Get ready for a shift in energy, because the Sun is about to enter the balanced, intellectual sign of Libra! On September 22, the Sun enters this harmonious, creative sign.
Happy birthday, dear Libra!
As we head into your season, it’s time to prepare and take stock – and we’ve put together a list of the best tips and tricks to help you make the most of this season. Learning how to prepare yourself for the coming astrological energy will help you navigate this period of transformation with grace and ease.
Libra brings harmony to your life that often requires change, and preparing yourself for this period will help you flow smoothly with the changing energy. This month an increase in the desire to communicate, socialize and look for common ground with others is on the menu.
What tricks do you have up your sleeve this year, Libra?
When is Libra season?
The Sun moves into this Air sign on September 22, 2024
Celebrities born during Libra season
We all know that Libras are charming and entertaining, which might explain why so many of our favorite movie stars and artists were born under this sign!
Some of the celebrities born under the sign of Libra are:
If you’re a Libra yourself, take a moment to enjoy the company of your fellow Libras – because you share not only a common sign, but also the trait of being absolutely fantastic!
What are Libra’s strengths?
Each sign in the zodiac possesses unique strengths, and Libra’s traits are among the kindest and most charming.
These strengths will fill your mind during Libra season, helping you make the most of this time of balance and harmony. Ruled by Venus, Libras are attracted to love and beauty, and these two aspects of life are high on their list of things in life that matter.
Symbolized by the scales of justice, Scales are interested in doing the right thing and ensuring that those around them are not taken advantage of. And their ability to reach almost anyone makes it easier for them to mediate between parties.
This sign knows how to cooperate and get along with others, and is often seen as the sign most capable of harmonious negotiations. Libras know how to find the middle ground needed to create connection and understanding within relationships – both personal and business.
Scales Also have balanced energy that helps them avoid going to extremes. While the Sun is in Libra, you can expect a more emotionally balanced approach to life, and it may become easier to face situations that previously felt insurmountable.
Their love of beauty ensures that Libras are almost always stylish and adept at interior decoration. It’s unlikely you’ll walk into a Libra’s home and not find beautiful decor and a beautiful wardrobe.
Venus gives Libras a unique, fashionable sense of style that they simply can’t let go of.
Scales are also:
- Objective
- Analytical
- Diplomatic
- Intelligent
- Adaptable
- Curious
- Romantic
- Friendly
- Flexible
You can expect all of these qualities to express themselves through you this Libra season, regardless of your sun sign.
Areas of growth during Libra season
Just as every sign possesses strengths, they also have weaknesses that may require attention and work, and Libra is no exception.
Because Libras crave balance and harmony, they sometimes avoid telling others a truth that they think could lead to conflict. During Libra season, you may feel like you need to keep certain thoughts and ideas to yourself to avoid upsetting those around you. Still, it’s important to remember that honesty and communication are key.
Libra is a very flirty sign and you may come across as more provocative than usual.
During Libra season, try to assess your environment and your audience to avoid inappropriate behavior. Although flirting is harmless, you never know who might end up leading you on when Libra’s seductive nature is highlighted!
It may seem like indecision is plaguing you during Libra season because its light-hearted nature makes it harder to choose between options. Libras are analytical and want to think carefully before making decisions. This can be frustrating when you have a deadline!
The air element that rules Libra also disconnects us from grounded energy and encourages us to spend more time with our thoughts than living in reality. Chores, exercise, reading, and other responsibilities feel much harder to accomplish during this time.
During Libra season you may also feel:
- Sufficient
- Superficial
- Hesitating
- Gullible
- Insensitive
Keeping these things in mind can help you better understand any negative moods or experiences you may be having during this Libra season.
What can you expect this Libra season?
Prepare to notice a subtle shift in energy, as well as a difference in how you view others, as the Sun moves through Libra.
Libra has a lot of ideas and creative energy. They love to talk, and they are masters of making those around them feel more comfortable. The sense of justice and diplomacy inherent in Libra’s nature encourages us to build deeper bonds with our loved ones, as well as stronger relationships in our community.
Libra season can bring the peaceful energy needed to rebuild connections and help us overcome arguments or conflict.
Here are our top tips for making the most of Libra season!
1. Make new friends and maintain older connections
As the Sun moves through friendly Libra, this is the time to make new friends and reconnect with your old ones.
Venus is the planet of love, and during Libra season we can’t help but long for both romantic and platonic love. Fortunately, there are many ways to connect in the 21st century. If you’re single and ready to mingle, why not try online and virtual dating?
If you’re feeling lonely, call an old friend you haven’t spoken to in a while.
Or schedule a video chat with someone you recently met. Finding ways to connect with other people will start to raise your vibrations and help you shake off any funk this year may have brought your way.
2. Get involved in your community
Another great way to feel more connected And Satisfy Libra’s desire to help others by getting involved in your community. This is an excellent time to volunteer for a cause you believe in.
And when the Sun moves through Libra, we all have an extra spark in our personalities, making it easier than ever to step outside our comfort zone. Volunteering is an excellent way to meet new people while contributing something loving and compassionate to the world around you.
As an added bonus, you’ll sleep like a baby knowing you spent time and effort spreading positive energy into the universe.
3. Prepare for compromise
Libras are known to excel in the art of debate, which could explain why so many lawyers are Libras. However, this sign is also diplomatic and adept at negotiations. During this Libra season, you may walk the line between argumentative and compromising as you want to not only express your opinions but also get along with others.
Ultimately, what do we really gain from being “right” in an argument or debate? Now is the time to focus more deeply on interacting and connecting with others. Try to focus on compassion rather than the desire to win a fight.
4. Let truth and justice reign
The symbol associated with Libra is the scales of justice, which emphasize Libra’s interest in doing what is right and ensuring that others do the same. Libras don’t stand idly by while others are abused or mistreated – and as long as the Sun is in Libra, you also feel compelled to stand up for those around you.
Additionally, to make the most of Libra season and move toward growth and enlightenment, it’s important to ensure your actions during this time are honorable. That means avoiding gossip, word vomit, and negative speech in general.
Words have power, and the words you put out have an energy all their own.
If you use your words to create positivity and harness good energy, you can use this transit to create harmony and compassion all around you. Use your words to cheer people up and show them you care!
It’s also important that you respect your boundaries to infuse your relationships with love and respect. Libra is connected to the Justice card in the Tarot and symbolizes the rules and structures necessary to maintain positive, healthy relationships. So even though you don’t want to hurt someone else’s feelings, it’s crucial that you draw a line in the sand when it comes to your personal boundaries.
Honesty, openness and being fully and authentically yourself are the best ways to create the relationships and bonds you have always dreamed of – full of mutual respect and understanding.
5. Practice self-control
Although Venus is known as the planet of beauty and love, it is also a planet of pampering. Venus is all about enjoying good food, delicious cocktails, expensive fashion and great art. You’ll certainly experience some temptation as the Sun moves through Libra, but it’s important to remember self-control.
Working with amethyst is an excellent idea during Libra season as it will help you strengthen your willpower and say ‘no’ to the things you don’t need.
Try to spend more time collecting what you have need about buying what you have want to.
Make the most of Libra season 2024
The creative, harmonious, friendly energy that Libra brings makes us feel lighter this Libra season. Take advantage of all that public transportation has to offer by focusing on doing good for the community, being compassionate to others, and expressing yourself creatively.
With a little focus and effort, you can make this the most exciting and thrilling Libra season yet!
Related article: The Ultimate Guide to Sun Signs