In the common woods near Lexington, Kentucky, a series of footprints has fueled a new wave of speculation about the legendary Bigfoot. The discovery was made by local resident Aaron Thiel, who came across the special prints along a forest path.
The footprints, which pressed deep into the muddy path, clearly showed five different toes. Thiel shared his experience on Facebook, in which he describes his journey of more than three kilometers through the forest, where he encountered no other people.
“On my way out of the woods, I saw a strange footprint with toes,” Thiel wrote.

“I took a photo and kept walking, and then saw more fully formed humanoid footprints. My boot is in the photo for comparison.”
Thiel added details to emphasize the strange nature of the find. “My boot is a size 12. It was muddy and definitely not a path to walk on barefoot. And they were fresh and there was no water in them… I don’t understand it. I weigh 300 pounds, wear size 12 boots, and I barely left a mark compared to these marks.
The photos Thiel posted quickly attracted attention on social media, with some users suggesting he may have discovered evidence of a young Sasquatch. Others, however, were more skeptical and accused Thiel of orchestrating a hoax.
While the debate continues, the mystery of the barefoot footprints near Lexington remains unsolved, adding yet another chapter to the Bigfoot legend.