U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recently released a series of documents and videos related to unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), also known as UFOs.
The revelation was made public thanks to a user on The black vaulta website dedicated to releasing government documents on various topics, including UAP.
The documents and videos date from 2013 and 2014 and show several examples of UAP encounters by CBP agents by land and sea.
Captured by infrared cameras mounted on CBP aircraft, the videos show anomalous objects appearing to fly at high speeds, changing directions and performing maneuvers that defy conventional aerodynamics.
CBP has not provided an official explanation for the nature or origin of the UAP, nor commented on why it decided to release the files now.
However, the revelation comes in the wake of the US government’s preliminary assessment on UAP, which was released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) in June 2021.
The ODNI report recognized that UAP is a security concern and could pose a challenge to U.S. national security, and that more data and analysis are needed to understand the phenomenon.
The report also stated that the majority of UAP reported by military personnel remains unexplained, and some of it can be attributed to foreign hostile systems or advanced technologies.
CBP’s release of UAP documents and videos adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting that UAP is a real and persistent phenomenon that deserves further investigation.
The public and scientific community are eager to learn more about these mysterious objects and determine whether they pose a threat or an opportunity to humanity.