Egyptian numerology is the alchemy of ancient wisdom, frequencies of numbers and the position of the planets that transform our lives towards prosperity, love and overall well-being. Working with the magical resonance of number transmutations leads to gold as challenges merge into crucial opportunities
The father of numerology
Through my research and understanding I bring a divination tool related to the philosophy and teachings of Pythagoras, historically known as the Father of Numerology for his profound discovery between the relationship with number frequencies and a natural connection with the human psyche.
He taught us that all life can be understood through the frequencies of numbers and discovered that the correlation with life in nature is related to the vibrations of numbers. He used this interconnection to transcend the meaning of life.
He discovered that each number vibration carries a unique personality, characteristic and potential, which are connected to nature and perceived by and through our senses. This includes the stars, moon, sun, planets, seasons, elements, sound, texture, color, flavors, smells, and even animals. Everything is made of Energy and the study of numbers is a tool we use to digest the sacred and ancient truths of the universe through our sixth sense.
Pythagoras demonstrated the use of combining elements that resonated with specific number frequencies to enhance the desired outcome and instituted sacred initiations that portray the virtues of each number vibration. His initiates followed and practiced these 12 initiations as an advancement of self-realization and enlightenment.
The veils of density and birth amnesia that separated the spirit world from humans have been reflected in recent decades and ancient wisdom is being unearthed from many cultures around the world. We learn this truth by listening to our hearts and trusting our intuition.
We are no longer tied to churches and religions to further our spiritual guidelines. To make the most of number frequencies, one must know that everything is connected and be willing to open our minds to the wealth of knowledge available to us.
My job
My first book; “Egyptian Numerology; Rise in the 5e Dimension”, was originally written to accompany me as an instruction booklet when I teach classes and workshops. It goes into detail about the importance of raising our vibrations to tap into the higher qualities offered by number frequencies. I list the associated properties and give examples of different elements that vibrate and resonate with each number.
Egyptian numerology co-sponsors the law of attraction in developmental progression through the action of raising our spirit, energy or vibration to align with the number frequencies in our birth and name charts for maximum results in achieving our desires.
I offer techniques I have used to discover the secret realms and doorways of higher consciousness. There are also references to how ‘all life’ is connected to number frequencies and not just limited to characteristics and personality types. By choosing to implement other elements in our use of numbers, we open our imagination to the highest form of creativity and manifestation.
We raise our vibration by uplifting our spirit through actions that bring us joy, happiness and peace, or we can create a heightened atmosphere by practicing various types of disciplines that will raise our energy levels, including meditation, chanting, yoga, exercise, breathing exercises, singing and composing are just a few activities that provide us with this natural high.
‘The Path of the Wounded Healer; Liberation is for asking” is a follow-up to my first book, which focuses on the importance of the challenges we face in life. There are specific number frequencies that we choose to be born into that influence our emotional maturity. Once I understood that my traumas in life were predetermined and aligned with the path I chose in life, it helped me to perceive the “bigger picture” that I don’t always have access to. It encouraged me to accept my trials and tribulations with honor and dedication and to always seek my truth. It advised me with answers to some of the most difficult questions:
- Why do bad things happen to good people?
- If there is a God, why do so many innocent children, animals and people suffer?
- Why isn’t life fair?
- What happens to people who don’t heal their wounds?
- What is the meaning of remembering a past life?
- What is the meaning of the 5e Dimension?
Living in alignment
Although Egyptian numerology focuses primarily on numbers, those who study with me know that accessing our highest potential requires an evolution in consciousness. must take place.
In the process of expanding our consciousness, we are not only sensitive to signs, symbols and synchronicities in nature – such as the sequence of numbers – we also learn to attune ourselves to see, hear, feel and sense other realms; they become gateways to a greater understanding of the world. Dimensions around us.
Our soul craves connection. Ultimately, we are pulled in countless directions throughout our lives. What causes our attraction to specific people, places, things, events and circumstances? Is it random or are there underlying forces within and without us at play?
Egyptian numerology believes that we have all made a contract or agreement in the spirit realm with our Guides and Angels to achieve specific goals, learn certain lessons, and serve humanity with tremendous effort. This contract is decoded into our date of birth and name. These “Agreements” contain an enormous amount of detail. We each have two Guides/Angels who support us to stay on track. One is called the “Timekeeper” and the other is a “Record Keeper”.
Timekeeper sees to it that all people, places, things, events and circumstances are orchestrated and met on time. He/she works with life cycles, including the stars, moon, sun, planets and seasons. The Record holder organizes all our affairs and details, including appointments, messages, books we read, the information we receive, as well as important chance encounters with others.
We have set timelines and circumstances that will arise during our lifetimes and these guides are with us to ensure that everything goes according to our plans. This is part of our Akashic Records and all this information is in our special book.
We set up “Everything” before we were born. This includes; when we are born, where we are born, what family we are born into, what upbringing and religion we undergo, hereditary diseases and culture. We come into this life primarily to undergo specific life challenges to clear past karma, learn essential lessons, and teach others.
Can we change plans once we get here? Absolute! We are born with free will and can choose to ignore the opportunities we previously assigned to ourselves. Are there consequences? Absolute! We will have several opportunities to get back on track once we miss our mark, but ultimately our lessons and lives will become meaningless if we reject the path we previously set. Our life just doesn’t feel right and we can become restless, irritable and depressed.
Whatever we choose, our Soul learns from every experience, even though the journey back home may take a longer route. Nothing is wasted. The Soul ultimately uses every experience for our advancement and in time everything will be used for our highest good.
Being in alignment with our Soul Life Agreement is a natural miracle. It’s like the feeling you have when you strike a strike, win a marathon, hit the bullseye on the dartboard, hit the lottery, hold 21 in blackjack and hit your target at the shooting range…etc.
But the feeling of being in alignment with our Soul Life Agreement is not a temporary elation. This feeling of euphoria is induced in us every morning when we open our eyes, accompanies us all day long, visits every decision we make with confidence and kisses us gently when we go to sleep at night.
Our Soul wants us to be in alignment and gives us guidance and nudges when we struggle to find that balance.
Unfortunately, when we take wrong turns, we can sometimes experience divorce, unemployment, illness, and depression.
The Universe, Angels/Guides or our Higher Self will use whatever means necessary to guide us back into alignment with our Soul Life Agreement, as this is essentially our road map, our GPS and the North Star to what makes vibrational sense for us. .