Numerology is the study of numbers as meaningful constructs related to human consciousness. Numbers shape our lives in many ways, starting with number values associated with the letters of words, especially our names.
We have the numbers of our birthday, month and year. Most countries have a number range for citizens (in the United States this is the 9-digit Social Security Number or SSN). Most of us have a telephone number; When we drive a car, we have a license plate. Every word and every set of numbers can be traced back to a number between 1 and 9, and each of those numbers has a spiritual meaning.
This article explores the number meaning of your individual day.
The calculation
To calculate your current individual day number, which will help you know where you are in your cycle order, I will use the method outlined by Morris C. Goodman on page 43 of Modern Numerology.
You’re using:
- The number of your birth month
- The number of your birthday
- The current year
- The number of the current calendar month
- The number of the current calendar day
This article is being written on January 23, 2020. My birth month is April (4) and my birth day is 12. So my individual day number today is: 4+12+2020+2+23=18= 9; tomorrow my number is 4+12+2020+2+24=19=10=1.
Even if you know the range, you’ll want to pay attention to the total before reducing it, because one of your 2, 4, 6, 8, or 1 days could be a key number (11, 22, 33, 44, or 55). In my case the 27e of this month is 4+12+2020+2+27=22=4.
Next Monday is a good day to look at my investments, tackle important matters involving my children, or make improvements to my home. Since 22 is the total number, I want to make sure I consider all decisions with my wife’s help.
The vibration of each individual day number
On every 1st One day you should “wake up with new energy, a good mood, and a desire to jump out of bed and get things going (45).
On every 2NL One day you will have to cooperate with others, ask for favors, grant favors and be patient; it is not a day to rush (46).
On every 3rd One day you should “fully express all that is within you” to a group or organization that needs your energy that day (47)
On every 4e One day you have to build something, fix something, put some money in the savings account and organize something (48).
On every 5e One day you need to do something active, go out, make a change, talk to someone new, or talk to someone you haven’t talked to in a while (49).
On every 6e You should celebrate the day in some way, do something fun and playful, give yourself a gift and show the people you care about that you appreciate them (49).
On every 7e One day you need to take some time for yourself, step away and reflect, find a quiet place to rest your mind and soul, eat away from your colleagues, put your phone on silent and let the answering service answer the calls until you are ready to respond (50).
On every 8e One day you will have to take the lead and express your wishes, be outgoing and outgoing, apply for a job or ask for a promotion, and make your voice heard (50).
On every 9e Day you should feel your feelings most strongly, so be aware of your energy. Positively you can do a lot of good with a 9, but negatively you can also cause a lot of harm (51).
Your life path number and your individual day number
It is quite easy to calculate your life path number; it’s just your birthday total reduced to one number. In my case, I was born on 4/12/1968, which equals 31, which is a 4. My life path is about working hard, building a solid foundation and staying within my limits. In regards to my individual day number 9, I need to pay attention to how I choose to use my energy as positive or negative outcomes will be amplified by my mood and feelings.
Life path number 1
If you happen to have a life path number 1 (The Pioneer), then your individual day numbers are really focused on what you need to do for yourself, which will help you be successful in your work, relationships and daily interactions with others.
Life path number 2
If you have life path number 2 (the partner), then your individual day numbers are about how you can help others and how you can maintain and improve your various relationships with family, friends and romantic partners.
Life path number 3
If you happen to have a life path number 3 (The Creator), then your individual day numbers should be used to facilitate your creativity and help you work with the ebb and flow of your creative process and how it affects your work, relationships, and daily interactions. with others.
Life path number 4
If you happen to have a life path number 4 (The Builder), your individual day numbers will guide you in figuring out how to maintain, build and save to help you maintain and improve your sense of security, helping you feel successful in your life path. your work, relationships and daily interactions with others.
Life path number 5
If you have life path number 5 (The Traveler), your individual day numbers should be used to help you with the rhythm of activity you need to explore life through your work, relationships and daily interactions with others.
Life path number 6
If you have life path number 6 (The Educator), your individual day numbers are to be used to help you learn, absorb knowledge, develop skills, and teach others so that you can be even more effective in your work, relationships, and everyday life. interactions with others.
Life path number 7
If you have Life Path Number 7 (The Mystic), your individual day numbers will help you move through your spiritual lessons as a cycle of increasing awareness, allowing you to discover more about your purpose and provide guidance to those you work with. , have a relationship with, and encounter every day.
Life path number 8
If you happen to have a life path number 8 (The Leader), then your individual day numbers are there to help you succeed in different ways every day and build a legacy of achievements that you can use to be successful in your work, relationships, and daily interactions with others.
Life path number 9
If you happen to have a life path number 9 (The Counselor), your individual daily numbers will help you build your wisdom in different ways depending on each recurring number, so you can be a positive role model and active guide to those you work with . , who have a relationship with you and who encounter you every day.