Within the Nine Year Cycle we learn that our feelings are the only means by which we can find an advocate for personal freedom. It is a year of endings, completion and conclusions that offer an opportunity to free ourselves from the misplaced beliefs that have always caused unhappiness, boredom, dissatisfaction and stagnation. The Nine Years reveals and teaches us how to break free from our past by relinquishing our hold on it. Without this awareness, we are forever victims of something that once happened to us. The nine-year cycle rings a bell beckoning that now is the time to heal.
Liberating the old
Nothing new happens or has a chance to develop in the 9 year cycle until the inevitable endings occur and the more we try to start something new without first freeing the old, the more resistance the universe comes our way. If we don’t try to accept our emotional reality, we will find our history repeating itself over the next nine years.
This is a year of reflection on the ongoing journey of our lives and of thinking deeply about everything that has happened to us. Of course, there will be circumstances and events that we do not want to embrace, and these are memories that we block from our consciousness. These are exactly the incidents and situations that beg to be addressed and they act as a heavy burden that weighs us down like an anchor and prevents our intentions and momentum from moving forward. The more sincere intention we apply to resurface forgotten memories, the easier it becomes to adopt and integrate the nine-year healing process.
It is the sheer weight of finding distraction and avoiding past and present emotions that causes depression, even though we try to fool ourselves into believing that we can escape depression simply by expressing these emotions to avert. This appearance creates an abyss of denial and ultimately a deeper despondency. If we find ourselves activated and focused on anger, regret, fear or sadness, to the extent that we cannot live constructively, there is a promising chance that we are using these emotions as an excuse or distraction to continue denying another emotion buried even further deep. Denial is no longer a privilege on this earth. Denial causes most of the serious problems that humanity has faced in the past and today, and this applies to our personal lives as well as life in general.
Accept fear
Being afraid to recognize and own our feelings is a natural response and, like all feelings, must follow its own evolutionary process and be allowed to move. When we cling to fear, we refuse its purpose and ability to support us, and by preventing its movement we become paralyzed by it. The natural order and progression is that we allow ourselves to feel our fear, accept its presence and allow it to move through and out of us. This process promotes courage, integrity, and a growing ability to recognize which things are to be feared, and which things are not to be feared at all. Honoring our feelings as an extension of our senses, intuitions and instincts is essential to our survival and ability to develop into our authentic selves.
We believe that being thorough and honest with ourselves in this process is critical because, if left to your own devices, positive thinking can do more harm than good. When our thoughts and feelings are not aligned, we inevitably create stagnant energy. Our thoughts and feelings are important, but they are two different forces that must be explored and experienced separately so that we can tell them apart. When our masculine thoughts and feminine feelings find symmetry and join forces, our personal power to survive, grow and thrive increases significantly, and our entire being is free to evolve.
It seems that the Nine Years are dragging us backwards in the wrong direction, but this process is actually a guidance in disguise, as it is necessary to find the unfinished issues that are keeping us from moving forward. Being an archaeologist is essential in this process and this will take us on an emotional ride. We dig up hidden treasures, assess emotions from the past and assimilate new sensitive situations in the present that partially evoke all the old feelings that need to be released.
The consequences of the past
The circumstances we encounter in the present time are reenactments of the past, in various forms, representing the consequences of actions, reactions, inactions, beliefs and attitudes. We cannot live and create fully in the present if part of us is stuck and hidden in the past. That’s why we want to go back, dig a little deeper and retrieve the lost parts of ourselves that are unresolved and stuck in our subconscious.
Generosity, kindness and compassion play an important role in this developmental process, and through a greater understanding of ourselves we come to sympathize with the reality of others. We become aware of how we all make certain problems worse by avoiding and denying the feelings involved, and realize the difference between compassion and guilt.
Self-reflection and intuition
If we are currently reluctantly involved in a relationship or something similar that we don’t feel confident about, guilt may have convinced us that it is the right thing to do, and perhaps it is. Maybe not. The only way to be sure is to allow ourselves self-reflection and trust our intuition to guide us. It is in the Nine Years that we realize how much guilt prevents us from achieving happiness and how much we have denied our guilt by converting it into guilt.
Uncomfortable memories always emerge to be acknowledged and when they are healed, we can create more inner space where creativity and happiness can emerge.
False beliefs are replaced by new truths, perspectives and possibilities, and as we accept what has happened to us, we develop a clear vision of what we want to initiate in our lives and transform the old self into the current self, making our personal will possible is made. and longs to define an entirely new future.
Not all endings are tied to tumultuous emotions. Some situations eventually end, providing relief and respite. Don’t assume the worst. Accepting and integrating our past is the landscape we had to cross to get where we wanted to be, and our true understanding of this journey manifests the Nine Year Cycle into the most exciting and dynamic pilgrimage we will ever travel.