“Why am I here?” “What is my goal?” These are the questions you ask yourself over and over again when you feel lost in life, but what if I told you that the secret to finding those answers lies in numbers? Yes, numerology can easily tell you what your purpose in life is! Are you meant to be a pioneer and discover and invent new things every time, or are you destined for love in all its forms to be the driving force in your life? All you need to know is your date of birth and the secret of your life path will become clear.
What is a Life Path Number?
When it comes to numerology, the life path number is the foundation of your entire life. Everything in numerology is very appropriately named, so this is the number that sheds light on what your greater purpose in life is.
In Western cultures, we often assume that there is a definitive mark to be made on the world, that each of us is here to do something specific and meaningful. I want you to take a moment to think about the indigenous belief that we are simply nature, and not here to do anything greater than exist as a tree and a rock do (although trees and rocks (although they can do incredible things if given enough time). .
Your life path number doesn’t tell you what company you should work for, who you will marry, or whether you will become rich, but it does tell you the overall motivation and focus of your life.
Find your life path number
Finding your life path number is easy: all you need to know is your date of birth. So write your date of birth on a piece of paper and place a plus sign between each number. For example, if you were born on August 13, 1995, it would look like this:
Now add all those numbers together. For the person born on August 13, 1995, the solution to the birthday addition sentence would be 36. Most people get a double-digit number like that, so now you have to add the numbers within that double-digit number until you get: a single-digit number.
It’s easy enough for our example person who was given the number 36 because 3+6=9. However, sometimes you can end up with a number like 19, which adds up to 10 when you add 1 to 9. If you get another double digit number, just keep adding them together until you get one digit.
Master numbers
Sometimes something magical happens when you add all the digits of your date of birth together. For example, if you were born on January 10, 1991, your calculation would look like this:
When you get a repeating number, such as 11, 22, 33 or 44, that is a master number. Master numbers carry a bit more weight and responsibility. It’s a bit like the universe pushes you outside of yourself and to do something that has more impact for your community and beyond.
You always want to stop adding numbers when you get to a main number. For example, if you add the digits of your date of birth and get 38, you add 3+8 and find out it’s 11, congratulations! That means your life path number is a master number.
What is your life path?
Okay, now you have your life path number, but what does it mean? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered, just scroll to your number and read what the path of your life should be.
1 the individual
You are here to chart a new path and step to the beat of your own drum. The lessons of your life are aimed at gaining crystal clear insights into who you really are. Your power lies in your ability to think for yourself and courageously go where others only dream of. Your weakness is in your lone wolf mentality. When you learn to be part of something bigger, you stay balanced.
2 the relationship
Love and relationships rule your world. Your lessons are about trusting your feelings and listening to your body. This is because your greatest strength lies in your observation skills and your ability to sense information that seemingly comes out of nowhere. Your weakness is your lack of impulsiveness and action. You are so wise, but what good is it if you don’t use it?
3rd student
Your life is one of learning, creating and socializing. Your life lessons have to do with time and energy management, as you will have more hobbies and friends than you really know what to do with. Your strength lies in your ability to stay positive and open to new things. Your weakness is your lack of perseverance (not everything in life has to reach the finish line, but some things do).
4 the foundation
Life is a journey of rooting and grounding. Your lessons involve figuring out your core values and how to maintain a sense of comfort and security. Your power lies in your loyalty. You see every relationship as something that could potentially stay in your life forever, and so you treat them as such. Your weakness is your fear of change; most things don’t last forever!
5 the artist
Your life is a hedonistic journey of joy and self-expression. Your lessons have to do with consumption, vices and limitations. Your strength is your never ending zest for life, you love living life to the fullest and you bring that same spark into the lives of the people closest to you. Your weakness is addiction and obsession. Too much of a good thing can certainly be bad.
6 the healer
Life is about love and helping others. The lessons you learn in life often have to do with all kinds of relationships. Your strength is your generosity and your giving heart. Your weakness is the same! You will have to learn not to pour from an empty cup, to put yourself first as a means of preservation, while at the same time understanding that sometimes people will take advantage of your kindness.
7 the philosopher
You’re asking the big questions and you’re here to find answers along the way, whether it’s through science, spirituality, or both! Your life lessons involve faith, logic, and opening and closing your mind. Your strength is your wisdom and intelligence (yes, those are different things). Your weakness is your superiority complex. Don’t start believing that you are a god just because you often think about its existence.
8 the magician
You are here to master energy in some way, whether that is through the rise of power and the acquisition of money, or perhaps through magic and mysticism. Your lessons are about understanding the subtle energetic shifts that lead to major changes, understanding the flow of the universe. Your weakness is powerlessness, which will arise again and again in your life.
9 the explorer
You are here to explore, discover, learn and break through the boundaries and bonds you were born into. Your life lessons involve world travel, higher education, and foreign or alien affairs. Your strength is your ability to adapt to any situation. Your weakness is your wanderlust and lack of dedication.
11 the inspiring leader
Your life will be a legendary one with many winding paths to wind down. Your lessons are many! Life is full of practical learning experiences, but unlike others, you know how to turn lemons into gold. Your strength is your ability to learn from past mistakes. Your weakness is your need to be liked by others.
22 the master builder
You are here to build something that will not only support your weight, but also help lift up your family, members of your community, and people who will live far beyond you. Your strength is your courage, your perseverance and your ability to solve any problem. Your weakness is perfectionism. Nothing can be great without a few mistakes.
33 the master healer
You feel a sacred duty to the earth, its people and animals too. Your life lessons will push you to strengthen your purpose, whether that’s helping children with cancer, cleaning up the oceans, or starting an animal rescue farm. Your strength is your ability to give more time, effort and energy than most others. Your weakness is other people, don’t get caught up in the haters!
44 the master manifester
You are destined to become a great witch! Your life lessons involve learning to manifest by understanding that when you focus your mind on a certain outcome, it will most likely come to fruition. Your power is your ability to learn to manifest and create the life of your dreams. Your weakness is power and ego.