There are no other planets that interact like Mars and Venus. As two of the personal planets, they bring action, love, desire, attraction and drive and push the most intense buttons in our lives. So it’s worth looking at love, war and everything between Mars and Venus in astrology!

The mythological background
Venus represents the Greek goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. Born from the sea foam, she is the daughter of Zeus and Dione. Of all the myths about Aphrodite, her love affair with Ares, the god of war, is the most impressive. Aphrodite and Ares had adultery, which her husband discovered and revealed to all Olympus.
Mars symbolizes the God of War, Ares, who embodies assertiveness, aggression, passion and drive. Ares was also a very handsome God with an iconic body and an incredible sexual desire. Mars brings all its qualities and its raw energy into our astrological charts.
Looking at the mythological figures, Mars and Venus are the most intense pairs in the sky and can shape our lives and relationships.
Astrological meaning
Astrologically, Venus and Mars are rooted in Greek mythology, but their energy applies perfectly to our contemporary lives.
Venus conveys the beauty, love and desire of Aphrodite and radiates this energy in our natal chart and synastry. Venus is also the planet that rules the aesthetic aspects and artistic talents, as these are closely linked to the energy of beauty and love. This planet rules the earth sign Taurus and the air sign Libra. Note that Venus also shines over hedonistic pleasures, causing us to seek fulfillment through love, relationships, and material satisfaction.
An exciting aspect of Venus is that it can have a different interpretation in a man’s chart than a woman’s. Venus in a woman’s horoscope symbolizes her greatest desires and her way of expressing her beauty and love. In such a horoscope, Venus is more a reflection of the woman’s beauty and the way she manifests her energy within a romantic relationship. In a crazy person’s horoscope, Venus speaks more about the qualities he looks for in a partner and what attracts him to a romantic relationship. Men don’t really express their Venus, but they use the energy of this planet to magnetize what they desire in their lives.
If we look at Mars, we find all the characteristics of Ares, the God of War. This planet rules the fire sign Aries and has a love affair with Scorpio. Until we discovered Pluto, Mars was assigned to both Aries and Scorpio. Mars is sometimes assertive, even aggressive, ambitious and full of drive and determination. Mars can bring conflicts, but also achievements. Its position in the zodiac signs influences the way individuals assert themselves, pursue goals, and handle confrontation. In a natal chart, Mars’ aspects to other planets highlight one’s approach to challenges and the expression of one’s physical energy, shaping one’s journey toward empowerment and action.

Venus and Mars in relationships
The aspects of Venus and Mars can speak volumes about the dynamics of a relationship. These are the first two planets that astrologers look at when interpreting a synastry. These two celestial bodies influence our relationships in different ways:
Physical attraction
Venus may be more romantic and sensitive than Mars, but her energy is also focused on sexual attraction, just as Aphrodite sought Ares for their physical affair. Venus wants pleasure, and the sooner you listen to her desires, the better you will know what you want in life. Depending on the location, this planet can tell you what you are looking for in a partner and how to achieve financial achievements.
Mars is the action-oriented energy that gives direction to a relationship. The Mars partner is the one with courage and daring in a couple, who decides on spontaneous adventures and never thinks twice before acting. But the raw sexual energy of Mars also fulfills the desire of Venus in a very passionate way.
A trine, sextile or conjunction between Mars and Venus will lead the couple through a fascinating relationship. They will have many adventures together and bring an almost magical excitement to the bedroom. More challenging aspects such as Mars opposing Venus or Mars square Venus may require mutual efforts to manifest the blessings of these two planets. But if the couple is committed and determined to have a healthy relationship, every challenge is a step forward for them!
Harmony or conflict
Mars can bring conflict, disagreements, and even physical altercations if the planet is in a toxic aspect, such as a square to Venus or Satun. Venus, on the other hand, seeks harmony, peace and love. A good aspect is that Venus can take over Mars’ aggression and calm it down in a way that supports the relationship during difficult times. However, if Venus is in Cancer and Mars is in Aries, for example, this may be more difficult to achieve.
It is essential to learn how and when to let one planet or the other take over the dynamics of a relationship. There are times when the courageous energy of Mars can be a better leader than the feminine energy of Venus. But there are other times when it is wiser to choose peace over a struggle that is not worth it.
Relationship balance
The balance of a relationship is highly dependent on the connection between Mars and Venus. Wisdom remains in harmony, love and beauty from Venus, and assertiveness and courage from Mars. In a healthy relationship, Venus exudes the couple’s shared goals, and Mars brings the drive to achieve them despite all odds.

Mars and Venus in personal growth
Looking at the placements of Venus and Mars in our birth charts can reveal valuable information about our core energy and personality.
You can focus Mars’ energy on a noble goal and focus your actions on achieving positive goals in your life. Mars is dangerous and aggressive only when it vibrates at a lower frequency, which allows it to manifest its shortcomings. Knowing how to control the energy of Mars is knowing how to control your instincts and tame your impulses. Choose to think twice, act once and analyze whether your ultimate goal is worth the struggle.
As for Venus, this planet can be the sweet voice in your head that urges you to indulge in the pleasures of life. Even a poor aspect of Venus, focused on superficial and hedonistic pleasures, can be trained to evolve to another level of beauty. Use the energy of Venus to practice self-care, pursue artistic pursuits, and enjoy the beauty of life. Remember that we attract the kind of partners who respond to our energy, and it is essential to become the energy you want to attract into your personal life.

Final thoughts
Understanding the energy of love, war and everything in between – Mars and Venus in astrology, means getting in touch with the core of your human nature. We are creatures of pleasure and emotion; these two personal planets represent our most powerful essence. This is why once you tame your Mars and Venus, you cannot fail in your personal life. Make their energy work for you!