There are an estimated 1.2 million species in total, but what is the most dangerous animal in the world? More specifically, which animal is responsible for the most human deaths?
Hollywood films often portray nature’s giants, such as lions and crocodiles, as the deadliest animals to humans. However, many of these large predators are less deadly than you might think. Sharks, for example, only kill about 70 people per year.
Surprisingly, the most deadly creatures on Earth are often much smaller. They are more likely to kill by disease, poison and other means than by sharp teeth.

Scorpions – 3,300 deaths per year
These ancient, aggressive arachnids stab with their tails and inject venom into their prey. Of the more than 2,600 species of scorpions, only about 25 have venom powerful enough to kill humans.
One of the most dangerous is the Deathstalker. These yellow bearers of death populate the dry, arid landscapes and deserts of North Africa and the Middle East. Underestimating it can be fatal.
The Deathstalker’s venom is powerful enough to kill people with medical conditions, including heart disease. While healthy adults, both young and old, can survive its sting, fatalities are still possible.

Triatomine Bugs – 10,000 deaths per year
These insects, also known as ‘kissing bugs’, are the main spreaders of the deadly Chagas disease. These bloodthirsty predators pose a significant threat in Central and South America.
Chagas disease is potentially fatal and is transmitted by the bite of a triatomine beetle or the consumption of food and drinks contaminated by the insect or its feces, which carry the parasite.
According to the Pan American Health Organization, Chagas disease is a devastating disease that affects the heart as well as the digestive and nervous systems. Alarmingly, the disease can also be transmitted from mother to child via the placenta during pregnancy.

Snakes – 138,000 deaths per year
Dangerous snakes can be found all over the world. They can kill people in various, often cruel ways. For example, a black mamba can kill a human with just two drops of venom, while pythons can swallow an adult human whole.
Most human deaths from snakes result from venomous bites. However, according to health ministries around the world, survivors of encounters with dangerous snakes often face amputations and other serious medical conditions.

People – 400,000 deaths per year
Humans are technically the second most dangerous animal in the world when it comes to killing their own kind, mainly through murder.
According to global data, in 2019, 0.7% of deaths worldwide were due to homicide. Latin America has a particularly high murder rate, while El Salvador experiences homicide rates that account for more than 7% of deaths.
Humans are not unique in killing their own kind; this behavior is observed throughout the animal kingdom.

Mosquitoes – 725,000 deaths per year
Mosquitoes are the deadliest animal in the world, causing 725,000 deaths every year from diseases such as malaria. Only female mosquitoes bite, making them the most dangerous.
This tiny flying insect has repeatedly shaped the course of human history and has been crucial to events such as American independence and the rise and fall of Rome.
Malaria is particularly serious in Africa, where the region is responsible for 95% of cases and 96% of deaths worldwide.
If you plan to travel to areas where these insects are common, it is best to take precautions against mosquitoes.
These five creatures highlight the diversity and severity of the dangers posed by the animal kingdom. While some use poison or disease to kill, others, like humans, use physical violence. Awareness and prevention are key to avoiding these deadly encounters.