Pluto square Mars in the birth chart is one of those aspects that bring together ambition and power. And if you’re a Scorpio with this aspect, the world better watch out! But regardless of your sun sign, this square can shape your personality and ultimately leave a mark on your life!

Understand Pluto square Mars
A square between these two planets can be as intense as the energy they bring. Pluto, the God of the underworld, is the planet of transformation and radical change. It represents power, control and ego. Pluto represents death and rebirth in a way that helps us eliminate what no longer serves us or aligns with our divine purpose. This planet rules the water sign Scorpio and brings out the truth even from the darkest corners of our hearts. It is a planet that influences generations as much, if not more, than individuals because of its slow movements in the sky.
The placement of Pluto in the birth chart shows us where we are most likely to experience transformations in our lives. This placement has a significant impact on self-development and the connections we create in our lives.
Mars represents assertiveness, aggression, determination, drive, ambition and sexual energy. This planet is the archetype of a warrior and encourages you to achieve your goals. Mars rules the fire sign Aries and is one of the most powerful energies in your birth chart, along with the rest of your planets (Venus, Mercury, the Sun and the Moon). Your natal Mars shows in which area of life you are most likely to manifest your assertiveness and feel a strong drive to succeed.
A square is formed between Pluto and Mars when these two planets are 90 degrees apart. It invites you to discover and express your inner strength in the world with determination and focus. Although it is difficult, it will help you grow and even achieve unimaginable success!
The Natal Pluto square Mars aspect
If you have Mars square Pluto in the birth chart, you are a native with a strong personality. You know what you want and are not afraid to go after it. But you are still afraid of something: the power that others can have over you. This birth aspect tells you that you need to own your identity and power in a way that you take control of your life. If you don’t like giving this control to other people or systems, you need to fully step into your cosmic power. And Pluto and Mars will help you with that!
You can use your natal Pluto square Mars for good, growth or evil purposes. This is a very versatile aspect that allows you to do both extremes. Your ability to understand the concept of power and control helps you implement it in a way that most people struggle with.
The way you internalize this square aspect can influence the way you express aggressiveness and sexual tension. If you cannot tame its energy, you may experience control issues and be prone to reckless actions or decisions. One of your life lessons is learning how to deal with conflict and feelings of anger in a healthy way. You may find it easier to express your personal power physically, but this is not always a wise choice. Learn to think about your actions and not act on impulse. Mars in Leo or Aries can make this battle to control your power even more challenging. But once you succeed, you can be a force of truth, authenticity, wise courage, and determination that others look up to.

Natal Pluto square Mars and your love life
In the field of love, Pluto square Mars in the birth chart makes you a very protective person. You want to be sure that your loved ones are safe and able to fight against anything that threatens their well-being.
This aspect gives you a lot of sexual energy, so you will seek out physical relationships before giving your emotions a chance to get involved. More often than not, your relationships will help you face your fears and overcome your limitations. Pluto helps you find a way to heal past traumas through the connections you make with people.
Pluto square Mars can be a challenging aspect of relationships, as it brings jealousy and an intense need for control. People with this placement can have a moody nature and even a high degree of unpredictability. Mars in Virgo or Gemini can help reduce this intensity and increase rational thinking. But without soft aspects affecting Pluto or Mars, your jealousy and need for power can get in the way of many personal relationships.
Pluto square Mars Synastry
As far as composite charts go, Pluto square Mars in the synastry chart can indicate a solid bond between two people. This square generates magnetism between the partners and an intense sex drive. But people with this aspect are also prone to obsessive behavior and actions that can damage their relationship. If someone tries to take control of the relationship, the other partner will not easily submit.
Read more about Pluto square Mars synastry.

Pluto Square Mars Transit
Pluto square Mars transit invites us to connect with our inner strength and discover new ways to achieve our goals. This aspect makes us courageous and gives us a boost of self-confidence. It is also an energy that can cause conflict and sudden changes. Such transitions are often turning points, where you have to face what no longer works and take decisive steps to transform your life. While challenging, these periods can also be incredibly powerful and reveal a person’s strength and capacity for change.
Celebrities with Pluto square Mars in the birth chart
Given the cosmic power of Mars square Pluto in the birth chart, it is no surprise that this aspect is present in the birth charts of famous people.
Britney Spears. We can see the transformative power of Pluto square Mars in the life and career of pop star Britney Spears. She fought to express her talent and gain control over her life. And especially in recent years, Britney showed great strength and spoke her truth to everyone else.
Charlie Sheen. The famous actor Charlie Sheen had an up and down life and career and was on the first pages of the tabloids for a long time. He went through personal struggles and many public transformations and somehow managed to grow through them. Charlie Sheen embodies the square between Mars and Pluto very clearly.
Hillary Clinton. The former Secretary of State and First Lady has demonstrated her need for power and control several times during her career. Her Pluto square Mars in the birth chart gave her the strength to overcome personal challenges and stay focused on her career goals, sometimes even against all odds.

Frequently Asked Questions
Mars square Pluto can create an energy that feels like war without necessarily being so conflictual. These two planets can create tension and change the outcome of a situation in a similar way to how a war can choose a winner. But notice that we find such tensions in all Mars-Pluto aspects, even if a square or opposition increases the intensity.
Pluto on Mars is an expression that often refers to a conjunction between these two planets. Such a placement brings more assertiveness and can even cause obsession with one’s goals and desires.
Mars and Pluto in synastry suggest a powerful, potentially explosive interaction between individuals, where issues of control, power and transformation are prominent. It can lead to profound mutual change if addressed with awareness and maturity.
Final thoughts
Pluto square Mars in the birth chart must be analyzed in the context of the entire chart. Pay particular attention to interactions between Pluto and Neptune, as these can increase Pluto’s psychic energy and give the aspect more spiritual direction. Likewise, Mars-Venus aspects can provide valuable clues about relationships.