Whenever you think about past life memories or something from your past lives that is affecting you, you think the only way to really find out is through past life regression. There is some truth in that. And a past life regression can help you when it comes to revealing specific issues from your past lives that have plagued you or affected you in some way. But that’s not the only thing you can rely on when it comes to having memories from your past lives.
Your memories from past lives
Memories from past lives are not only stored in your brain. They are stored in other parts of your body, known as cellular memory. Cellular memories subconsciously have a strong influence on your needs, your desires and your reactions to different stimuli.
Memories from past lives affect you in many ways. It is rare to have specific memories of things that happened during your past lives while you are in a fully conscious state. That doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen. But it is rare. For example, if you eat a chicken sandwich that has been seasoned in a certain way, you won’t immediately remember eating a chicken sandwich while living in England during the Victorian era. What you might experience instead is déjà vu. That’s the first common way past life memories affect you.
Déjà Vu
When you think of déjà vu, it is a strange and sudden feeling you get when you have felt, heard, or done something in the past. For example, you are driving in your car and hear a brand new song on the radio that has never been released before. But you feel like you’ve actually heard this song once, even though it’s brand new. And you feel like you heard that song in a time that wasn’t recent.
Deja vu can also happen when you experience something you once dreamed of. You may be reminded of the experience of doing something when you were a toddler, while your long-term memory was still in its infancy. But all your experiences from birth and before are in your subconscious. That said, memories from past lives are also “remembered” through moments of déjà vu.
Then you wouldn’t have heard that specific song with the song on the radio. But maybe in a past life you heard a song that had a similar melody to the new song you’re listening to on the radio. Now you know that déjà vu can be a memory of a past life that surfaces. What about the likes and dislikes?
Likes and dislikes
Have you ever wondered why you like certain things and not others? Sometimes your personality has a lot to do with why you are attracted to certain things and why you are repelled by others. However, your personality is often shaped by experiences from your past lives and by your upbringing in your current life. You can easily develop likes and dislikes as you evolve and grow.
But what about the likes and dislikes you’ve had since you were a child? There is more to it if a child simply ‘doesn’t like peanut butter’, or ‘for example, likes rabbits more than guinea pigs’. Is it possible that the child’s dislike of peanut butter stems from a past life memory of the child eating peanut butter and getting sick – and then being excluded from it for the best of his past life? Is it also possible that the child had a pet rabbit in his previous life? And at the same time they didn’t know much about raising guinea pigs because they never had one? Those things can certainly remain in your cellular memory from other lifetimes.
At the same time, that child may like rabbits more than guinea pigs, but he doesn’t hate guinea pigs either. They have a neutral attitude towards them. That means they are open to having a pet. And eventually, as they get older, they may come to love guinea pigs as much as they love rabbits. And their love for guinea pigs is said to have begun in their current life and remain in the cellular memory forever.
But what does that mean that the same child who likes rabbits strongly dislikes cats, to the extent of fear? Is there a good chance that the child has had a bad experience with a cat in his previous life? Let’s investigate that further.
Fears and phobias
Fear is an emotional response to a perceived or real threat. A phobia is the same, except that it is amplified to the point that it is consuming and can disrupt the quality of your life. Fears and phobias can develop in your current life if a traumatic incident has occurred that has had a lifelong impact on you. But what about young children who have extreme fears about certain things? What about adults who have fears and phobias that they can’t explain? Fears and phobias can arise from memories from past lives.
Let’s take the example of a child who is afraid or phobic of the cat. That child has never been near a cat in their short lives. Could it be that the child has a phobia of cats because he had a traumatic experience with a cat in a previous life? Chances are they did. Therefore, “unexplained” fears and phobias are likely traceable to traumas you endured in previous lives. On the other hand, unexplained passions and things you love can also be traced back to your past lives.
Your passions and the things you love
Is there something you’ve been passionate about since childhood that makes you wonder why you were so passionate about that thing in the first place? There could be a few reasons for this. If you have always loved pasta or Italian food and don’t know why, there are several reasons for that. Your parents may have taken you to an Italian restaurant when you were two years old and you tried pasta for the first time and loved it. That’s why your love for pasta has remained in your subconscious memory ever since.
Or it is possible that in your past life you developed and passed on a strong love for pasta and Italian cuisine. Moreover, if you feel that you have a strong connection with Italian culture and have always wanted to go to Italy, then you may have been Italian in your past life. You may have lived in Italy or another country, but you were of Italian descent.
The strong passions you have in your current life may also be the result of your past life. Maybe music is your passion. You want to be a musician, but you are not naturally good at playing music. You have to take some courses. One explanation is that you wanted to be a musician in your past life, but you didn’t get the chance. Therefore, you had no opportunity to learn and no musical skills to pass on. You can also bring skills that you naturally have from previous lives.
Your natural skills
You may have wondered why you are gifted in some areas, but not so good in others. There is a reason that you have a number of natural gifts and talents that can be traced back to the skills you had from previous lives. Those were the skills you used in your previous professions. For example, if a young child seems like a born writer, chances are the child was a writer, journalist, or author in a past life. Perhaps they were present in many previous incarnations.
And when it comes to school subjects that you were never good at, there can be many reasons for this. Sometimes you simply have learning gaps in areas such as math or science. However, you probably had not developed skills in those areas in previous lives. Therefore, these areas would be challenging for you to develop skills. Therefore, you now know that if you have always been good in a certain area, you probably had strong skills in that area in previous lives.
Finally, your dreams can cause you to remember your past lives. The dreams you have are often full of symbols that represent important things in your life right now. Sometimes you can have prophetic dreams that can give you a glimpse of the future. Other times you could dream about certain experiences you had in past lives.
Based on all these factors that are ‘unexplained’ and that affect you in some way today, you can probably trace them all back to past lives. And the only way to find out is to work with a past life regression expert. And getting to the bottom of something from your past life that had a negative effect on you is the first step to healing.