives, families and jobs that sometimes need to be prioritized. Especially at this time of year, with only a handful of days to go until Christmas. Family must and will always come first. For me, I’ve been working on fulfilling my two sons’ ever-changing Christmas gift list, doing oh so much cleaning, and indulging in one too many wines, chocolate puddings, and roast lunches (and it’s not even Christmas yet!) . Not really much time for anything paranormal, right?
It got me thinking about other times of the year when you can lose motivation in a paranormal love job. Maybe you are tired from work, sick, have some personal problems or simply have a serious CBF complaint. Sometimes you have to take a step back and say, “Okay, what is it that drives me. What do I want to achieve with what I do?’ Why am I putting all this time and effort into this? If your answer is: I want to be a paranormal television star or some kind of paranormal celebrity, then please go away. For me? I’m doing this because I want answers. Yes, I know there is something after we die. We will probably never really know what it is exactly. That is why I like to delve deeper into the individual cases and locations. I thrive on research. I want to put stories together. I want names, year of death, cause of death, career, why they are in this specific place and what it has to do with. Can I link this back to historical information? That is my main focus when I do research. Then there are a lot of other questions…. Why is the specific spirit I communicated with in this place still here? Do they have a message? Why didn’t they move on? Are they earthbound or are they just visiting? What does all that actually mean? Are they ghosts we are dealing with or are they alternate realities or time lapses? I will probably never know the true answers to these questions, but what I do know is what I think and what I believe. One of the things I enjoy most is discussing all these points with my fellow researchers. I can sit for hours and I do that quite regularly with my team, which ultimately leads to “Can we come up with an answer to these questions that we can test?” Can we prove what we think we know?’ I feel the motivation coming back by writing about it!
When I feel lost or there is no research scheduled to tie me down, it is these theories etc. that I focus on. I investigate. I talk to different people online in groups and read all kinds of articles, which are mostly just different opinions, but they are there. I find fellow researchers at events and share stories and theories (which is honestly one of my favorite things to do). Some of the best and most engaging conversations you can have are about these things with a fellow researcher. Maybe you have common ground or maybe you have completely different views. It does not matter. Engage in dialogue and don’t be afraid to express your opinion. There is no right or wrong answer in this area because we all believe different things and ultimately I think we all do our own thing to try to prove what we believe to be true. If this isn’t motivation enough for you, I don’t know what is!
On a special note, I would like to thank you all for your support since the launch of this blog. I honestly didn’t expect anyone “except maybe my mom” to read my blog and even care about what I had to say. I am certainly not a paranormal expert and compared to many people in this field, I am very new. I’m open to learning and just sharing my opinions and experiences as a creative outlet because I just love the paranormal. It saved me from normality, because who wants to be normal anyway? xxxxx
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