Numerology is the study of numbers as meaningful constructs related to human consciousness. Numbers shape our lives in many ways, starting with number values associated with the letters of words, especially our names. We have the numbers of our birthday, month and year. Most countries have a number range for citizens (in the United States this is the 9-digit Social Security Number or SSN). Most of us have a telephone number; When we drive a car, we have a license plate. Every word and every set of numbers can be traced back to a number between 1 and 9, and each of those numbers has a spiritual meaning.
Your life number and your cycles
The first number calculated in numerology is your birthday number. This number is the most fundamental because it is the only number that cannot change or be changed. You can change your name; you can change your telephone number; the government could decide to change the way it registers your citizen identification number (although, like your name, this is unlikely; however, it is possible). Your birthday is impossible to change.
My life number is derived from my birthday, which was April 12, 1968 (4+1+2+1+9+6+8=31=4), which makes my life number 4. After my first year of life on April 12 In 1969, my second year of life started with the number 5. From there each year increased until I had a 9 year which then became a 1 year. My freshman year took place when I turned six on April 12, 1974. As you can guess, the biggest cycle of your numerology is your annual cycle of number change. This calculation uses the month and day of your birth for each subsequent year.
On the day of my birthday this year, 4+1+2+2+0+1+9=19=10=1, I have entered another year, my 5e An. My previous years include 2011 to 2012, 1992 to 1993, 1983 to 1984, 1974 to 1975. In the spirit of 1, my family moved from North Carolina to Massachusetts from 1974 to 1975 and I entered a new beginning, of one cultural world. in another. From 1983 to 1984, my pursuit to achieve academically and choose the best universities for my further education after high school began. In July 1992, I got married for the first time and started my PhD. And in 2011 to 2012, after four years as a stay-at-home parent, I started looking for work and eventually started my own business, which officially launched in 2013, which was a three-year year (hard work!).
In addition to your annual cycle, you can also calculate a four-month cycle, which Morris Goodman writes about in his book Modern Numerology, which I reviewed this month for Ask Astrology. I also find it useful to calculate your month number, but I rarely go as far as a day or hour number unless there is some reason or event that forces me to ‘run’ those numbers.
The four-month cycle
“The number of a four-month cycle indicates the dominant influence in your life during that particular third of the year” (64). There are three periods of four months between each birthday. To calculate the first four-month period, all you need to do is subtract the sum of your year of birth. In this case mine is 1+9+6+8=24=6. So for the first four months of each year between April 12 and August 12, my number is 6, which can be a strong period of “supply” as long as I put in the effort (68). 6’s most important influence during this time is responsibility (68). When I look back at my business finances, I see a strong profit pattern during these months. Literally looking at my deposits, those months were my best as a group.
To obtain your second four-month number, subtract your life cycle number from the current year of your birthday. Please note that your current year runs from the month and day of your birth, not the first of the year. The way it works for me, my second four-month period runs from August 12 to December 12, so all I have to do is subtract 4 from 2019, which gives me 2015, which becomes 2+0+1+5=8. Last year, during the same period, my number was 7. The second four-month period increases consecutively. A numerical 8 will encourage me to “fully express power” (69). This year presents an opportunity for significant business growth if I put in the work and seize my opportunities.
The last four-month period is calculated by adding the first four-month period number to the second four-month period number. This allows the time from December 12, 2019 to April 12, 2020. So 6+8=14=5. Like the second four-month period, this one changes sequentially, so my previous one was a 4. The 5 indicates that it will be a period of “gaining new experiences” (67-68). I can expect quite a change at this point.
Monthly cycle
The monthly cycle is interesting because it is fixed and repeats annually; it does not advance sequentially. The way you calculate the number for an individual month is to take the number of the month, for example February (2), add your life cycle number (4 for me) and then count back from that month to your birth month and add the number to that. that number (from February back to April is 10 months, 10). So my month number for February each year is 2+4+10=16=7. My March number is 9 and my April number is 2 (if you count back 12 months) or 6 if you consider it zero (same month).
Over the course of the year, I get all the grades except 8, which doesn’t appear in any of my months. I end up with four double numbers: 2 (April and October), 7 (February and August), 9 (March and September) and 5 (January and July). May is 1, June is 3, November is 4, and December is 6. Right now, as of writing this, I am writing in my first year, through my six four-month cycles, and through my first month. Ultimately, I will be writing most of the articles I presented to Ask Astrology, as well as developing a new video and working on a video training series (lot of 6 works merged into 1 work). Next month will be a 3-month, with an emphasis on communication and fun.
Knowing your numbers
Knowing your numbers, especially the sequential numbers (such as your annual number at this time and next year) and your repeating and consistent numbers (such as your first four-month period number and your monthly numbers), will improve your understanding of energy flow. of your design as you go through life. If you track and review your numbering schedule and see the patterns and results, you can be even more proactive and invest your time and energy into your future.