This is a really interesting and unusual topic that combines elements of religion, mysticism and paranormal phenomena.
Considering the UFO phenomenon as possible demonic beings is an approach that suggests that UFO sightings and contacts with aliens may not be related to extraterrestrial civilizations, but to a spiritual or supernatural reality, including its dark side.
The idea that UFOs may be demonic entities originates from religious and mystical teachings. In the Christian tradition, for example, demons are often perceived as beings capable of invading human life through deception and manipulation.
The Bible and other sacred texts often mention that demons can take on different forms and mislead people. Some paranormal researchers claim that many modern stories of contacts with “aliens” are simidemolar to ancient stories of demonic interventions.
And let’s agree right away. We will consider demons here through the Christian prism, but in fact this does not play an important role. Keep in mind that demons are not necessarily inhabitants of hell from old times, but something or someone that distances us from the fundamental truth.

The Evolution of the UFO Phenomenon
Throughout history, various cultures have documented encounters with beings or phenomena from the skies that could be likened to modern UFO descriptions.
Ancient texts, from the Bible to Hindu scriptures, mention “chariots of fire” or “vimanas,” which, while not explicitly labeled as UFOs, share thematic elements with contemporary sightings.
These historical accounts often attributed such sightings to divine or supernatural beings, which in many religious contexts, could be interpreted as angels or demons.
Fast forward to today, and the descriptions of UFOs have evolved again. Modern sightings often involve objects that defy conventional physics, moving at incredible speeds or changing direction in ways that challenge our understanding of aerodynamics.
This shift could be seen as UFOs or the entities behind them adapting to our current technological and cultural context. Where once they might have been interpreted as ghosts or demons, now they appear as advanced crafts or even drones, aligning with our era’s technological advancements and fears of surveillance or advanced military tech.

Similarities between UFOs and Demonic Manifestations
Advocates of the demonic hypothesis argue that if UFOs were indeed extraterrestrial, they would likely not align so closely with human religious or supernatural narratives across different cultures. Instead, these sightings often involve elements that could be seen as manipulative or deceptive, characteristics often attributed to demonic entities in religious texts.
There are a number of similarities between the way UFOs are described and the way demons are described in religious texts.
Many witnesses report that alien beings appear deceptive, hiding their true intentions, or causing people to feel fear and anxiety. This may resemble the behavior of demons, which, according to Christian tradition, are also deceivers and manipulators.
Reports of UFO “encounters” often include time and space distortions, as well as unexplained events that are difficult to fit into the framework of reality. This is similar to the idea that demons can alter a person’s perception of reality by creating illusions or visions.
Some accounts describe entities associated with UFOs as hostile, cold, or emotionless. They may cause pain or distress to people, which also fits with descriptions of interactions with demonic forces.
Those who view the UFO phenomenon from a spiritual perspective argue that the phenomena themselves may be the result of demonic interference in the human psyche. Proponents of this view suggest that “alien” beings may be spiritual entities that use modern scientific and cosmic imagery to confuse people.
This approach is supported by some religious groups, where contact with “aliens” is viewed as a spiritual danger. Representatives of these views believe that UFOs are manifestations of demonic forces whose goal is to lead people away from God and make them believe in alien civilizations, rejecting the Christian faith.
Ephesians 5 tells us to “expose” the works of Satan. Paul in Second Thessalonians 2 wrote, “For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way. Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders…”

What about UFO debris?
Lue Elizondo and others claim that tangible materials from UFOs—often referred to as “meta-materials”—have been recovered and are being studied for their anomalous properties. If we entertain the idea that UFOs could be demonic entities, then the presence of physical debris raises some questions, particularly in relation to the concept of “false gifts,” which is mentioned in the Bible.
In Biblical teachings, false gifts are often associated with deception and the work of malevolent spiritual forces. For example, the Bible warns about “wolves in sheep’s clothing” (Matthew 7:15) and “false prophets” who can mislead people with signs and wonders that appear to be good but ultimately lead to harm or destruction. This concept parallels the idea that demonic forces could offer things that appear to be beneficial or intriguing, only to mislead or manipulate humanity for darker purposes.
The Book of Revelation also speaks of deception in the end times, where signs and wonders will be used to deceive even the elect (Revelation 13:13-14). These false gifts, whether they are miracles, material wealth, or knowledge, are meant to seduce humanity into trusting forces that ultimately aim to destroy or corrupt. If we interpret UFOs as demonic entities, the physical debris or materials associated with them could be viewed as manifestations of these “false gifts.”
The UFO debris that Elizondo refers to might appear to offer technological advancements or knowledge that could push humanity forward. However, if these materials are demonic in nature, they could serve to trap humanity in a cycle of dependency on these deceptive entities, similar to how false gifts in the Bible are meant to draw people away from faith in God and toward false idols.
Much like the allure of materialism or false miracles, these materials could be seen as bait to distract humanity from its spiritual purpose. The promise of mastering this technology or understanding its origin might be the equivalent of pursuing a false gift, which in the end leads to spiritual bankruptcy.
The Bible describes how in the end times, there will be signs and wonders that will mislead many (2 Thessalonians 2:9). UFO debris, with its strange and potentially unexplainable properties, could be considered a modern manifestation of these wonders. While it may seem to point to extraterrestrial intelligence, it could actually be a deceptive trick, designed to divert attention from spiritual truths and toward an obsession with material evidence.

Satanists and UFOs
Theistic Satanism, or those who believe and practice fundamental Satanism, is growing. Their interest in UFOs is a fact based in their history and today it is reflected in what they dare reveal on their hundreds of websites.
Theistic or traditional Satanists are not atheists but have a “religious” belief that Satan is their master, and worship him. Diane Vera, the owner of a theistic website said of her site, “When the website first went online in the fall of 2002, we theistic Satanists were still a despised minority within the public Satanist scene. But we have grown and now seem to be in the majority — at least in online forums…”
An article on UFOs on, said of UFOs relationship to demons, “This is one of the many beliefs that Christians worrying about the “Final Days” often seem to have. They tend to believe that UFOs and aliens are just a propaganda machine for Satan’s dark army, who are trying to control the human race camouflaging themselves as aliens from the outer space, therefore creating a world of chaos and anarchy. While many will argue that this is paranoid, if UFOs exist, there is no reason why demons can’t.”

Summoning UFOs – Summoning Demons
The CE5 (Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind) protocol, popularized by Dr. Steven Greer, involves human-initiated contact with extraterrestrial intelligences through meditation, visualization, and other consciousness-based practices.
CE5 focuses on fostering peaceful communication with UFOs or extraterrestrial beings, emphasizing that individuals can actively summon or call upon these entities by projecting intentions of goodwill into the universe.
While the idea of summoning UFOs through consciousness may seem modern and progressive, there are intriguing parallels between this practice and ancient rituals aimed at summoning supernatural entities like demons.
Practitioners report that UFOs appear in response to these efforts, sometimes manifesting as lights in the sky or more distinct forms.
Summoning demons, particularly in ancient and medierval times, involved rituals designed to call forth supernatural entities from other realms. These practices often focused on invoking spirits or demons to fulfill the summoner’s desires or to gain knowledge and power.
While the intentions and outcomes of CE5 and ancient demon-summoning rituals may differ, several key similarities can be identified.
Both CE5 and ancient demon summoning place significant emphasis on the power of consciousness. In CE5, the mind is seen as the primary medium for initiating contact with extraterrestrials, while in ancient summoning rituals, the summoner’s mental focus and will were central to invoking and controlling spirits or demons.
Though CE5 focuses on meditation rather than traditional rituals, the group coherence, mental visualization, and the structured steps involved in CE5 bear some resemblance to the ritualistic nature of demon summoning. Both practices involve preparing oneself mentally and spiritually for contact with non-human intelligences.
In CE5, UFOs or extraterrestrial beings are believed to manifest in response to the summoner’s efforts, often in the form of lights, craft, or other phenomena. Similarly, in demon summoning, successful rituals are said to result in the appearance of the invoked spirit or demon, often through visual, auditory, or sensory phenomena.
Both practices involve a form of telepathic or non-verbal communication. CE5 participants report receiving impressions, thoughts, or images from extraterrestrial beings, while ancient summoners often communicated with demons through mental or verbal commands, seeking hidden knowledge or assistance.

Modern Interpretation
People within religious communities, particularly those who interpret scripture literally, see UFOs as part of a broader spiritual battle or deception.
Skeptics argue that explaining UFOs as demonic entities is an attempt to find answers in mysticism and religion where scientific research is needed. Skeptics point out that many UFO sightings can be explained by natural phenomena, military experiments, or even psychophysiological conditions such as hallucinations.
They argue that attributing UFOs to demonic activity is a way to dismiss the phenomenon without engaging with the scientific inquiry it might warrant.
However, even within scientific communities, there’s an acknowledgment of phenomena that current science can’t explain, leaving room for interpretations that might include the spiritual or supernatural.
Yes, of course, believing that UFOs are just our friendly space brothers is fun. But still, there is no real answer yet.
Jacques Vallée, John Keel, Diana Walsh Pasulka, Garry Nolan – these and other researchers who have studied this phenomenon for decades have come to the conclusion that UFOs could be linked to alternate dimensions or realities. These phenomena might interact with human consciousness or exist in dimensions beyond our usual perception.
Question here is different: does this phenomenon have a positive or negative impact on us if you take into account alien abductions, livestock mutilations, fear, etc.? Even those who tried the Greer CE5 contact have repeatedly reported that they were overcome by not the most pleasant feelings.
It’s all very strange, and it’s stupid to give up on an idea just because we don’t like it. At this point we still don’t know anything.