Associated with the element of earth and the aspect of the physical body, the suit of pentacles in the Tarot contains a number of grounded cards that explore stability, patience and resources.
With this suit we dig into physical space, health, career, finance, legacy, success, family, home, tradition and community.
There is real joy in this suit, a sense of being deeply present and content, the ways we connect with the world we live in and feel comfortable in our own skin. We often think of this as a form of wealth, but the concept of resources is much broader than we often make it, encompassing money as well as time, energy, access, privilege, space, comfort, support and creativity.
The Basics of Pentacles
The suit of pentacles is one of the four suits in the Minor Arcana and contains numbered cards ranging from ace to ten, as well as four court cards. These cards are connected to the astrological element Earth, which means that this series is also linked to the three zodiac signs of Earth: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
Each of the four Minor Arcana suits is associated with an aspect of our humanity.
Pentacles represent the body while cups represent the heart while Swords represent the mind, and wands represent the soul. Pentacles help us understand our physical needs, the ways in which we feel safe and supported, and the pleasure and sadness we experience when we don’t have certain needs.
In addition to the earth and the body, the suit of pentacles also represents the tangible, the tangible, experiences and possessions, and goals.
Just like the astrological element of earthWith pentacles we explore ego and commitment, security and material gain, the ways we present ourselves and the things we pursue for the sake of comfort, contentment and establishing a legacy.
Often considered the slowest moving element, Earth harnesses responsibility and patience, reminding us to stay grounded, intentional, and focused. It can be about small details as well as the big picture, but often asks us to stay calm, pay attention and move with purpose.
As we move through the suit of pentacles, we plant a new seed of intention, nurture and care for it, struggle with illness or a sense of loss, honor the growth we see, consider the path we are on, and find deep satisfaction in life and the legacy we have created.
When working with maps in the suit of pentaclesThink about the ways you invest in yourself, the ways you give yourself the tools you need to thrive and grow.
- How do you feed yourself?
- Where are you being called to be grounded, present, or take responsibility?
- How do you decide where to put your energy and resources?
- What tools or objects can you use to tap into this type of earth energy?
- What does your body need to feel healthy, comfortable and safe?
- What kind of physical life do you live, and where might you need to make adjustments to meet your own unique needs and desires?
The pips (or numbered cards) in the suit of pentacles show us different ways to explore and understand this energy – from making long-term plans to being willing to adapt when things don’t go your way.
These cards can help us care for ourselves in necessary and authentic ways, put ourselves first, and show genuine compassion. The court cards, on the other hand, represent individuals learning how to best use the energy of the pentacles.
The page is a child and student, one just beginning his journey with curiosity and methodical movement; the knight is an adolescent eager to prove their desire for success through actions; the queen is a master and ruler who teaches others how to use this element internally; the king is a master and ruler who teaches others how to use this element externally.
These cards can represent the querent, a person in the querent’s life, or can provide advice on how to harness the energy of the pentacles for themselves.

The Suit of Pentacles: Tarot Card Descriptions
Below I provide some simple interpretations of each of the fourteen cards in the suit of pentacles. You can combine these with your own research or intuitive ideas to develop a personal, powerful understanding of each of these cards, but this will give you a place to start.
Ace of Pentacles
Ace of Pentacles: An intentional beginning, the full potential of the pentacles. An invitation to growth, an opportunity for expansion, a well-considered choice that requires consistent efforts. A tangible goal.
2 of Pentacles
2 of Pentacles: Balancing new dreams with old responsibilities, juggling multiple tasks and ideas, learning to delegate and prioritize. Choosing where we spend our resources, and being focused on everything we achieve.
You may want to brush up on: A Tarot spread to understand your Stalker card
3 of Pentacles
3 of Pentacles: Asset expansion, visible growth, starting to see progress in a tangible way. Teammates, colleagues, and trusted companions can provide advice, resources, or assistance. Involving other people or energies in our work.
4 of Pentacles
4 of Pentacles: Laying a foundation for our work, creating a structure that we can follow. Getting caught up in resource management to the point that we become stuck in a scarcity mentality, afraid to use what we have. Being overly protective of our finances, ideas, or energies.
5 of Pentacles
5 of Pentacles: Sadness, illness, the feeling that you need something. Refusing help or support, isolating ourselves, not knowing how to get everything we need to heal and recover. A real but temporary struggle, a setback or obstacle that takes us off course.
6 of Pentacles
6 of Pentacles: Giving and receiving resources, reconnecting with our communities, feeling supported and cared for. We offer what we can to those in need and take what we need from those who are generous. Reciprocity. Seeing growth and progress.
7 of Pentacles
7 of Pentacles: Celebration and review. Take note of how far we’ve come and see if we’re still on track to achieve our goals. Make adjustments where necessary, shift priorities and look at the bigger picture. Checking in with the self, monitoring resources.
8 of Pentacles
8 of Pentacles: Dedicated work, focused effort, craftsmanship. Skilled labor, attention to detail, improving our abilities and talents with practice and intention. Slow manifestation.
9 of Pentacles
9 of Pentacles: Satisfaction, fulfillment, a sense of pride and joy in the work we have done. Independence, safety, comfort, fun. Enjoying the fruits of our labor. Recognizing how far we have come, celebrating with those we love.
10 of Pentacles
10 of Pentacles: Legacy, community care, solid foundations. Stability, security, connection. Success, in whatever form you have strived for – a sense of personal empowerment, the knowledge that we have more than enough.
Page of Pentacles
Page of Pentacles: A child of the earth, bringing news of a new financial opportunity, a physical challenge or something necessary and practical. A willingness to learn and expand, to ask questions, to grow slowly and thoughtfully.
Knight of Pentacles
Knight of Pentacles: An Earth adolescent known for his dedication, focus, responsibility and patience. Methodical movement, proving a point, focused on details. A tendency to stubbornness, an unwillingness to adapt to changing circumstances.
Queen of Pentacles
Queen of Pentacles: A ruler of the earth who elegantly balances work, play, power and pleasure. Someone who is deeply present and loves luxury and refinement, but also loves achieving goals. A firm but gentle teacher, one who brings abundance, joy and security.
King of Pentacles
King of Pentacles: A ruler of the earth with a powerful sense of responsibility and generosity, one who establishes both traditions and necessary structures for growth and community building. Success, stability, someone who leads with confidence and kindness.
Adopt a new perspective with Pentacles
The suit of pentacles is easy to associate with financial and material wealth – but if you expand your definitions of what resources can be, you’ll gain a whole new perspective on these cards of the Earth.
Which resources do you access most often, and which do you feel perpetually out of reach? How do you define ideas of legacy, success and stability? What does the journey through the suit of pentacles mean to you?
This post contains maps of the Vindur deck.
Related article: 4 Tarot Practices for Beginners to Take Your Readings to the Next Level