A new theory offers an alternative explanation for the accelerated expansion of space, reports Popular mechanics.
One of the biggest challenges in modern cosmology is fully understanding the Big Bang and what happened afterward. Scientists are also trying to fully understand why the accelerated expansion of space is happening.
The main cosmological model attempts to explain the nature of the universe using undiscovered dark matter and dark energy. But some scientists, taking into account the fact that this model is not perfect, as they assume, forces them to look for new explanations for the behavior of the cosmos.
In the journal Gravitation and Cosmology, scientists presented their explanation of the nature of the universe without the presence of dark matter and dark energy. The authors believe that our universe is connected to the anti-universe.
An important cosmological model called Lambda-CDM is currently the best explanation for the Big Bang and the subsequent expansion of the universe. This model tries to explain why the universe is expanding and why accelerated expansion is taking place. But there are several gaps in the cosmological model that have not yet been filled. One of the problems with the model is that it relies on the existence of dark matter and dark energy to describe the cosmos, which have not yet been directly observed.
For this reason, some scientists suggest that the universe, its nature and behavior, can be explained by the existence of alternative gravity, the fact that it is growing by absorbing small universes and by other hypotheses.
Now another theory has emerged that explains the accelerated expansion of space. An invisible force called dark energy is now believed to be responsible. But the authors believe that our universe is expanding at an accelerated pace because it is actually part of an entangled pair with another, anti-universe.

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According to scientists, this model does not require the existence of dark energy or alternative gravity. But in this model, the universe has a partner whose time flow is oppositely related to our universe.
It is worth saying that five years ago other scientists proposed the idea that our universe is just a mirror image of another universe with the opposite flow of time. According to the authors of the new theory, it does not violate a fundamental rule of physics known as CPT symmetry, which is a big plus for an idea that tries to explain the expansion of space.
The authors say they used concepts from quantum theory, i.e. relative entropy, and Einstein’s general theory of relativity, i.e. the zero-point energy state.
The new model therefore shows that the universe will indeed naturally expand faster if it coexists with another universe. The authors say accelerated expansion appears inevitable in universes that formed as a pair during the Big Bang and maintain a zero-energy state.
According to scientists, although this model questions the existing understanding of space, it uses standard concepts from quantum theory and relativity. The only thing is that there is no dark energy in it.