There is one desire in life that seems almost universal, and that is the desire to finally meet and fall in love with your soulmate. After all, who doesn’t want that cinematic, life-changing romance we see in movies?
Who wouldn’t want to meet the one person who complements your soul so completely that your relationship feels like it’s written in the stars?
Maybe you wait to start a new relationship until you feel the spark in your mind that you’ve found the one. Or maybe you’re currently in a relationship and curious about their soulmate’s status in your life. And we’ve probably all wondered at some point whether we’ve met our soulmate yet or not. Was that barista actually the one that made your stomach flutter with butterflies? your person?
After reading this, you will be better prepared to recognize your soulmate if they have not yet appeared in your life.
So, if you’re curious about soulmates and want to learn how to recognize yours, read on to find out which relationships the Universe has chosen just for you!
You can learn more about love through the zodiac signs. Make sure you try out our Zodiac Love Compatibility Calculator!
What is a Soulmate?
Honestly, an explanation of soulmates isn’t really necessary – because it’s a concept that your mind understands on an instinctive level. Your soul already knows the answer to this question. Unfortunately, we are often too caught up in the thoughts floating around our heads to pay attention to what our mind is trying to tell us.
One of the trickier things about soulmates is that you may have more than one in your life.
We tend to think of soulmates as the one person where we should be. But the definition of a soulmate seems less like a single person you are destined to spend your life with and more like someone who complements your soul on such a deep level that you feel complete when you are with him or her.
When we think of a soulmate in those terms, it is much easier to see how more than one soulmate can exist in this incarnation of your life – and easier to understand how you may have already met many soulmates in this lifetime.
Many people confuse soulmates and twin flames, but the difference is that they are your soulmates that you started this journey with in your very first life. Your current astrological chart acts as the blueprint you have created for this particular incarnation, including all your soulmates in the wheel. Not only have they helped you create this blueprint, but you have also helped them plot their birth chart and map of this life.
A twin flame, on the other hand, would be your second half. You previously existed as one and your mind was divided into two halves. You are all on different journeys in this life, and you may be the perfect romantic couple (twin flames often emphasize our shadows, and it can be difficult for us to be around them in some cases). Not everyone has a twin flame, and if you do, you only have one.
However, you can have multiple soulmates – and not all of them will be romantic partners.
When do we meet our soulmates?
The truth is that you can meet your soulmate (or soulmates) at any time in your life.
You have been present for many lifetimes and have traveled through many incarnations, learning the lessons that have made you who you are today. On these trips you’ve probably met several soulmates – the people you seem to know as soon as you meet them.
The trick is to learn to recognize them when they cross your path. However, astrology can help you recognize the signs!
How do you know?
Understanding how to recognize a soulmate is crucial when trying to determine whether you have already met him or her or not. And chances are you’ve met at least a few. Maybe you’re hoping that a certain someone in your life is a soulmate – and looking for the signs is the easiest way to get to the truth.
Your Ultimate Soulmate Checklist
We’ve put together this checklist to make it easier than ever for you to figure out whether or not you are currently connecting with a soulmate in your life. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest signs that you’ve met your match!
1. Do you have a romantic connection?
A romantic or sexual attraction can be the first clue that you have had someone very special, with soulmate qualities.
The chemistry, the connection, and the warmth that flows between you are among the first signs that a soulmate has entered your existence. Although soulmates don’t always become lovers, this special spark is the first clue. True compatibility in love inherently possesses carnal, karmic, tantric and passionate qualities.
2. Do you have an unconscious connection?
Soulmates tend to share very similar unconscious minds, emotional responses, and deep empathy for each other’s feelings. If you’re ever in the middle of a heated argument with your partner and all you feel is their own pain, chances are your connection exists on a soul level.
Feeling your soulmate’s pain may seem like a heavy burden to bear, but this emotional exchange also extends to joy and gratitude.
When a soulmate partner receives good news, you feel the joy radiating through them as if it were your own news. If you can feel this person’s vibrations physically and emotionally, chances are your relationship must be happening on a cosmic level.
3. Do you see the signs?
There is a difference between coincidence and synchronicity. Although coincidences can be random, there is meaning behind a synchronistic event.
In other words, certain indirect events in life are absolutely connected. This explains why an artist working on a particular project on one side of the world can unknowingly mirror another artist working on a very similar project around the world.
Everything is connected.
When you are about to meet a soulmate or are out and about, you may experience certain repetitions or events that seem eerily familiar. You may see that soulmate’s name repeated throughout the day or come across strange signs with numbers. Maybe it seems like you look at the clock every day at 11:11 or 12:34, or maybe a song keeps playing on the radio that reminds you of them.
Learning to recognize and acknowledge these moments – along with expressing your gratitude for these synchronistic gifts – will lead to them appearing more and more often in your life. These events prepare you for the first meeting with your soulmate, allowing you to recognize this connection and bring you even closer together.
4. Are they a Synastry match?
This is a more complicated aspect of the relationship that may require the advice of an experienced astrologer – one who can create a relationship synastry report to determine how your individual natal charts align.
However, there are certain astrological connections you should look out for to determine whether someone is your soulmate or not. For example, a harmonious connection between your rising signs is one of the first indications that your relationship is meant to be.
Another aspect that indicates soulmate status is a connection between the Sun and the Moon in your synastry chart. If your Sun is in harmony with the Moon – or vice versa – you can expect certain karmic energy to flow within this relationship.
5. Do you love yourself?
Sometimes our soulmates come into our lives during a time of loneliness, isolation or uncertainty. And they can leave—and take their time to come back—until we start honoring, respecting, and loving ourselves again. If you’re feeling down or blue, your soulmate may pick up on this feeling of unworthiness and feel compelled to give you the space you need to get back to a good place with yourself.
The universe senses this too, and it paves the way for you to be able to create a more harmonious relationship with yourself – which often means spending some time alone and learning to move on from sadness or past mistakes . It’s time to forgive not only those who hurt you, but also yourself.
Loving yourself unconditionally is a surefire way to open the doors of your mind and let your soulmate through.
If you don’t take care of yourself and continue to believe in yourself, the Universe may determine that this is not the right time to meet your soulmate. After all, you want to be the best version of yourself for them, right?
When you learn to respect and love yourself, your soulmate has the opportunity to respect and love you too. When they start to pick up on those feelings of unconditional love, they know it’s safer for both parties to allow this union to flourish.
6. Are you telling the truth?
You’ve probably heard this phrase before: “The truth will set you free.”
When it comes to the universe, this phrase is key. The universe needs the full truth of your mind so that you can get the love and connection you deserve. If you have been playing games with yourself or others, the universe will recognize that you are not ready for the depth and naked truth that comes with meeting your soulmate.
Don’t beat yourself up if you haven’t been the most authentic, genuine version of yourself in the game of love – we’ve all been there. It can be very difficult to be open, honest and vulnerable – sometimes even with ourselves.
But if you want to attract your soulmate into your life and be able to recognize them when they are present, it is crucial that you learn to be honest, both with yourself and with others – and especially with the energy of the universe.
Speaking the truth is like an act of unconditional love that both you and the people around you deserve. Being honest and grateful are two factors that mean the most when it comes to meeting your soulmate, and the universe will recognize and reward these actions.
Soulmates take work!
While there is an unbreakable bond of unconditional love between you and your soulmate, it’s not all a walk in the park. Every relationship takes work, and your relationship with your soulmate may require even more effort than you thought. In fact, this deep bond you share may exist to test you and encourage you to evolve in this life – meaning this relationship will include more than its fair share of challenges.
We often allow our human “stuff” – insecurity, fear, anger, resentment – to get in the way of these cosmic connections.
Sometimes these insecurities or fears destroy a relationship, but they always teach us a valuable lesson. When you meet your soulmate, you want to have the best trust and gratitude to truly appreciate this magical union.
You can meet your soulmate (or soulmates) anytime, anywhere throughout your life. The most important thing is that we learn to recognize these gatherings and give them the honor and respect they deserve. A soulmate may not always be the smoothest relationship in your life, but these relationships teach us the most about who we are and why we were placed here on this planet.
Learning to recognize your soulmate(s) will help you make the most of your connections in life and even encourage you to build a better relationship with yourself. And when you understand that you can meet many soulmates in this life, you will begin to pay more attention to the people with whom you seem to share an immediate bond when you meet them.
Keep your eyes open and your heart full, and let your truth flow to attract more soulmate connections into your life once and for all!