Read your horoscope for Mercury in Leo
Chasing big ideas
As Mercury flickers through Leo 10th of July until July 28, you will love to put your ideas front and centre. When the planet of thought and communication enters this proud fire sign, vibrant expression becomes second nature. To show what’s on your mind, you need a base level of healthy self-esteem. Wherever you are on your journey to self-acceptance, this transit is a reminder that your thoughts have value and deserve an appreciative audience.
Sit back on the generative and impassioned dimensions of your musings. If you’re feeling inspired to make big promises, impromptu toasts, or splashy social media posts, indulge in a little show-stopping. This is also a good time for more vulnerable stocks. Posting your poems on your blog, writing a heartfelt thank you note to a mentor, or raising the power of your truth in the safe pages of your journal can all unlock your most radiant cerebral charms.
Your Mercury in Leo horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, read both horoscopes. You will know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you want to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or Thank you for your support and for distributing this work. We really appreciate it – and so do you.
The following horoscopes are written by Grace Mungovan.
Aries and Aries rising
Your muses hold megaphones. As Mercury moves through Leo in the coming weeks, “too big” won’t be big enough when it comes to your creative musings.
Go all in on your artistic ideas – whether that means rocking the most glittery earrings you’ve got or choosing the oversized canvas for your impromptu living room painting. There is something about offering yourself everything you want and more that makes your synapses spin.
Give yourself the gift of total permission for vibrant self-expression.
To read where each planet is currently in the sky and how it affects you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Taurus and Taurus rising
Bring more party into your home. As Mercury moves through Leo in the coming weeks, your brainstorming sessions about your whereabouts will be more like decadent parties.
Providing your household affairs with vibrant self-expression does not have to be a huge undertaking. It’s enough to swap the same old countertop flowers for the most outrageous flowers on the stand. The same goes for preparing dinner while listening to your favorite songs at maximum volume.
Your foundations aren’t just there to ground you, they’re also there to hold onto fun moments.
To read where each planet is currently in the sky and how it affects you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Gemini and Gemini rising
Prepare to take center stage in your conversations. As Mercury slides through Leo in the coming weeks, it will be especially satisfying to express what’s on your mind. From expressing your latest hot take on your social platforms to sharing your good news with a well-known retailer, you spread the word.
The truth is, there’s nothing selfish about communicating your ideas. By doing this in a spirit of goodwill, others write a permission slip to do the same. Let those around you know what is happening and applaud their successes as well.
To read where each planet is currently in the sky and how it affects you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Cancer and cancer are rising
When it comes to your resources, think big. As Mercury moves through Leo in the coming weeks, take stock of your abundance. Whether it’s tax assets or your inner treasure trove of talents, add it all up. And celebrate every bit.
If you’re hoping to expand your bank account or show more of your gifts to the world, appreciate what you currently have. If you express a deluge of gratitude for even the smallest of qualities, you will become rich.
Don’t wait to enjoy your own wealth.
To read where each planet is currently in the sky and how it affects you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Leo and leo rising
As Mercury moves through Leo in the coming weeks, channel your main character’s energy. Taking the time to praise yourself for a job well done or pamper yourself when things don’t go according to plan will pay off.
Prioritizing your preferences is not selfish; it is an act of self-care that gives you greater access to your inner riches.
Think of ways to share more of your essence with the world, from starting a blog to getting that eye-catching piercing. Go forth and defend the good cause of your own shining genius.
To read where each planet is currently in the sky and how it affects you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Virgo and Virgo rising
Transform your inner sanctum into a party palace. So a soothing one. As Mercury swings through Leo in the coming weeks, think of ways to turn your bedroom or contemplative corner into a space for convivial parties.
This means aligning yourself with your passions and fully owning your preferences. From using brightly colored sheets that get your synapses firing to putting up a thought-provoking poster above your bed, find out how to make loneliness exciting.
Who says relaxing can’t be fun too?
To read where each planet is currently in the sky and how it affects you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Libra and Libra rising
Go ahead and write some love letters. But not for just one loved one. As Mercury walks through Leo for the next few weeks, send those heart-eye emojis to your whole squad. From your childhood best friend to your favorite mentor, it will be a good time to express what you admire to your peers.
It can feel fragile to share what we like with others, but this gives depth and strength to our bonds. Let the honey drip from your words, so the hivemind can sniff the sweetness. There is more than enough sugar available.
To read where each planet is currently in the sky and how it affects you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Scorpio and Scorpio rising
Choose bountiful stories for your career or greater calling. As Mercury moves through Leo in the coming weeks, you are encouraged to expand your mind about your goals.
It doesn’t do anyone any favors by downsizing or playing small. Make a list of all the gifts, talents, and possessions you have available to make your dreams come true. Take the time each day to shamelessly brag about them, even if it’s just in the mirror. Bringing a little more bravado to your strategy will give you a powerful, professional shine.
To read where each planet is currently in the sky and how it affects you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius rising
Life is a party. At least, sometimes it is. As Mercury roars through Leo in the coming weeks, you’ll benefit from adding a festive touch to your wisdom journeys and long-term plans.
From decorating your altar with photos of your next travel destination to blasting the disco while filling out high school applications, maximize the fun in your plans.
Expanding your horizons geographically, spiritually or intellectually is easier when you are your own most enthusiastic tour guide.
To read where each planet is currently in the sky and how it affects you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Capricorn and Capricorn rising
When it comes to your interactions with others, put yourself first. Especially with Mercury moving through Leo in the coming weeks.
Notice when you operate from abundance, and when you perform to please other people. If that business deal isn’t working out for you or you’re burned out on your roommate’s chore, express yourself.
You can only give generously if you meet your own needs. Allow yourself your sovereignty and act from that space of vibrant fullness.
To read where each planet is currently in the sky and how it affects you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Aquarius & Aquarius rising
As Mercury moves through Leo in the coming weeks, you will benefit from prioritizing your needs in your 1:1 conversations.
Relationships thrive on compromise, but they also require your honest expression. From sharing when you want to change channels to asking your loved ones for more listening time, defend your personal preferences.
Ultimately, the more vividly you articulate your unique desires, the more others can adore you for your rich specificity.
To read where each planet is currently in the sky and how it affects you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Pisces and Pisces rising
When it comes to your daily habits and routines, think of new ways to pamper yourself. As Mercury moves through Leo in the coming weeks, making tasks more fun will be your most optimal strategy.
From taking the longer route to work that calms your nerves to painting your nails at lunch, treat yourself between projects. Give yourself all the prizes for even the smallest chores well done.
When you are both satisfied and witness to your achievements, you have more fuel for what is to come. Forget sacrificing. To celebrate.
To read where each planet is currently in the sky and how it affects you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.