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Ghostly sounds of a ghost piper from the distant past can still be heard in Argyll’s Duntrune Castle, writes RICK HALE

Despite its natural beauty, Scotland is a country that has known nothing but conflict throughout its long history.
Throughout ancient history, fierce warriors fought desperately to keep their land free from the Roman legions and the English Crown.
Scotland and its proud people have seen more bloodshed than most other countries. Perhaps this is why they are such a cheerful and steadfast people.
And it is from this ancient and troubled land that we find the story of the ghost piper of Duntrune Castle.
History of Duntrune Castle
Originally built by the MacDougall clan in the 12th century, Duntrune in Argyll was a castle highly coveted by all the warring Scottish clans.
Eventually the castle was captured by the powerful Campbell clan. In 1644 the castle was besieged by Campbell’s bitter enemy, Clan MacDonald led by the famous chieftain, Alasdair Mac Colla. It is from this period that Duntrune got his famous ghost, the phantom Piper.
According to legend, there are two stories about how the castle was haunted by the Piper.
Both stories result in the same ending. The first story states that Mac Colla sent his most trusted man, the MacDonald Clan Piper, into the castle as a spy.
When the Piper was discovered, the Campbell’s imprisoned the Piper instead of killing him.
According to clan politics, pipers were privileged members of a clan because they were educated and traveled extensively. Pipers were protected from damage even on the battlefield.
On the day that the MacDonald clan was to launch a sneak attack to regain their stronghold, the Piper stood at the window of his room and began to play his pipes.
As Mac Colla and his men approached, he could see that the tune the Piper was playing was all wrong and told his men to run, as the Piper’s tune was a warning to stay away.
When the Piper was discovered, the Campbell’s punished the Piper with a fate worse than death, rather than killing him. They cut off Piper’s hands so he could never play his beloved pipes again. Ultimately, the Piper bled to death from his injuries.
The second story is very different, but with the same outcome. After conquering Duntrune, Mac Colla had to return home, leaving a small garrison in the castle together with the MacDonald Piper.
Shortly after Mac Colla’s departure, the Campbell Clan attacked the castle and massacred the MacDonald garrison, but left the Piper alive, his status once again sparing him from the edge of the sword.
For days and nights the Piper stood on the highest tower, watching vigilantly for the return of his master.
One day, as the Piper desperately searched the ocean, the faint outline of a ship appeared on the horizon.
When the Piper saw the MacDonald colors, he took a risk and started playing his pipes. When Mac Colla heard the strange tune of the Piper’s bagpipes, he knew all was not well.
Mac Colla sailed away, leaving his trusty Piper to fend for himself. And just like in the first story, the Piper received the same punishment: his hands were cut off and he bled to death.

For centuries, the story of the brave MacDonald Piper was considered merely a story of heroic clan patriotism, until that legend became historical fact.
Skeleton discovered under footpath
During the renovation of the castle, the skeleton of a man was discovered under the stones of a footpath.
Upon inspection, it was discovered that the skeleton’s hands were missing and had been cleanly gnawed off by a sword or axe.
The Piper’s story became reality.
After finding the remains, the skeleton was given a proper Christian burial, but unfortunately it was given an incorrect Christian burial.
Most Highlanders were Protestant, but the Catholic liturgy was used to bury the Piper’s remains. It is believed that this mistake may have resulted in Duntrune Castle being haunted.
Today the castle is owned by the Malcolm family, and they know full well that the castle is haunted by the ghost of the Piper.
Ghosts of Duntrune Castle
Strange phantom footsteps can be heard in the castle’s corridors, and the apparition of a gloomy, handless man has been sighted more than once.
Stranger still is the mournful sound of bagpipe music that can be heard throughout the castle, carried by the wind when no flute players are present.
Once considered nothing more than a legend, the Piper of Duntrune Castle makes his presence known to all who live, work and visit the castle, forever awaiting the return of his master.
Have you seen anything spooky in Duntrune Castle? Tell us about it in the comments below!
Discover more about the Scottish Phantom Pipers