Long distance relationships can happen for a variety of reasons. If you meet your new love online who lives in another city, you have no choice but to have a long-distance relationship unless you can move close to your partner. But when it comes to work and family responsibilities, that can’t happen until an opportunity presents itself.
Even before the Internet age, many couples had long-distance relationships because they met while traveling or at conferences. Some people can maintain a long-distance relationship, while others cannot. How will you fare if you happen to end up in a long-distance relationship? That depends on your zodiac sign, so let’s find out by ranking them.
Virgo – Most likely to work based on the work put into it
Virgo is one of the signs known for hard work and perfecting everything, no matter the challenge. Therefore, Virgos have the highest chance of making a long-distance relationship work. That’s because Virgo will look at the small details of what goes into making a long-distance relationship work, but the partner has to be okay with it too.
As long as Virgo and their partners can handle the long-distance relationship to make it work optimally, they will be successful. Others will wonder how they did it too.
Taurus – Their tenacity will make it last
Taurus is stubborn and tenacious and also likes their space. Therefore, Tauruses have a high chance of making their long-distance relationship work because they are determined to do so. Another thing that works in Taurus’ favor is that those with the sign like to have their space.
That’s why they like to chat with their partners on video for a while before watching their favorite movie every night – or whatever their routine entails. However, if there is one sign that can make the long distance relationship last, it is Taurus!
Pisces – They will handle it well if they want to
Pisces is very compassionate, intuitive and caring. Therefore, they can handle a long distance relationship if they fall in love with someone who lives far away. Their intuition also tells them that when their partner, who is not near them, needs them most, they will check in and even fly to them if necessary.
However, Pisces face one problem when it comes to a long distance relationship, and that is the lack of communication on their part. They won’t communicate how they feel even if they’re not happy, and even if they’re frustrated with the long-distance relationship, their partner won’t know. That’s because they don’t communicate that. Therefore, this could highlight the challenges if the lack of communication continues.
Sagittarius – They enjoy freedom
Sagittarius is optimistic and cheerful and does not like to be restrained at all. That’s why making commitments is something Sagittarius doesn’t like to do. Therefore, if anyone can handle long-distance relationships, it is Sagittarius. They can enjoy a relationship while being free to do whatever they want.
The only problem Sagittarius may face is that they may find someone who lives closer to them, who they can fall in love with, and therefore end up ending the long distance relationship.
Capricorn – Committed to working hard to make it work
Capricorn is a sign that represents hard work and dedication, as those with this sign take everything seriously. Therefore, no matter how hard it would be for a Capricorn to be in a long distance relationship, they wouldn’t say no to it either. If they fall in love with someone who doesn’t live near them, they will do anything to make it work because if Capricorn is serious about something, they won’t let it fail.
The only thing that could get in the way is that Capricorn may have trouble being distrustful of their partner as they don’t know what they are doing, being away from their presence most of the time.
Aquarius – Will try to find a balance between independence and a relationship
Aquarius falls right in the middle of how well someone would do in a long distance relationship. You may be surprised that those with this sign did not score higher, as they like their independence. But even though Aquarius needs their freedom and independence, they also enjoy being in relationships because otherwise they get lonely.
Aquarius can have the determination to make the long-distance relationship work, and that way they can enjoy their independence. At the same time, Aquarius, like Sagittarius, can quickly lose interest if he doesn’t see his partner enough, which can be a recipe for failure.
Cancer – The loyalty will encourage them to make an effort
Cancer is the most emotional sign in the zodiac, and at the same time, those with the sign are very loyal. If Cancer falls in love with someone who doesn’t live near them, they won’t want to give up on the potential relationship because their emotions won’t let them.
They will want to make it work and will put in the effort. However, it will be difficult for Cancer to remain optimistic about the relationship developing over time. They need to be close to their partners, and not seeing them much will make it harder for the Cancer to be away from them for so long.
Leo – Determination is there, but lack of attention will be a challenge
It’s no surprise that Leo starts at the bottom of the rankings for the likelihood of a lasting long-distance relationship. However, if Leo happens to meet the potential love of their life on a trip or online where they live somewhere far away, they won’t give up on the relationship for that reason.
Leo, being a fixed sign, will find the determination in the beginning to make it work. They are also loyal. However, as time goes by, challenges will arise. Leo needs his partner’s attention, and since he doesn’t get it too often, that can end up being a dealbreaker. Leo will probably be the one to break off the relationship for that reason.
Libra – can compromise, but can become resentful
Libra is a social sign and enjoys being around others, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t open to a long-distance relationship. They will try first and are good at making compromises. However, the distance will start to get to Libra, and what may happen is that Libra will start to feel angry about not seeing their partner regularly.
Libra can pretend that everything is fine and dandy with his partner when he sees or speaks to him. But underneath there is a lot of anger, and Libra won’t want to know that because of their aversion to conflict. However, so many differences will arise that the relationship will not last.
Gemini – will have difficulty keeping the promise
Gemini is a social sign and also has good intentions. Therefore, if Gemini happens to hook up with a partner who doesn’t live near them, they will initially be open to the idea of a long-distance relationship, and it might last a few months. That’s because Gemini will likely eventually find a partner close to home that they can see and chat with as often as they can.
So that would immediately end the long-distance relationship. Since Gemini has trouble keeping commitments, it’s no surprise that a long-distance relationship probably won’t work for them.
Aries – Doesn’t have the patience to make it work
Aries is full of passion, fire and enthusiasm. Therefore, if Aries finds someone they see as a potential partner who doesn’t live near them, they may have the excitement of starting a relationship. However, Aries will have difficulty keeping it up because they are not patient enough and short-tempered.
For example, Aries wouldn’t be very understanding if their partner planned to come into town to see Aries on a certain date and had to cancel their plans due to family or work commitments. In fact, Aries would probably end the relationship at that point because he doesn’t see his partner enough for who he is.
Scorpio – Trust issues will put a damper on things
If there’s one sign that wouldn’t be ideal for long-distance relationships, it’s Scorpio. Chances are, Scorpio won’t even think about accepting a long-distance relationship, even if they develop feelings for someone who lives far away. They struggle with trust as it is and are always suspicious.
They would worry that their partner would do things behind their back. To give Scorpio self-confidence, they should be in the constant presence of their partner. That’s why it’s probably never a long-distance relationship for Scorpio.
Regardless of your zodiac sign, being in a long-distance relationship takes a lot of work, effort, and trust. Local relationships are hard enough to get through, and long-distance relationships require a lot more work. However, many marriages eventually evolve from long-distance relationships. For example, the person who lives far from his partner is likely to eventually move to the same city as his partner and do so by finding work opportunities there, or vice versa. Or sometimes the couple who started a long-distance relationship decides to start their lives in a new city altogether. Not everyone is built to handle these relationships, and some are! And yes, it can also largely depend on the composition of the horoscope!