reading time: 4 minutes
Penny Lane in Liverpool has long been the center of paranormal events, including a suspected witch, a haunted house and a mysterious ghost girl, writes RICK HALE

Growing up, there was always music in the house. At any time of the day you could hear everything from Elvis to Smokey Robinson spinning on the record player.
But it was my uncle’s taste in music that formed my early love of music. KISS, Alice Cooper and Deep Purple could be heard in his room, but it was The Beatles that really surprised me.
One day while babysitting me, he put on The Magical Mystery Tour and the Song, Penny Lane became an instant favourite.
The upbeat music and lyrics of fond memories of Paul’s life on Penny Lane will live on forever in my memory.
Still, not everything on Liverpool’s Penny Lane is a happy childhood memory.
According to local stories, Penny Lane was the site of a terrifying ghost tour mixed with evil poltergeist activity.
In fact, the activity was so violent that one family had to flee for their lives and sanity. For whatever reason, their home became “ground zero” to this nuclear explosion of supernatural horror.
Activity on Penny Lane begins
As far as anyone knows, the great weirdness that plagued Penny Lane began in the late 19th century, around 1890.
Residents along Penny Lane were treated to a bizarre spectacle that would send shivers down anyone’s spine.
People caught a glimpse of a white and blue ball of light floating down the street and then disappearing behind trees for a short time. Then reappear a little later.
The people who lived and worked along Penny Lane were, of course, scared. But when the strange apparitions turned out to be nothing evil, they attributed it to a trick of the light or to a friendly ghost.
Of course, those feelings would change if this ghost story took a terrifying turn.
A suspicious witch
As the years went by, the activity on Penny Lane took on a very different face.
Deliverymen found that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t walk their horses down Penny Lane.
This spoiled the milk and beer deliveries and made them undrinkable. This twist caused many people to return to the old world superstition and believe that the activity may have been caused by a witch.
Whatever this supernatural evil was, something had to be done about it. But how could they deal with something they couldn’t see or touch?
Number 44
In the early 1930s, the so-called ‘Witch of Penny Lane’ claimed the house at number 44 as a place to concentrate all his anger.
Those who lived near 44 Penny Lane often heard cacophonous bangs coming from the house at all hours of the day.
Strange and disturbing noises could also be heard and the floorboards would shake violently as if a giant was shaking them.
The family who lived in the house at the time fled the house of terrors. Whatever was there clearly didn’t want to share his domain.
The witch is sleeping
As is the case with many poltergeists, activity at 44 Penny Lane suddenly came to a halt.
Throughout the 1940s, not a single sound could be heard from the infamous haunted house.
Some think that the residents of the area have lost interest due to the struggle against the war on the continent and the ever-present threat of a Nazi invasion. Maybe the witch had left. Or maybe not.
The little girl
In the mid-1950s, with the war over and Britain’s rebuilding nearing completion, the horror of Penny Lane reappeared. But this time it took on a completely different character.
People living along Penny Lane reported a curious sight. As he passed the otherwise empty house at the age of 44, a little girl with long blonde hair appeared at the windows.
No one has ever been able to name this ghostly child, but those who remembered the history of the ghostly event knew that this was just the witch trying to fool those who would take pity on the apparition.
The printing press
Once again the inexplicable activity came to a halt and the sinister child disappeared. But a printing press was opened in the early 1970s and, pardon the cliché, all hell broke loose.
Unwitting employees came face to face with the unnerving ghost child who would appear and play cruel pranks.
Loud bangs and noises again filled the building. Not a day went by where the owners were not stopped on the street because people complained that the machines were left on at night and caused a commotion.
The owners, of course, insisted that they turn off their machines at the end of the day. It was clear that the witch persisted in her old ways.
The activity became so extreme that the owners hired a group of ghost hunters to search for answers to what might be haunting their business.
After a long night of blasts and intense poltergeist activity, along with the apparitions of the little girl, the ghost hunters found themselves short of answers.
Whatever this malevolent force was lurking at 44 Penny Lane is still a mystery to this day.
Today, all that haunted this building seems to be gone forever. Or maybe just sleeping until the moment when life can be revived.
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