Numerology is the study of numbers as meaningful constructs related to human consciousness. Numbers shape our lives in many ways, starting with number values associated with the letters of words, especially our names.
We have the numbers of our birthday, month and year. Most countries have a number range for citizens (in the United States this is the 9-digit Social Security Number or SSN). Most of us have a telephone number; When we drive a car, we have a license plate. Each word and set of numbers is reduced to a number between 1 and 9, and each of those numbers has a spiritual meaning.
This article examines the cards of the tarot that represent the number 9.
Six cards represent the number 9 in a tarot deck
There are five cards with the number 9 and one card that is reduced to the number 9 in a tarot deck. The Hermit is the number 9 card of the Major Arcana and there are four 9’s for each of the four suits (cups, pentacles, swords and wands). The Moon (18) reduces to a 9.
A person with life path number nine is generous and compassionate. That’s why they have passion and energy to help the wider world and tackle the biggest human problems. Their personalities develop through their efforts to see and heal the flaws in humanity.
As people of the people, they embrace charity, altruism and healing. So they become successful by networking the disparate parts of society into a whole. Because they choose to uplift those who are oppressed, they overcome challenges that come their way through peaceful protest, patience and forgiveness.
Each tarot card number 9 exhibits some aspect of this energy.
The hermit

Keywords associated with this Tarot card
Upright: Mystery, introspection, secrets, wisdom, search for truth and sabbatical.
Reversed: Isolation, loneliness, escapism, depression and withdrawal.
Astrologically, the Hermit card is associated with the planet Mercury and the sign Virgo.
Meaning: The Hermit represents our individual pursuit of personal truth in a world of competing truths. The Hermit archetype is the ninth encounter for the Fool and teaches us that sometimes we need to disconnect from the flow of life to discover ourselves, bringing what we learn separately back into the world of social connections.
Symbolism: An elderly man travels through a grim landscape with his lamp lighting the way. He travels forward in search of the truth. His hood covers his head and his head is tilted downward, both representing the solemn pursuit of truth. His staff represents both his support during the long journey and his defense against any threats. The gray robe symbolizes neutrality and the absence of emotion; he will learn what he learns and accept the truth no matter what is revealed.
The moon

Keywords associated with this Tarot card
Upright keywords: Imagination, dreams, positive emotions and soul purpose
Reverse keywords: Delusions, nightmares, negative emotions and depression
Astrologically, the Moon card is associated with the Moon and the sign Cancer, but also with the planet Neptune and the sign Pisces.
Meaning: The moon represents the feelings we need to explore and express. The Moon, as an archetype, is the eighteenth meeting for the Fool and illuminates our deepest feelings so that we can understand the emotional framework that is reinforced, suppressed and shaped by our family and closest relationships.
Symbolism: A full moon with a woman’s face within it rests at the top center of the card, within the radiant sun, emphasizing that her light comes from the sun. The moon sits between two pillars and a dog and a wolf above a waterway leading to a lake. This position indicates our need to balance and navigate our emotions. The lobster is a shelled creature that represents our need to keep our emotions protected with a hard outer shell.
Nine of cups

The keywords that belong to this Tarot card
Upright: contentment, worldly pleasures, bliss, well-being and contentment
Reversed: smugness, arrogance, selfishness and self-aggrandizement
Meaning: Embrace and accept what truly makes you happy. Your fulfillment is most important right now.
Symbolism: An accomplished man sits contentedly in front of nine cups, which symbolize the fulfillment that comes with successful work.
Nine of Pentacles

The keywords that belong to this Tarot card
Upright: wealth, financial independence, abundance, feminine authority or power, and empowerment
Reversed: excessive ego, pride, dissatisfaction and superficiality
Meaning: Focus on your purpose and use it to gain the wealth you desire; be your best to earn the most.
Symbolism: A mature woman demonstrates the richness of individual achievement and the positivity that comes with a productive life.
Nine of Swords

The keywords that belong to this Tarot card
Upright: cruelty, warning, need for protection and despair
Reversed: torment, personal torture and insomnia
Symbolism: A man wakes up from a nightmare with nine swords above him, indicating that he must take care of himself or he will suffer the fate of the 10 Swords.
Upright: warning and foreboding
Nine of wands

The keywords that belong to this Tarot card
Upright: defense, loyalty, endurance, discipline and strength
Reversed: obstacles, martyrdom, disloyalty, stubbornness and fanaticism
Meaning: You have a duty to enforce; others see you as a role model.
Symbolism: A wounded warrior remains loyal and ready for adversity, determined to set an example for others.