American geologist Frank Kimbler, passionate about ufology, has been searching with a metal detector since 2010 the area around the town of Roswell in New Mexico, famous for the fact that a strange object fell from the sky there in 1947.
Officially, US authorities declared it to be a secret military weather balloon monitoring nuclear weapons tests. However, most ufologists and ordinary people believe that an alien ship with a crew crashed there.
That the wreck of the ship was taken by the army and then carefully studied, and among the crew there were one or two survivors, who were then interrogated and received a lot of valuable information from them.

This theory is supported by the words of several dozen people, some of whom, as they say, were involved in transporting the rubble, studying the bodies of the dead crew members or even talking to a surviving alien.
But unfortunately, words are just words, and physical evidence of the reality of the Roswell UFO crash has not yet been presented to the public. However, Frank Kimbler’s discovery may finally get the ball rolling. After fourteen years of searching, Frank found more than twenty unusual pieces of metal here.
Very small, no bigger than a fingernail, but chemical analysis of the most unusual one showed that it was 100% pure aluminum. Such pure aluminum does not exist in nature, and high-purity aluminum is mainly used in the aerospace industry, and with the development of computer technology, it is used in hard drives. If only a weather balloon, that is, a balloon with sensors, had actually crashed in Roswell, where would the purity of the aluminum come from?
It is believed that it is not usually used in probes; it is too expensive, even in military applications. Especially in those distant years. The story of Frank Kimbler and his strange discovery was recently featured in the Discovery Channel documentary series Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction.

Experts who studied one of the pieces said it provided “convincing evidence” that aliens actually crashed into the area decades ago. According to host Chrissy Newton, a former Pentagon ufologist (she did not name him) told her that similar pieces of pure aluminum were found at other UFO crash sites.
Kimbler, who teaches geology at the New Mexico Military Institute when he’s not looking for UFO debris, says he pulled this particular piece from an anthill in a field near Roswell.
He says it has long been known that ants bring small bits of gold, copper, nickel, bronze and other minerals into their anthills, and that people looking for these deposits often stirred anthills to see if there was anything in these places . something valuable.
Kimbler also admits that not all of the strange debris he found could have come from a UFO. It’s entirely possible that some of them are just trash left behind by tourists. But some things can be ‘very interesting’.
Tom Hossain, chief scientist at Cerium Labs, where Kimbler’s sample was tested, said the piece of aluminum is not only unusual in purity, but also different from the industrial aluminum used in various industries.
“The majority of the aluminum used is anodized aluminum,” says Hossain. Anodizing is an electrochemical process that transforms a metal surface into a decorative, durable and corrosion-resistant coating known as anodic oxide.
This protects the metal beneath this finish from corrosion due to reaction with oxygen molecules present in both the air and water. Hossein also revealed that the fragment is not an alloy, but actually pure aluminum.

There are also photos from Roswell showing the military examining what appear to be pieces of foil. It was later explained that these were parts of a weather balloon.
But if the piece of aluminum Kimbler found is part of this “foil,” then this probe would be worth a fortune. It is difficult and expensive to produce such pure aluminum. And what purpose did pure aluminum serve in the probe? None of this makes any sense if it was just a weather balloon.