Spirituality is the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul, as opposed to material or physical things. In the quest for spiritual understanding in your life, there are many tools at your disposal to help you explore your spiritual energy, answer spiritual questions, and increase your spiritual awareness.
This article looks at the types of tools and their uses in and for spiritual practice. The tools to consider for this article – cards and coins – represent the most common tools you can find and use for spiritual work.
Spiritual tools, why should you use them?
Spiritual work does not require tools, but they can be extremely helpful if you prefer to have objects to work with when seeking spiritual guidance, on your own or from someone else. I think it is useful to distinguish between a spiritual talent, such as clairaudience, and a spiritual tool, such as tarot cards.
Spiritual tools help you or a practitioner focus energy for spiritual work or to assist in the search for spiritual answers. A tool can help someone come to a spiritual place or spiritual answer, or it can use a spiritual talent and give it direction during a reading or question/answer process.
One of the best known and most used spiritual tools are tarot cards. The tarot deck contains 78 cards, described by Rachel Pollack as the 78 degrees of wisdom. The deck consists of two groups of cards: the Major Arcana, consisting of 22 of the 78 cards, and the Minor Arcana, consisting of 56 of the 78 cards.
The 22 Major Arcana cards start with 0, the Fool, and end with 21, the World. The Fool takes a journey to meet, become, or experience every card in the deck, starting with the Magician (the number 1 card of the Majors). Then he will meet/become the High Priestess, and so on.
The 56 Minor Arcana cards have 4 suits, representing the four elements through four symbols. In the oldest card games, the symbols are cups/chalices for water, wands/staffs for fire, coins for earth, and swords for air. Each element represents an aspect of the human experience: water for emotions, fire for purpose, coins for material survival/success, and swords for thoughts.
In addition to tarot cards, other card games exist that use images and concepts for spiritual work; these are oracle decks. Basically they consist of any number of cards other than the 78 cards of the tarot deck, and without the same kind of organization.
Using cards as a spiritual tool
Using cards as a spiritual tool means shaking them, drawing them and placing them down to ‘read’ them. You can ask a specific question (I have a job offer in Denver, Colorado, should I take it?), think about an area of your life (I want to know more about my family), or you can be open and see what the cards hold. to reveal.
Reading with cards can be as simple as drawing a single card, or more complex using many cards (two, three, ten, or any number). When you work with more than one card, they are laid out in a certain way or with a certain category in mind, known as a “spread.” One of the most common spreads is 3 cards, where the first card represents the past, the second card represents the present and the third card represents the future.
Once you’ve drawn your cards from your tarot or oracle deck and placed them in your spread, interpret them to determine your message. Below is a standard three-card spread interpreting the question: “Should I take the job in Denver, Colorado?”

From the past, the Queen of Pentacles indicates that you want the job to be stable and safe. Currently, you need to make sure the job allows you to do the work you love. In the future, if the job meets these two criteria, you should take a leap of faith and take the job.
Coins for spiritual work are not nearly as common as cards. In fact, there is a very specific practice that involves using coins, but it is extremely effective. The practice involves using the I-Ching Book of Changes to answer a specific question. The I-Ching text has 64 answers, based on 64 hexagrams. To determine the hexagram that answers your question, use and throw 3 coins.
Using coins as a spiritual tool
All coins with a different image on the front and back (heads/tails) are suitable, specialized coins or cents; It does not matter. To start, determine your question; we will use the same one from the card reading example above.
Take the 3 coins in your non-dominant hand, cover them with your dominant hand, ask your question out loud and toss the coins. Depending on 4 combinations (3 heads, 3 tails, 2 heads/1 tail and 2 tails/1 head), mark the throw as a solid line that turns into a dashed line (3 heads), a dashed line that turns into a solid line (3 tails), an unchanging broken line (2 heads/1 tail), or an unchanging solid line (2 tails/1 head). You throw the coins 6 times to get 6 lines that together form the hexagram. The first throw is the bottom line and the last throw is the top line.
You get your coins, ask your question, throw the coins and get hexagram 21 as a result:

Go to an I-Ching text and look up hexagram 21, which is Shi Ho, ‘Persistence’. The answer to “should I take the job in Denver, Colorado?” is: “you can, but you will have to work hard to make it work. So, how bad do you want the job?”
If you tossed the coins and didn’t get 3 of the same, heads or tails, then the answer is fixed: “You can’t go anywhere”, but if you tossed, you got 3 of the same heads or tails, then the answer will be self-evident to follow. into another hexagram as soon as you change the line. Suppose the first line is a changing solid line, which would become a broken line, then the next part of your answer would become hexagram 35:

The direction your answer will take you is Chin: “Progress.” If you can ‘get the hang of it’, you will make the job work and you will succeed.
Your level of spiritual or psychic talent does not have to be high or even present to use these tools and still achieve a spiritual result. Whether you feel guided to draw the cards or feel like you are drawing them at random, they have a spiritual design. The coins don’t have to be forged from the heart of a dying star to get the lines needed to get a hexagram answer. Therefore, the tools can be useful for everyone.