Numerology is the study of numbers as meaningful constructs related to human consciousness. Numbers shape our lives in many ways, starting with number values associated with the letters of words, especially our names.
We have the numbers of our birthday, month and year. Most countries have a number range for citizens (in the United States this is the 9-digit Social Security Number or SSN). Most of us have a telephone number; When we drive a car, we have a license plate. Every word and series of numbers becomes smaller to a number between 1 and 9, and each of those numbers has a spiritual meaning.
This article examines the cards of the tarot that represent the number 3.
Seven cards represent the number 3 in a tarot deck
There are five cards numbered 3 and two cards going back to number 3 in a tarot deck. The Empress is card number 3 of the Major Arcana and there are four 3’s for each of the four suits (cups, pentacles, swords and wands). The Hanged Man (12) and The World (21) have both been reduced to 3.
The Empress

Meaning: The Empress represents the feminine divine, the essence of beauty, abundance and nourishment. The Empress archetype is the third encounter for the Fool and teaches you about the natural world, how to care for the world, how to care for yourself, and how to care for others.
Symbolism: A regal woman sits on cushions on a stone throne in the wilderness. She wears a crown of stars and holds a sceptre, symbols of her power and divine grace. Next to her outer throne rests a heart shield with the symbol of Venus, the planet that rules the astrological sign Taurus. Venus represents the body and Taurus represents the earth. In front of her is a wheat field and behind her is a healthy forest. She symbolizes the abundance of both; the grain feeds the world and the forest provides the materials for shelter (when it is used to build houses).
Upright: nurturing, abundance, the feminine divine and sovereignty over the natural order.
Reversed: Hardship, scarcity, barrenness and neediness.
The Hanged Man

Meaning: The Hanged Man represents knowing sacrifice when we realize that we must accept a short-term problem for long-term gain. The Hanged Man archetype is the twelfth encounter for the Fool and shows us the importance of dedication, surrender, and sacrifice as ways forward that are as powerful as the whimsy of the Chariot lesson.
Symbolism: A young man hangs upside down, but seems relaxed and calm. He knows he has to wait and learn by being patient and by changing his perspective, which happens when you view the world from an upside-down position. The light around his head symbolizes the insight and wisdom he gains from his changed point of view.
Upright: knowledge of sacrifice, change of perspective and patience
Reversed: helplessness, impatience, confusion and selfishness
The world

Meaning: The World represents the end of a cycle in preparation for a new, repeating journey for the Fool (us). The World, as an archetype, is the twenty-first encounter for the Fool, showing us that life is constantly changing and that we are meant to build on our experiences. In this ending lies another beginning.
Symbolism: A half-naked woman dances in the middle of a garland of vines, having reached the end of a process. The heads of the animals and the face of the woman represent the four fixed signs of the zodiac: the bull for Taurus, the lion for Leo, the eagle for Scorpio and the woman for Aquarius. These ‘fixed’ signs symbolize the stability necessary for new disruptions to arise, heralded by the return of the Fool (the 0 card).
Upright: fulfillment, completion, conclusion, the sum of your efforts and success
Reversed: stagnation, failure and final obstacle
Three of cups

Meaning: Gather your best friends and celebrate something… anything!
Symbolism: Three women dance in celebration and show their appreciation for life. The grapes and pumpkins represent abundance.
Upright: celebrate and share
Reversed: excess and discord
Three of Pentacles

Meaning: Hard and consistent work is what is currently needed to succeed and progress.
Symbolism: A cleric and a merchant approach a craftsman to enlist his services because they know he has the skills to make what they want.
Upright: creativity and teamwork
Reversed: missing skills and incompetence
Three of swords

Meaning: You get mixed results and need to find a way to face the frustration and sadness of the situation or relationship.
Symbolism: Three swords pierce a heart in a storm; the heart is whole, but filled with pain from every sword that pierces it.
Upright: sadness and cognitive dissonance
Reversed: self-pity and fear
Three of wands

Meaning: The path is clear and you must invest your time and energy to succeed.
Symbolism: The man holds one staff, while two staffs stand behind him. He has a destination mapped out and is ready to begin his adventure.
Upright: adventure and optimism
Reversed: delays and broken promises