An ancient form of fortune telling, the Tarot, is becoming increasingly popular. As the world soars to new heights, we turn to new ways of doing things. Some of this involves esoteric methods that have been out of favor in our rational society for quite some time.
Crystals, manifestation, the Law of Attraction and astrology are just some of the things that pique the curiosity of an increasing number of people.
As humans continue to evolve, we begin to make greater use of our intuition. People are beginning to realize that they have extraordinary gifts that previously lay dormant.
For some, this meant exploring divination methods like Tarot!
What exactly is Tarot?
No one is quite sure how it works – that’s the beauty of the intuitive world. It’s so mysterious, and a lot of it is about faith and trust in yourself.
When intuition is harnessed properly, it can open up a realm of possibilities.
The Tarot is essentially a set of cards. Each card tells a story, and when you draw the cards and place them in response to your question, the Tarot answers the question for you based on the meaning of the card and the images.
As such, Tarot is complex and contains many different layers. Navigating the Tarot can be tricky, and the experience is individual for each person.
That’s why we’ve split this article into beginner, intermediate, and advanced spreads that you can try based on your personal Tarot journey level.
Remember, there are no hard rules. Even if you’re just starting out with Tarot, if you feel like you can try intermediate or even advanced, then go for it. The truth is, you don’t know your own capabilities until you jump in and try.
Don’t think that just because you don’t know the meaning of every single card by heart that you have to limit yourself to one type of spread.
To test your capabilities, you must go beyond your own limits.

The best tarot spread for beginners
If you’re new to Tarot, or even just fancy a quick spread to start your day, this three-card Tarot spread is just right!
This is a simple advice spread.
Because it is a general distribution and not focused on one specific topic, it can help you become familiar with the meaning of the cards. It also does not have a special position for each card, allowing you to focus solely on the meaning of the card itself.
Shuffle the cards and ask:
What advice do you have for me today?
Have three cards ready to read when you have finished shuffling.
General advice Example Distribution
Now let’s look at an example spread.
Card 1: 10 of Pentacles
Card 2: 7 of cups
Card 3: 4 of Swords
The 10 of Pentacles highlights family and legacy, indicating that focusing on family matters will likely be a priority throughout the day. Because it is a pentacles card, the emphasis will be on practical matters. Possibilities include home decor, money problems and work-related issues at home.
The 7 of Cups as an advice card advises you not to get too carried away with your own imagination! It also indicates that your imagination is particularly strong these days.
The 4 of Swords is a rest card and suggests that it is important to take some time to care for yourself and rebalance your energies. It indicates that you have been working hard and need a break.
Take as long as you need to meditate on this type of reading. Write down your findings, and once the day is over, compare notes to see how your reading matches up with the events!
This is another three card spread and this time it has specific positions. This is a past, present and future spread designed to help you with a problem you are currently having.
Suppose your question concerns your relationship and a problem in it. This example concerns trust issues.
Shuffle the cards and ask:
How can I improve the trust issues in my relationship?
Past, present and future example spread
Card 1: Past: 7 of Swords
Card 2: Present: 5 of wands
Card 3: Future: Dead
The 7 of Swords as the Past cards indicate betrayal. This highlights that you have experienced some betrayal in previous relationships or in your life, which is contributing to your trust issues.
The magic wand 5 as a gift card is a conflict card. This conflict can occur in your relationship itself, but it can also indicate a conflict within the Self. Your heart and mind may be in disarray as you try to deal with trust issues.
The Death card as the future indicates a major change. Since this is a Major Arcana card, it indicates that the change may be beyond your control. It could mean the end of the relationship if trust issues are not addressed. or it may indicate that a major transition will take place in your relationship.
The irony is that this indicates that you are in control. You can take steps to address your trust issues, such as seeking counseling or therapy. You may decide to take a break from the relationship while you work on yourself.
Even when it seems like the future is set in stone, our lives are in our hands and we have the power to make choices in whatever situation we find ourselves.
The best advanced tarot spread
This advanced spread is a love and relationship tarot spread – and is very popular!
It is a nine-card spread with specific card positions and provides in-depth analysis. It focuses on a person’s feelings for you and where he/she wants the relationship to go.
Shuffle the cards and ask:
How does ______ feel to me?
Then arrange and select the cards in this order.
Card 1, 2 and 3: Their feelings for me
Card 4 & 5: How they see me
Card 6 & 7: What they want to happen between us
Card 8 & 9: What action they will take against me
Love and Relationships Sample Spread
An example spread can be found below:
Card 1, 2 and 3: 2 of Cups, the high priestess and the sun
Card 4 & 5: The Empress and 5 of Swords
Card 6 & 7: 10 cups and 10 pentacles
Card 8 & 9: 2 wands and 4 wands
The first three cards indicate a strong and powerful attraction (2 of Cups) and that this person feels that you share a deep connection (High Priestess). The Sun card indicates that you make this person feel happy; all in all good cards for feelings!
The cards for how this person sees you indicate that they see you as the perfect partner (the Empress) and also appreciate your kind and compassionate nature. However, the 5 of Swords is a card of defeat; this person may feel like you are out of their league.
As for what they want to happen, the 10 of Cups and 10 of Pentacles indicate that they want a solid, stable relationship with you – maybe even marriage! The 10 of Cups shows a happy family life, and the 10 of Pentacles shows a stable family life.
This person can see themselves building a life with you.
As far as their action goes, the 2 of Wands is quite passive. This person may be unsure whether to make a move or not. If they see you as out of their league, this may explain why they are hesitant. However, the wand 4 indicates that a move will be made and indicates a possible collection. They may ask you to a party or a meeting (perhaps with other attendees).
Sharpen your intuition with Tarot
These three spreads are just three of many. There are so many spreads available for beginning, intermediate, and advanced readers.
The more you engage in Tarot readings, the more familiar you become with the cards, and best of all, the more you nurture and hone your intuitive gifts!
Remember to always ground yourself and meditate for a few minutes before reading to clear your energy. A mind that is stressed or heavy can sometimes affect the outcome of a reading, leaving the interpretation or even the reading itself unclear or incorrect.
Over time, your confidence as a Tarot reader will grow. And remember: there is no right or wrong way to do things: do what feels right for you!
Looking for more insights? Try a free Yes/No Tarot Spread now for instant answers!