Numerology is the study of numbers as meaningful constructs related to human consciousness. Numbers shape our lives in many ways, starting with number values associated with the letters of words, especially our names.
We have the numbers of our birthday, month and year. Most countries have a number range for citizens (in the United States this is the 9-digit Social Security Number or SSN). Most of us have a telephone number; When we drive a car, we have a license plate. Each word and set of numbers is reduced to a number between 1 and 9, and each of those numbers has a spiritual meaning.
This article explores the numerology of presidential inauguration day.
01/20/2021 = 8
Inauguration Day amounts to 8, the number that represents power in the world, making this president’s life path number 8. The life path number 8 has a strong vibration for doing work that needs to be done on a large scale. This president will have to be responsible for the position of the presidency. Individuals with Life Path 8 will prefer to work in stressful situations where they can prove themselves, provide direction to others, and implement decisions that affect many people and large systems.
With their dedication to achievement, they must continually strive for greater and greater achievements. This person manages to surpass and surpass all others. They don’t back down. Whatever career path they choose, they will want to lead, control, persuade and maneuver people to achieve great achievements.
However, sometimes they find it necessary to negotiate and use “soft skills” to get where they want to go. Their tendency to think that “the end justifies the means” can lead to ruthless and unsavory behavior. Because they want to be at the top of the mountain, they will often find people who are not willing to work as hard frustrating. Therefore, they will have a hard time if they fail to get people to “go all in” on their tasks.
The previous inauguration day was January 20, 2017 and there were 13, which was reduced to 4. That inauguration was about foundations. However, the number of the person chosen was someone with a destination number 5, which is disturbing.
Donald John Trump – June 14, 1946
Donald Trump’s full name is 68, which is 14, which is a 5. These are the people others look to for opposing views in any situation, regularly or during a crisis. Being seen as a troublemaker and contrarian is their fate. For some individuals this will be a welcome role, for others a constant source of social strife. Nevertheless, disruption will be the recurring theme.
The challenge for Destiny 5 individuals is how to learn to disrupt situations and people without “breaking” them. Destiny 5 people activate change in the work environment because colleagues and their employer experience them as examples of unrest. Colleagues will turn to this person when they are unhappy at work and expect Destiny 5 to join the cause.
His life path number is 4, which corresponds to the life path number at the inauguration. An individual with life path number four works hard and is concerned about stability. That’s why they have the passion and energy to achieve lasting results, maintain systems and do what is necessary. Their personality develops through their efforts to establish themselves in the world. When Destiny 5 and Life Path 4 merge for Soul Purpose 9, they build new foundations by disrupting the old.
Joseph Robinette Biden – 11/20/1942
Joe Biden’s full name totals 98, which reduces to 17, which reduces to 8. So his lottery number corresponds to the Inauguration Day life path number. These are the people others look to for leadership in any situation, not just in a crisis. Being seen as the leader is their Destiny job. For some individuals this will be a welcome challenge, for others a heavy burden. Nevertheless, responsibility will be the constant theme.
The challenge for Destiny 8 individuals is how to learn to lead and what type of leadership style best responds to a situation or all situations. Destiny 8 people attract people who want to follow someone, who want or need another person to make the most important decisions at work and when problems arise. Colleagues will turn to this person when a problem arises that they cannot solve.
His life path number is 2, which represents partnership. A person with life path number 2 is a born companion for others. Therefore, they have passion and energy to connect with and support others. Their personality develops through their interactions with others.
Because they connect people, they embrace communication, partnership, and commitment as their highest ideals. So they become successful through teamwork. As they interact with others to succeed in life, they overcome challenges that come their way by being or receiving a helping hand.
Life path number 2 has a strong vibration with co-working. These individuals want to pursue a profession where they can connect with others and contribute through collaboration. Individuals with Life Path Two will prefer working in teams or partnerships in their career options. When Destiny 8 and Life Path 2 are combined, they total 10, which adds up to 1. They develop their personal power through key partnerships.
Kamala Devi Harris – 10/20/1964
Kamala Harris’ full name is 71, which reduces to 8. She has the same Destiny number as Joe Biden. Therefore, her Destiny description is the same as that for Joe Biden. And her Destiny number corresponds to the Life Path number of Inauguration Day.
Her life path number is 5, which represents exploration. An individual with life path number five is adventurous and an agent of change. That’s why they have passion and energy to visit the world, interact with new people and spread ideas. Their personality develops through their efforts to learn about the world through exploration.
As they explore people, they embrace diversity, new experiences and differences. Therefore, they become successful by mastering knowledge and broad experience. As they look for success in life, they overcome challenges that come their way by finding alternative solutions to arrive at the best solution.
Life path number 5 has a strong vibration for connecting systems and commerce. These individuals want to pursue a profession that allows them to support interconnectivity within and across the boundaries of business and commerce. Individuals with Life Path Five will prefer working with people when the work is fast-paced, in different locations, or involves travel. When Destiny 8 and Life Path 5 are combined, there are 13 in total, which reduces to 4. They are here to build something new from the old as leaders.