The US government is planning to release any recovered UFO technology to the public through a “controlled disclosure campaign,” according to a bill to be voted on by President Biden later this year.
The bill, known as the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act, was introduced this summer by Senator Charles Schumer and aims to create an independent, nine-member board that would review and release data related to unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) , technologies of unknown origin. origin, or non-human intelligence.
The administration would have access to classified information held by various government agencies and would engage in a “controlled disclosure” of such information, meaning it would follow a gradual and coordinated process to reveal the truth to the public.
The bill also includes a provision that would allow the government to take ownership of any recovered technologies of unknown origin or biological evidence of non-human intelligence currently under private control.
This refers to reports that some aerospace companies may have hidden alien artifacts or materials within special access programs.

The proposed legislation follows the release of a preliminary report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in June, which acknowledged that there were 144 cases of UAP sightings by US military personnel between 2004 and 2021, of which only one could are explained.
The report also stated that some UAP exhibited advanced capabilities that could not be attributed to any known human technology or natural phenomenon.
The bill has received support from several senators and representatives, who have expressed interest in learning more about the UAP phenomenon and its implications for national security and scientific progress.
However, some critics have argued that the bill is too vague and does not specify what kind of information will be made public, how much and when. They also question whether the board would have enough authority and independence to overcome the secrecy and resistance that has surrounded the UAP issue for decades.
The bill is expected to be voted on by both chambers of Congress before the end of the year and if passed, President Biden would have to appoint the board members within 90 days.