About Auras
If you can see auras or have ever had a photo taken of your aura, you know how fascinating these energies are that radiate from your body. But what you may not know is that each color in a person’s aura has its own meanings and can have an impact on your personality and relationships with others.
Meeting a person whose aura is yellow is a fascinating experience. Happy and excited, confident, bright, shining like the sun’s rays – they will sweep you off your feet in seconds and often leave your life just as quickly. They radiate freedom, intelligence, creativity and childlike enthusiasm.
Different aura colors have different strengths and weaknesses. Yellow auras have mainly positive meanings, such as spiritual freedom, emotional balance and happiness. So if that’s your aura color, you may be in for a lifetime of adventures.
The telltale signs of a yellow aura
It is quite easy to recognize someone with a yellow appearance as soon as he or she walks into a room. Even if you don’t see their energy vibrations, you can probably feel them immediately. They are friendly and optimistic, and they easily find something in common with everyone. A yellow aura relates to creativity, emotional and spiritual freedom and joy, along with kindness and generosity.
People with yellow auras are attractive, optimistic and childlike. They see the best in people and amplify the energies around them. They are also resourceful and innovative, but can sometimes seem stubborn when things don’t go their way.
Light versus dark shades of yellow
Just as your life does not stay the same, auras also change over time. And even if there aren’t events big enough to change your life, it’s still possible for your yellow aura to change color. Lighter shades are more vibrant and easier to use, while darker shades can be more prone to loneliness.
Lighter yellow
Pale and bright yellow auras belong to someone who is highly intelligent and creative. Out-of-the-box thinkers and innovators usually have a lighter appearance. They believe in getting the most out of life and enjoy fun as much as learning. Sometimes their thoughts change too quickly, making it difficult for others to catch up.
Darker yellow
Darker shades of yellow carry some negativity and sadness. They are often found in the very pale yellow auras of people who have been changed by stress or pressure, making them more introverted and possibly even held back by past emotions. However, finding a spiritual purpose could lighten their aura color.
Why am I hearing about the Aura-Chakra connection?
Aura colors correspond to chakras, the main energy centers in the body. Yellow is the color of the third or solar plexus chakra, so it can convey some of the chakra’s influence to people with yellow auras. Solar plexus chakra is about confidence and creativity, intelligence and authority. That is why those with a base aura color of yellow exude self-confidence. Instead of worrying about what others might think of them, they focus on their emotional and spiritual development.
Yellow aura around different parts of the body
Yellow auras are strong; they can protect you and even others around you from negativity. When a yellow aura covers your entire body, you radiate brightness and optimism into the world. However, it can also involve only part of your body, such as your head or heart.
If your head is surrounded by a yellow aura, it could mean that you are trying to gain more self-confidence. When this color appears, there is probably something missing in the way you perceive yourself.
Seeing a yellow aura around your heart can indicate insecurities in your romantic relationships and friendships. You unconsciously draw helpful energies into your heart to help you open up to others.
Love and relationships with yellow auras
People with yellow auras make friends and become lovers easily, and usually do not like to be tied down. Therefore, it can be difficult to have such a person as a long-term friend or partner because he or she is too freedom-loving to be steadfast. On the plus side, yellow auras don’t hold grudges, so it’s easy to be yourself around them.
On the other end of the spectrum, once yellow auras find their ideal match, they never let go. Someone who is equally free-spirited and adventurous would make a great partner. It is also possible to have a strong relationship with a more down-to-earth person, but that means he or she must accept the adventurous spirit of yellow auras.