Have you ever gone to a coffee shop thinking you know what you want, only to have second thoughts as soon as you’re ready to order? You know you want something more exciting than a regular cup of coffee! However, you are not sure which coffee is ideal for you.
If you want to try types of coffee other than the typical espresso or cappuccino (which might also be your ideal type), then you’ll want to read this because you’ll learn about the best type of coffee that’s ideal for your zodiac sign.
Ram – Double espresso
Aries, you are courageous and courageous, which means you are open to anything. Moreover, you have no problem stepping out of your comfort zone, which means you take risks. Not only are you brave, but you also have the determination to try new things.
That’s why you definitely want to try the double espresso. Yep, you don’t just want one shot of the powerful stuff, you go for two. And you’ll be glad you did, and maybe even convince others to try it.
Taurus – Dirty Chai
Taurus, you love your comfort zone a little too much, but you’re also very sensual, so if that means trying new foods and drinks, then you’re game. That’s why the ideal coffee for you is dirty chai. Chai tea with steamed milk and a shot of espresso form the composition of this dirty chai coffee.
You will find it comforting and delicious. The coffee drink is sweet and contains enough caffeine to make you work hard because you can achieve everything you set out to do.
Gemini – A latte that suits the right season
Gemini, you are on the go and need variety in your life. That’s why you don’t settle for just one type of coffee. Instead, you’ll find that the seasonal latte is your kind of coffee. While it’s fall, the ideal coffee is the Pumpkin Spice Latte for you.
And as the holidays approach, go for the peppermint mocha latte. Whatever it is, you’ll happily grab your seasonal latte and chat with your friends in the cafe because that’s what you love to do.
Cancer – French Pressed Cafe Au Lait
Cancer, you love everything that has to do with home and family. That’s why the best coffee for Cancer is easy to make at home, even if they have a coffee maker without any bells and whistles. Lobsters can choose any home coffee, but the one that is perfect to start the day the right way in the comfort of their home is the French-pressed café au lait, as it consists of dark roasted and steamed milk. There’s nothing that feels more like home than that.
Leo – Affogato
Leo, you have a sense of royalty and love everything refined, just as you have thoughts of grandeur. Therefore, any ordinary cup of coffee will not be good enough for you. Instead of a regular cup of coffee, you want an affogato, a strong coffee dessert wrapped in one.
That coffee consists of vanilla ice cream on top of espresso; sipping it will make you feel like royalty. You can’t go wrong enjoying an affogato while feeling like you’re on top of the world.
Virgo – Ristretto
Virgo, you are practical and friendly at the same time, even though you can be over-analytical. That’s why the ideal cup of coffee for you is the ristretto, a short espresso to give a caffeine kick. However, the caffeine kick isn’t too much to prevent a good night’s sleep.
But being practical, you would only sip it in the morning so you can start your day right, otherwise you wouldn’t touch it because you want to make sure you can sleep at a reasonable hour.
Libra – Cappuccino
Libra, you are balanced and you need peace. That is why the best coffee for you is the cappuccino, a balanced coffee that can result from a harmonious coffee blend. That’s why you can’t go wrong if you drink a cappuccino every morning while enjoying a scone or croissant.
This way you start your day excellently. And if you want to have a quiet experience during the day, you can go to the coffee shop and order yourself a cappuccino so you can sit there and enjoy it while you unwind.
Scorpio – Red Eyes Coffee
Scorpio, you are intense, and all you want to do is drink an equally intense coffee. That is why the ideal coffee for you is the red eye coffee. The red eye is a coffee drink that is a mix of regular drip coffee with espresso. This is ideal because the red eye has a bit of a bite and you can tell this is an intense brew.
Therefore, on the way to work, unless you have time to brew one at home, you can go to the coffee shop and ask for a red-eye brew and grab it to go.
Sagittarius – Frappe
Sagittarius, you are adventurous and very cheerful, that’s why you want to have a nice coffee. You are not satisfied with a regular coffee. It must be a lot of fun. An example of this is the frappe. The frappe is an iced coffee consisting of cream, syrup, ice and espresso.
There are also many different frappe recipes you might like. And some replace the ice cream with vanilla ice cream. Frappes are also easy to brew; Since you are often in a hurry, it won’t take long.
Capricorn – Long Black
Capricorn, you are the serious, no-nonsense, hard worker who prefers a no-frills coffee that suits your personality. You can be black and white with your thinking, which is why the long black coffee is ideal. The long black one pours the double espresso shot over hot water.
And you don’t drink it all at once because it’s too strong. It is strong because you don’t add cream or sugar to it. It’s a refined drink, and you like it too.
Aquarius – Turkish coffee
Aquarius, you are the one who likes to think outside the box, and you are independent, a forward thinker and do what you want. You are also not the one who would want to conform, which means you would choose a coffee that is not so common anywhere else but in Turkey.
That’s why Turkish coffee is perfect for you, because you can make it with ground beans. And then you cook it by adding spices. The concoction would surprise many people, but you love it.
Pisces – Mocha
Pisces, you are dreamy, romantic and very artsy, which is why you would like a sweet coffee. But even if others don’t see it, you still love something that can add a bold touch. That is why the mocha is the ideal coffee for you. You think of it as a warm dessert in a cup consisting of milk, coffee and chocolate.
Mocha is also the grown-up version of hot chocolate, but it still has such a luxurious taste. The mocha contains enough caffeine to give you the kick you need to start your day, but you like the idea of starting the day with this sweet coffee.
After reading, do you now feel like having a cup of coffee? Who can blame you, but you’ll want to check the time of day. You want to make sure you don’t drink a highly caffeinated drink too late in the afternoon or you won’t get the sleep you need. However, if you find any of these concoctions captivating, regardless of your zodiac sign, you’ll definitely want to try them out. If you don’t have one yet, buy a coffee maker as it is one of the best investments you can make. Enjoy it.