There are two major cycles in Egyptian numerology that affect you personally and collectively. They are the Universal Year and Personal Year vibrations. If you can recognize and observe these defining numerical cycles and how they operate in your life, then you can tune into and work with the opportunities they create.
In numerology each is calendar year amounts to a single digit number from 1 to 9, which has a unique energetic influence and imprint. It’s called the Universal Year. This means that it is a collective energy in which everyone on the planet will experience the energy of a certain number throughout the year.
Each number, from one to nine, represents a range of feelings, opportunities and challenges that we may all face in the next twelve months.
How do you calculate the universal year number?
Hello and welcome, I am Sara Bachmeier, author of Egyptian numerology; Emergence into the 5th Dimension and “The Path of a Wounded Healer; Liberation is for asking.”
Each year feels different on an individual level, but knowing the special features of the current Universal Year will give you a better idea of the areas of your life that may need extra attention.
We are currently in a 7 year Universal Number for 2023. You can calculate the Universal Year Number by adding the current year’s numbers together.
For example: 2023 = 2+2+3 = 7 and 2024 will be a Universal Number for 8 years.
Every year the collective vibration changes depending on the numerical calculation of the current year. This gives you plenty of opportunities to tune into the Universe and co-create with Spirit.
A look back at the past year gives us insight into the Universal momentum of our collective consciousness.
Universal years 7 and 8, what does this mean?
2023 was not the year of major production, promotion or fun. It was a time for inner contemplation and self-reflection. You may not be as driven to achieve worldly success if you wanted to find inner peace and balance. If you worked progressively with Universal number seven energy, you would be led to put drama, business advancement and money-making plans on the back burner.
We are currently transitioning from a gentle, self-reflective Universal Number 7 energy to a boisterous, creative and spontaneous Universal Number 8 Energy. 2024 is a time of inertia versus action.
Whatever the number 7 revealed to you in the form of an idea, goal, inspiration or dreams… 2024 gives you the motivation and incentive to make it happen.
2024 will be a time of inertia versus action. This is a powerful year for manifestation.
Your Personal Annual Energy has a major influence on the direction you take this year, but Universal energy and power will overarch your personal theme and show you how you can best achieve your dreams and goals.
Most people I know are happy and ready to come out of self-reflection and the silent development of the creative process and start the engine to act on all the wonderful insights they received during the universal number seven years. This coming year, get ready to step out of the cocoon and adapt your wings for flight.
However, the number eight can be tricky. Most people know that this energy is about abundance, and it is, but you must learn to be an alchemist to wield the majestic nature of the infinity symbol.
Alignment with Source and the highest integrity are a must to truly ignite the law of attraction. And when you think about it, it makes sense. You manifest what you focus on, and you must be aware of the origins or motives of your intentions.
When you dance around chanting “abundance, abundance, abundance,” the universe hears you, recognizes your vibration, and spins the wheel to fulfill your desires. So make a conscious effort to align with your highest good before doing the happy dance, or you may find yourself in compromising circumstances beyond your control.
What can you expect in 2024?
Personal strength and integrity, inner satisfaction, contentment and happiness play a role in 2024. That means cutting ties with everything that is holding you back.
You don’t always have to let go of something before you change your life. You can start by first making positive changes and letting the old fall away naturally. Life is like a vacuum, behavior that goes away is replaced by new behavior, both positive and negative… space will always be occupied.
2024 is the year of health awareness. Cleanse, strengthen and align with your inner core so that you attract solid opportunities and external success that the Universe sends your way. You want to make sure you are healthy and strong enough to discover and appreciate your success.
Universal number eight years shows the way out of inertia and into action. The number eight is about personal power, integrity, manifestation, business, property, money and creativity.
Power, like money, can be used in positive or negative ways. This year you will learn about the balance between standing your ground and when to give up; you learn that the most positive form of control is self-control. Until this lesson is recognized and implemented, you will tend to play games of dominance or submission as you struggle with power or control issues with other people, circumstances, and the world.
If you abuse or suppress your power, it will turn around and destroy you. It is important to express your power in the coming year and let it flow naturally into the world in service of a greater good. Until you find your own balance of power and learn to express it, you tend to bounce back and forth between too much or too little power or money; you will experience feast or famine, and you will act passively or aggressively.
Energy of 8
When the energy of the Universal Number 8 works positively, they ultimately manifest because they allow their inner abundance to flow through them. They may feel “lucky” at times, but their happiness reflects Spirit’s plans.
The secret to making this magical year number 8 work for you is to balance your spiritual and material worlds with integrity, because the law of attraction is what number 8 is all about.
This energy is often associated with the material world, such as money, power and fame, but as can be clearly seen, the two loops demonstrate the spiritual connected to the physical world in an infinite circular bond.
The link between the circles represents your ability to connect with both equally. Balance, self-discipline and creative imagination ensure that the stream of light flows from one loop to the next.
The only way to balance the two and remain fluid is through clear communication or what I call wise communication. This means that no gossip, sarcasm, hateful statements, falsehoods and lies of omission will be tolerated if you want to manifest for the highest good for yourself and others.
The physical loop represents the five senses, including seeing, hearing, speaking, touching and smelling.
The spiritual loop consists of the five major psychic senses.
When we refine our physical senses, we naturally open up to our higher psychic senses and abilities.
I’m going to share with you a meditation that I use to tap into the power of the Universal Number 8. It’s called the “Midas Touch.”
The Midas Touch Meditation
Make yourself comfortable, turn off the electronics and take four deep cleansing breaths. Inhale, count to 4, hold for a count of 4, exhale slowly, count to 4 and hold for a count of 4. Do this 4 times.
- Close your eyes
- Imagine standing on top of an ancient sacred mountain
- Take a deep breath and notice how fresh the air is (is it warm, cold, wet?)
- Take another breath and notice the silence around you.
- As you take your third breath, feel yourself becoming a 20-foot-long steel rod. (You still have all your senses)
- Stay in this position.
- Now feel how the wind around you is picking up. Does it come from the East or the West?
- Every moment the wind gets stronger, but nothing can move you.
- Notice the dark clouds coming across the sky and the rain starting to pour around you. Harder and smoother.
- Thunder awakens your soul. With each loud release of Thunder your heart becomes activated and open. Louder and louder. Stronger and stronger.
- Lightning strikes and transforms every cell in your body into pure White Light.
- Take a moment and let the thunder and lightning activate your heart and soul with each breath.
- When your heart is wide open and your body is radiant with pure white light, notice that you are a channel for the electrical pulse of the Higher Source.
- Feel this dynamic energy flowing into your crown chakra, through your body and into the earth through your feet.
- Be the Channel for this Energy and then notice the difference between you and the energy. Then become ONE with the Energy again.
- Create from this place… This is when and where you create and manifest your highest possible desires.
- Take a moment to focus on what you wish to happen in your life. See and feel it all in the Present Moment as it occurs now. Create this vision down to the smallest detail. What are you wearing? How do you feel? Who is with you? Where are you? And what happens?
When you wish to manifest, become the electrical conduit between Source and Matter. Use your imagination and draw the dynamic energy into your body, heart, mind and soul, staying in the constant flow of your imagination, faith and actions.
This concludes the 2024 Universal issue 8 article. May you have peace, may you prosper, and may you count your blessings and appreciate the abundance you have in your life now, and share some of your blessings with others.
For more involvement in Egyptian numerology, visit my website at
Blessings and Namaste’, Sara