A documentary about the royal family and their secret passion for UFOs and the paranormal is available today on Amazon Prime – free to watch for Prime members.
The film is called The King Of UFOs and explores the royal family’s interest in UFOs and the paranormal.
A story recalled in the film by retired CID detective John Hanson was that it was late The Queen and Prince Philip both had a passionate interest in the 1980 Rendelsham UFO case – which has been dubbed Britain’s Roswell. A UFO reportedly landed in the woods near Rendelsham during the Christmas weekend of 1980. Air Force personnel from nearby RAF Bentwaters, then a US NATO base, went to investigate and saw strange orbs and beams of light shining through the forest.
Hanson tells in the film how he corresponded with them about the case and they were particularly fond of his books he had written about Rendelsham with Colonel Halt, who was deputy commander of the base at the time of the incident. Halt had brought his dictaphone with him when he examined the lights and recorded what he saw. He is still convinced that something special happened that weekend.
The film also looks at the testimony and evidence of former Navy diver Dan Costello, who claims he saw Prince Charles piloting a UFO craft in Nova Scotia in 1975! Costello claims in the film that Charles was one of three pilots in a domed craft that had strange electromagnetic propulsion and a pendant blue ionic flame.
Filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee:
“Costello’s testimony is fantastic, but we have verified much of the information and evidence he provided and I have also written to King Charles to verify the version of events. If they are true, we have to wonder what kind of technology this was and why Charles flew it?
Former Ministry of Defense officer Nick Pope looks at the role King Charles would play if we made first contact.
“He would play an important role as head of state and head of the Anglican Church. People will look to him to lead how we respond and deal with alien visits.”
The film can be streamed here: