We all have that alter ego that comes out when we have a few drinks in us. It’s as if alcohol makes everyone take on a different personality.
Some of us become sad and moody, while others become the joker. Want to know what kind of drunk you are based on your zodiac sign?
Then read on to find out:
Aries – The aggressive drunk
Aries is the warrior sign of the zodiac. The fact that their ruling sign is Mars probably has something to do with it. When this sign gets drunk, their inner aggressor can come out to play. Aries is the type of drunk who starts fights and gets into all kinds of fights until eventually someone has to throw him out of the club.
Taurus – The indulgent drunkard
Taurus is one of the signs that know how to enjoy life and experience the greatest pleasure in their lives. It’s all about them having fun and indulging all their senses. A Taurus usually has a pretty good tolerance for alcohol, as they like to enjoy a nightcap of wine in the evening. This means you might not even notice that a Taurus is drunk, despite them throwing back drink after drink all night long as they stand around stoically and observe everyone else.
Gemini – The gossiping drunk
Gemini is the greatest communicator in the zodiac. This sign loves to socialize every day, but when alcohol is involved, it takes on a whole new meaning. Geminis are repositories of information, people tend to open up to it and all a Gemini has to do is absorb all this knowledge. However, once they have a few drinks under their belt, their lips become quite loose and all information seems to become public knowledge. This sign will gossip and talk about people like it’s a national sport, so be careful what you reveal to a Gemini because you never know what they might reveal when they’re drunk!
Cancer – the emotional drunk
Cancers are very emotional people and when you add alcohol to that, you can expect a lot of waterworks. Cancers are the kind of people who get super emotional after having a drink or two. Usually they start crying about one of their failed relationships. Cancers can sometimes look a bit tough, but when they have alcohol in their system, they become soft like jelly and are really in touch with their feelings. When they first start sharing, they can’t seem to stop. They share every little thing they feel and seek emotional support from just about anyone.
Leo – The dramatic drunk
Leos are dramatic at the best of times, so imagine their need for attention skyrocketing after they’ve had a few drinks. This sign will do almost anything to get people to notice them and give them the adoration they desire. Leo is definitely the one who stands in the club, steps on the tables and dances with his heart and soul. They are also most likely the person who will pose for photos and send selfies to their entire contact list. When a Leo is drunk, the whole world knows about it.
Virgo – the very critical drunkard
Virgos are perfectionists and like to help people. This sign certainly has a critical edge on a good day, but when they get drunk they lose all their filters and will honestly tell anyone what they think of them. A drunken Virgo tends to be a bit rude as they hurl all kinds of insults at anyone who comes near them. They say everything they want to say when they’re sober. They will criticize anyone about almost anything, from the way people are dressed to the DJ’s poor taste in music. It’s best not to get on Virgo’s bad side because you’ll definitely hear about it after they’ve had a drink.
Libra – The flirty drunk
Libra is the sign that revolves around love and romance and when they have had a few drinks, they become even more loving than usual. They tend to become extremely flirtatious and usually walk away with a few figures. Their goal when they go out is to have a cuddle with some random cutie in the corner. They become even more sweet and charming if that is even possible. When a Libra gets drunk, they love to share the love and make everyone around them feel as happy and comfortable as they do.
Scorpio – The sexy drunk
When a Scorpio gets drunk, his inner siren is awakened. This sign is highly sexual and they exude this confidence and sex appeal after a few drinks. Sometimes they can be a bit standoffish and difficult to get to know, but with alcohol in their system they find it a lot easier to loosen up and connect with people. This sign knows exactly what they want, and when they see someone who catches their eye, they will pursue them with their special brand of drunken confidence. Their highly sexual nature only becomes more apparent when they are drunk and they will not stop until they have captured their prey.
Sagittarius – The drunk who never wants to quit
If there’s one sign that knows how to party, it’s Sagittarius. This board is all about having fun and when alcohol is added to the mix, they will party until the sun comes up. Their drunk personality is basically their everyday personality – it will be very difficult for anyone to tell the difference. They will become even more positive and optimistic as they try to give everyone around them an equally good time. A drunk Sagittarius is a happy Sagittarius. The only thing this sign is all about is having fun, living in the moment and experiencing life to the fullest.
Capricorn – The sober drunk
As the most serious and responsible sign of the zodiac, you would think that a Capricorn rarely drinks, but this is absolutely not the case. This sign likes to get down and one of their favorite ways to relax is to have a few drinks. They find that it really helps them to de-stress and let go of all their worries. Their minds are usually stuck on work and what they would like to achieve, and sometimes they just need an escape from reality and this is exactly what alcohol gives them. However, you will never see a Capricorn break through his stoic nature. They may be drunk, but they’re definitely still in control of themselves, maybe just a little looser and more at ease.
Aquarius – The drunken conspiracy theorist
An Aquarius is interested in all kinds of weird and wonderful things, but sometimes they hide this because they know that what they find interesting is not for everyone. This will be a different story once they’ve had a few drinks. An Aquarius will then loosen up and start talking about the latest conspiracy theories, from Aliens to 9/11, to anyone who is willing to listen. This sign has quite a few strong opinions about things and really enjoys talking about their theories. If it is at all possible, an Aquarius will become even more intellectual and boisterous if he has had some alcohol.
Pisces – The drunken dreamer
Pisces are the dreamers of the zodiac. They love to fantasize and explore the depths of their imagination. This is a form of escapism for them, but that also applies to alcohol. This sign is extremely sensitive and empathetic, and sometimes life can get quite tough for them and this is when they look for different ways to cope. Pisces really like to party and have fun and are usually a fun drunk who just wants to have fun. Unfortunately, many Pisces fall into the trap of drinking when they can’t find a healthier way to deal with their emotions and feelings. Drinking can give a Pisces a sense of relief from life. But of all the signs, alcohol is often the most dangerous for Pisces, because it can quickly become an addiction for them. They should rather focus on their spirituality to deal with their feelings.