First of all, what is Uranus about?
This is the planet that rules Aquarius, so you can expect a little bit of the unexpected, a little bit of the unusual, a little bit of the weird and wonderful.
Uranus Real likes to shake things up, so it’s best to expect the unexpected around this time and not have too many exceptions.
Adaptability and flexibility are the name of the game.
Uranus turns direct in Taurus on January 27, 2024. You may be wondering what Uranus direct Real mean?
Track all the planet’s movements with the exclusive January 2024 Astrology Calendar!
What does it mean when Uranus goes direct?
Have you ever been in a relationship with someone where it felt like you weren’t really being true to who you are?
This doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship. Maybe you just felt unable to express your authentic self for whatever reason. Usually these reasons are based on fear. We fear that we will not be accepted. We are afraid that someone will get angry with us and so on.
Much of this internal stress occurs when Uranus is retrograde. Uranus does all those out-of-the-box things we want to do or say, but hold ourselves back.
When Uranus is retrogradewe hold all those things.
Because we worry.
However, Uranus direct gives us just the push we need to let it all out. This is the main reason why Uranus direct is a good thing.
That idea you wanted to pitch to your boss? That promise you wanted to propose to your loved one? That problem you wanted to discuss with your best friend? That new outfit or hairstyle you’ve been dying to try but have been holding back?
This will all come true when Uranus goes direct.
The answers to the “what if” question land directly under Uranus, which is why it can be exciting. Dreams actually come true!
Your 2024 action plan for Uranus Direct
It is important to keep in mind that Uranus is in “fallwhen in Taurus.
This isn’t a big surprise. Uranus is full of surprises, and the slow, Fixed earth sign Taurus prefers the predictable. Surprises can really set their hackles on edge.
So it’s important to find the balance between the two, which includes making plans and being as stable and grounded as you can, saving for rainy days, and focusing on your long-term plans.
At the same time, Uranus brings truth, insight and freedom as it becomes direct, and there will be a strong desire to break away from all that is false and lacking in authenticity.
In other words, be prepared for some Tower Tarot card moments!
Any plans, relationships or structures you have carefully built or are planning with that earthly Taurus energy can undergo a drastic shake-up if they are built on the wrong foundation.
Uranus does not tolerate falsehood. If you haven’t been honest with yourself, Uranus will somehow force you to see the truth.
With Uranus squaring Jupiter since stationing, these upheavals could turn into outbursts. Monitor your emotions and the emotions of others!
Learn more by reading: Why you need to know about sextiles, trines and squares
What Uranus Direct means for your zodiac sign
So what’s the advice for you when January 27th rolls around based on your sign? Be cautious, of course, but embrace what is to come.
After all, Uranus is revolutionary, and no matter how shocking or sudden the changes are, they are ultimately for the better in the long run and the bigger picture.
Discover what Uranus directly means for your zodiac sign!
Big changes are coming and you may get caught in hair-raising moments that will leave you feeling like steam is coming out of your ears!
But these moments encourage you to break free from everything that’s holding you back. Whether it’s aspects of your relationships or the feeling of being stuck in a rut in your career, Uranus direct brings intense clarification that can help steer you in the right direction.
It’s time to harness that inner fire of yours, but at the same time preserve it checked, Ram.
Your perseverance is strengthened when Uranus turns direct. What you need to prepare for, however, is the possibility that the plan you have in mind may not go exactly as planned.
Keep doing what you’re doing, but accept that you may need to make adjustments here and there to get where you need to be.
Don’t underestimate the importance of flexibility, Taurus. In any case, it is crucial to achieve your goals.
The old ways of doing things may no longer work and with unexpected and sometimes unsettling events on the horizon, you must prepare to adapt to what is new and different.
Sometimes you can get stuck in a rut, and habit can sometimes be your worst enemy. But the more you are willing to go with the flow, the greater your chances of success. Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone.
What needs to be done must be done indeed, Gemini. This is the lesson for you with Uranus direct!
As much as you want to stay where you are and continue with things as they are, that’s not an option with this Uranus direct!
Big things are ahead of you, especially career-wise. You may experience a completely different change in direction. The danger lies within yourself. You have great potential to get things moving this year, but insecurities or inhibitions may be standing in your way.
Don’t let them. Remind yourself that you can achieve anything you set your mind to, Cancer.
Choices between head and heart loom on the horizon. Sometimes you may feel like you are in an endless battle with yourself.
This Uranus direction shakes up all your previous beliefs and makes you question yourself on a deeper level. This is a time for intense self-reflection and critical examination. The key is to trust yourself and keep reminding yourself that you have more power within you than you may realize.
Keep your eye on the bigger picture and don’t let small setbacks get you down, Leo.
Prepare for the unexpected with Uranus direct, because your plans may not go exactly to plan! On the other hand, you have the added benefit of gaining wisdom and insight during this transit.
Be open to adapting, because the more willing you are to ride the winds of change, the more success you will experience in your upcoming endeavors.
Just remember, Virgo, blips come and go, but keeping a steadfast mindset is always helpful. Keep an eye out for new ideas coming your way; there might be something special in it!
This will be a challenging transit for you and a number of challenges and obstacles may come your way.
However, the opportunity for learning and spiritual growth is extremely high. Whatever trials you face, your strong sense of justice and innate diplomacy skills will see you through.
Remember to always stay true to yourself and not back down when you know your beliefs are right Libra.
Believe in yourself, because the more confidence you have in yourself, the more you will thrive during this transition.
Beware of turmoil in relationships. This is a powerful time for your relationships, and the chances of things continuing as they are are slim. Be true to yourself and to others, and don’t let past problems keep you from doing what you need to do.
Harness that superpower from within, Scorpio.
It is a powerful time of transformation and a lot will happen during this transit.
Be prepared for a few surprises. You may need to quickly adjust to the change in direction. Things will emerge from beneath the surface and although it may be challenging, it offers you the opportunity to grow spiritually at an accelerated level.
Stay true to yourself and trust – exciting times are ahead, Sag.
A lot is coming your way during this transition and you are already feeling the consequences of the change. A new era has begun.
Change isn’t always easy, but essentially this is what it takes to help you get to where you need to be. There’s no way back down. The winds of change have begun and a new dawn is breaking.
Don’t be afraid to reach out to others when you need them. You have an army behind you now and they will support you all the way, Capricorn.
This is an intense transit for you and you may find yourself in a position you didn’t see coming!
Your relationships will undergo an intense transformation and there is a chance that you will break away from old ways as you embark on a new path. Embrace what is to come.
You are original and an innovator and you have the power to achieve anything you dream of, Aquarius.
As much as you want to stay in your comfort zone, Uranus will throw you right out of it, Pisces! but you want to pay attention to your emotions right now, especially the deeper emotions that are coming to the surface.
It’s sink or swim now. And you have the great inner strength not only to swim, but also to float and jump through the waves.
Be proud of your creative energy and your ambitions. Opportunities will come, but whether you choose to take them is up to you. Have faith and self-confidence, and you cannot go astray!
How will you embrace Uranus Direct?
When Uranus turns direct, you no longer hide dreams, feelings or expressions.
This is your new year. This is your new slate. You are the master of your fate.
The strength and guidance of Uranus will be most appreciated as we continue to face these issues in 2024.
Think of it this way: the changes that will inevitably arise are there to move us forward in every way possible, and the challenges you face are there to accelerate your spiritual growth.
With Uranus direct you don’t have to bury your head in the sand. It’s time to face it with courage, strength and fortitude!
Keep track of all astrological transits with the January 2024 Astrology Calendar.