Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr. (born October 20, 1971), known professionally as Snoop Dogg, is an American rapper, songwriter, media personality, actor, and entrepreneur. In 1992 he was featured on Dr. Dre’s debut single, “Deep Cover”, and then on Dr. Dre’s debut solo album, The Chronic. He has sold over 23 million albums in the United States and 35 million albums worldwide. This article examines his numerology to see how he expresses his numbers.
Life path number
The life path is the total of a person’s birthdays (mm/dd/yyyy). His birthday was October 20, 1971, so 10-20-1971, which is the total for 2001, which reduces to 3. If the numbers are added sequentially, the total is also 21, which decreases to 3.
A person with life path number three is creative and romantic. Therefore, they have passion and energy to bring creative ideas into the world, solve problems and imagine. Their personality develops through their creative activity.
As creative people, they embrace new ideas, change, risk and opportunity on a much higher level than any other number. Thus, they become successful by finding and fulfilling needs in society. Because they create to succeed in life, they overcome challenges that come their way by thinking outside the box or building a new one.
Broadus’ debut solo album, Doggystyle, was released in November 1993 by Death Row Records and debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 and Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums charts. It was produced by Dr. Dre. Doggystyle was certified quadruple platinum in 1994 after selling 800,000 copies in its first week and featured multiple hit singles such as “What’s My Name?” and “Gin & Juice.” Broadus’ music for the short film Murder Was the Case, starring Snoop Dogg, was released in 1994 by Death Row Records. His second album, Tha Doggfather, debuted at number one on both charts in 1996, with the lead single ‘Snoop’s Upside Ya’. Head.” The album was certified double platinum the following year.
Lot number
The destiny number is the total of the full birth name. Calvin Cordozar Broadus is his birth name, so his lottery number is the sum of his first, middle, and last name, which adds up to 97, which makes 16 in total, which adds up to 7.
An individual with destiny number seven attracts spiritual and esoteric people. Therefore, they know how to encourage truth seekers, dreamers and philosophers. They can see the potential in those others who want to learn about the world by studying big patterns and find purpose in life.
As spiritual people, they embrace honesty, philosophy and the mysteries of life. As highly attuned spiritual people, they show others how to find the spiritual path. Destiny wants them to lead others to their destiny.
Snoop Dogg
Since he is best known as Snoop Dogg, it is important to know the lottery number for this name, which totals 49, making 13 in total, which adds up to 4.
An individual with destiny number four attracts the people who form the foundations of society. So think of them as managers who know how to get the right people to do the job. Their personality helps others organize.
These are the people you need to manage your business or perform big tasks that require the coordination of many others. Destiny wants these people to “build a better future”.
Active number
You live life by your first name, and therefore its numerical value is your active number. Some people use their first name, others take a nickname given to them by a relative or peer, and some people choose a nickname or even an alternate name.
The “real” active number is the given birth name. Even if you legally change your first name, the active core number is the birth name your parents gave you. While a legally modified name is more powerful than a nickname, any name used to identify a person in the world is a variation of an active number. His active number is 25, which decreases to 7.
An individual with an active number 7 wants to unlock the mysteries of life. Therefore, they like to study metaphysics, religions and philosophy. A child with a 7th name will typically stand out as different or out of sync with peers due to more spiritual interests. First name 7 people often feel purposeful in a strong way, outside the norm of other numbers.
Since he is best known by his famous nickname Snoop, it is important to know the active number for this name which is 25 which reduces to 7 which is the same as his birth active number name.
Hereditary number
Essentially, you inherit numbers from your parents. Usually the father’s surname is the one that dominates and is known in the world. The mother’s surname often becomes the middle name for a woman after marriage, when she takes her husband’s surname. His surname Broadus is 26, which reduces to 8.
An individual with heredity number 8 inherits leadership from one or both parents. The person must determine how to understand energy number 8 through the influence of the parent. That influence can manifest itself as support or suppression. In other words, the child is encouraged to develop as a leader or suffers at the hands of an insecure parent. Either way, the child learns the lesson of power from the parent, or despite the parent with the last name being the number.
Soul urge number
The Soul Urge Number is the total of the vowels in a name, especially the full birth name. The Soul Urge is like an energy charge within a person’s numerology. The number of the Soul Urge ‘energizes’ the Destiny Number. His number is 33, a master number, which is reduced to 6.
An individual with a Soul Urge Number 33 generates tremendous creative energy. Therefore, they can produce new and exciting inventions, stories and ideas. These individuals are often entertaining, sociable and charismatic. They will help set trends, change traditions and elevate human consciousness through art, science and literature.
An individual with Soul Urge Number 6 draws energy from service. That is why they operate from the need to help others generate energy. These individuals are often compassionate, caring, and concerned. Accepting that you must serve others in order to get what you want and get things done can help you become more successful in your relationships and endeavors.
Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg’s Soul Urge number is 18, which decreases to 9.
An individual with a Soul Urge Number 9 draws energy from the love of life. Therefore, they operate from the need to unlock wisdom to generate energy. These individuals are often patient, observant and introverted. Accepting that you need to be open and generous in order to get what you want and get things done will make you more successful in your relationships and endeavors.
Personality number
The personality number is the total of consonants in the name, especially the full birth name. The personality number is how people meet and interpret someone. It’s like the clothes you choose when you plan to go out on the street that make people react to you in a certain way. His number is 64, which is 10 in total, which reduces to 1.
An individual with personality number 1 presents as individualistic to others. That’s why others see them as self-confident or selfish. People who like misfits expect a Personality 1 to fulfill that role in life. Don’t be surprised if people treat you like someone who can do it themselves, even if you want help.
Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg’s personality number is 31, which reduces to 4.
A person with personality number 4 presents himself as stable and reliable to others. Therefore, others consider them reliable or stubborn. People who like hard workers expect a Personality 4 to fulfill that role in life. Don’t be surprised if people treat you as someone who has “got it done,” even though you can’t balance your bank account
Soul Purpose Number
Your life path number reveals your numerical engine; it is the energy that drives you. Your destiny number reveals the numerical energy that the world desires from you. When you combine them, you get your Soul Purpose Number, which reveals the “why” of your existence in this life.
In the case of Calvin Cordozar Broadus, his soul purpose number is the total of his life path number 2 plus his destiny number 7, which totals 10, which adds up to 1. With a combination of 3 + 7, he is here to “claim spiritually with creativity ”.
Calvin Cordozar Broadus total numerology is:
- LPN = 3
- DN = 7
- A = 7
- HN = 8
- SU = 6/33
- PN = 1
- SPN = 9
In Snoop Dogg’s case, his soul purpose number is the sum of his life path number 3 plus his destiny number 4, which is a total of 7. With a combination of 3 + 4, he is here to “understand through creative building.”
Snoop Dogg’s total numerology is:
- LPN = 3
- DN = 4
- A = 7
- HN = 8
- SUN = 9
- PN = 4
- SPN = 7