This mysterious story happened in March 2006 in Argentina, near the town of General Pico, with 31-year-old police officer Luis Sergio Pucheta with the rank of corporal.
On that day, Pucheta’s routine changed slightly when a comrade asked him to cover part of his jurisdiction on his day off. Cabo Pucheta began patrolling at 7:30 PM and traveled about 50 miles until reaching a place known as ‘El cruce de las Cañas’.
There he saw a strange glow in the forest, at first he thought it might be poachers. He stopped the vehicle, removed his helmet and got off the motorcycle.
He walked around, but could see or hear nothing until a few minutes later, as he was about to get back on his motorcycle, two strange red lights appeared, immediately blinding and paralyzing him. The lights were about 50 yards away.
Despite being 31 years old, physically fit and experienced, the situation took him by surprise. He didn’t have time to draw his weapon or react. He could only move his hands; a strange tingling sensation went through his body.
A few seconds later he found himself turning off his radio, gun and cell phone. He doesn’t remember when or why he did this. Desperate, he called Marcelo Villegas, the one he replaced on patrol, and said, “Come to Las Cañas, you know what’s happening,” then disconnected the call.
Villegas reported the incident via emergency telephone 101 and within 10 minutes the head of the Radioelectric Command was on site.
At the tip of the huge sugar cane field, about half a mile away, they found the abandoned motorcycle. A little further away the dismantled radio and gun were scattered around. Everything was there except Pucheta; it seemed as if he had disappeared.
Due to the unusual nature of the case, a perimeter was established to protect the area and all available units were notified to search for the missing officer.
A group of police officers began walking across the land, following Pucheta’s footprints. The distance between the prints began to increase: one meter, two meters, up to seven meters. Pucheta later said it felt like something was grabbing him and pulling him up.
The entire police force, led by the chief, was looking for this officer who had disappeared under strange circumstances.

At 2 a.m. it started to rain, and a violent storm hit the area, complicating everything, especially as the wind erased the footprints.
The next day, around 4 p.m., Pucheta appeared at a place known as “El Triángulo”, about 30 km from where he was last seen. The landowner, Luis Alberto Barbero, found him sitting along the dirt road, dressed as if he were disappearing, with his face hidden between his arms.
Barbero tried to communicate, but Pucheta did not respond or say a word. Since he showed no reaction, Barbero called 911 on his cell phone.
Minutes later, all units arrived in the area, along with an ambulance and several media. Pucheta said something in his head and told him, “If you stay here, we’ll come get you.”
Gradually the young officer regained his composure. When he was able to stand on his own two feet, he hugged his superior, Commissioner Inspector Roberto Ayala, and burst into inconsolable tears.

When they reached the medical center, they discovered burns on his feet with blisters and small dots between them, which lasted for some time. Pucheta insisted on being taken to a dark room because the light caused him severe pain. This light sensitivity or photophobia lasted for a while.
Pucheta previously always distinguished himself by impeccable behavior and had no psychological problems. And it was revealed that a few days before his disappearance, he reported seeing strange lights in the sky in the same area.
Pucheta eventually came to the conclusion that the aliens he saw had abducted him and that during his captivity he had suffered a terrible traumatic experience that affected his psyche, but which he could never remember.
However, he remembered something: “It felt like I was in my mother’s womb and then I started remembering things from my childhood. It was like my life in slow motion, I don’t know how long it lasted.”
Many strange things were discovered during the investigation. One was that Pucheta did not eat or drink anything during the 18 hours they were looking for him, this was discovered at the hospital.

But for some reason his body showed no signs of dehydration. Another strange thing was the rain. When Puchetta was found, his clothes were completely dry and not even dirty, but two hours earlier it had rained heavily in the area.
According to the information published by the local newspaper, the police officer gave a strange version of what happened. He assured that he was contacted by two beings of small stature and with red eyes, who gave him orders without addressing him. He indicated that he tried to flee from the strangers, but could not explain how he got to the place where he was found.
“They were small, with red eyes,” the 28-year-old corporal described.
This was followed by an investigation and dismissal from service. In May 2013, Pucheta was forced into retirement by Resolution 383 as he was unable to return to work due to the trauma of the experience. Pucheta’s disappearance remains a mystery. Everything indicates that it could be a kidnapping, a topic that is widely discussed worldwide.
Pucheta describes vague images of that night, seeing the field from above, feeling like he was on board something (possibly a ship) and witnessing everything light up as he passed by. He remembers feeling intense heat when he put his feet down, and explained the cause of the burns on his feet.
He insists he never wants to experience the same thing again and still avoids going to Las Cañas. Regarding the incident, he mentions that he fears returning to the same place and experiences a similar situation.