I constantly witness the turmoil we can go through regarding our relationships. Heartbreak in particular raises many problems and questions. If you’re constantly facing the same relationship problems, it might be time to take a closer look at some of the karmic indicators in your horoscope.
Why is it that we always find ourselves in the same situations that we try to escape from?

The difficult questions
People often ask, “Is it me?” or “What am I doing wrong?” These are tough questions to answer, but astrology is a tool that can help provide some answers. The planets are our road map through life; they hold many of the keys to our most profound questions. It’s up to us to do the detective work to put all the pieces together.
We all come into this life with some karma. I like to think of karma as a carrying case that we always carry with us. What’s inside is all the ‘things’ we brought from our past lives into this life. I believe we have free will; In other words, astrology is not a crystal ball with all the answers.
However, our right to choose our path does not prevent the same challenges from our past from continually finding us.
If you find yourself in constant relationship trouble, you may want to take a look at some of the karmic indicators in your chart.
The biggest karmic offenders: Pluto and Saturn
The two planets I study the most regarding our karma are Pluto and Saturn, such as they are the two worst offenders when it comes to problems in our lives.
If either is used in challenging combinations with other planets in your chart, you can feel the weight of your karma.
Many of us have come to dislike Saturn, mainly because of the harsh lessons it teaches us. He is Father Time, who carries with him all those insecurities that you have built up in your past lives and that you are trying to shake off in this life.
Pluto is no better! He is known to break us down to the core and take things away in painful ways. If you’ve ever experienced an intense Pluto transit, you know its transformational energy is harsh. But Pluto breaks you down to transform you for the better, ultimately helping you build a stronger foundation.
If your natal Saturn and/or Pluto are in turmoil with your Venus, Mars, Moon, or Sun, karma can challenge you in your relationships.
These planets are strongly connected to other people in your life. Conjunctions, opposites and squares will present us with the most difficult challenges and be the heaviest weight in your karmic bag.
Here are a few examples of how you can overcome some of your karmic challenges and lighten your karmic burden.

Karmic Challenge #1: Saturn Conjunct or Square Venus
This karmic combination is one that goes straight to the heart. Most love relationships you encounter will have a karmic twist of fate.
The key to turning things in your direction is to give yourself more love and stop putting yourself in situations where you are always the victim in the end.
Venus is strongly connected to our love bonds and symbolizes the desire of your heart. Saturn, on the other hand, is a dark cloud. He’s a real downer who can make us painfully critical of ourselves, especially if he’s in close contact with one of our personal planets.
If he makes a difficult aspect to Venus, the weight is heavy. You will be left with a lot of doubt, uncertainty and, worst of all, fear. You will get hurt easily and feel pain on a very deep level. It’s also likely that you are constantly a victim in many relationships.
The good news is that a solution can be found if the right techniques are applied. If you live with this combination, you’re probably beating yourself up. Instead of looking at your negative sides, focus on your positive sides. Giving power to your doubts and insecurities can drive others away.
The negative feelings you have about yourself can cause you to be attracted to the wrong people, those who are unavailable. Work on boosting your self-confidence and surround yourself with people who can be there for you when you need them most.
Surrounding yourself with a little more positivity can significantly ease your karmic burden.

Karmic Challenge #2: Pluto Square or Opposite Sun
Pluto is a transformational planet. Whenever he touches one of our personal planets, such as the Sun, he demands that we endure crises and transformations in our lives. He also likes to think big, so you’re likely to walk through life with a strong sense of self-worth and direction.
Confidence is definitely your strength. The good news is that if you carry this combination with you, you will always last no matter the circumstances. Pluto helps you become resourceful so that you can find a way out of and through any task.
When you think of Pluto, think intense. This will probably characterize your relationships. You are a passionate lover who wants the most out of people, maybe a little too much.
Your relationships with others may be somewhat straining due to your demanding and critical nature. Jealousy can also arise from time to time, which causes problems.

There’s no denying that you’re a powerhouse, but the key with this combination is to keep it in check a bit. Others see you as powerful; there is no need to remind them.
It may be helpful for you to occasionally hand over the reins to someone else. You never know… it might make you feel lighter in the end.
Karmic Challenge #3: The Moon opposes or squares Saturn
Our emotional makeup is strongly linked to where the moon is on our charts. When the cold touch of Saturn hangs around our emotional realm (the Moon), we can expect an emotionally karmic experience in this life.
Sometimes this stems from issues with mother (the moon represents our mother) and early childhood. Perhaps you have been denied love in some way, or you have been raised in a way that has made you very critical of yourself.
You may feel many restrictions on your emotions, despite your desire for a loving relationship.
One of the keys to unlocking your emotional karma is putting yourself first. You probably help everyone first, and you’re the one left out in the cold. it is time for you to be the first! It is also very possible that, due to your lack of trust, you will end up choosing the wrong partners.
Although these are likely unconscious choices, it is important that you are aware that you have this tendency. Try to choose someone who will boost your confidence, not bring you down.
The ruler of the moon is Cancer, the sign that holds things for life. Just as the crab clings to things, you can eventually do the same with past grievances. This is the time to release your grip. Try to let go of the past and think about a better future.

Final thoughts
Also try to take a few risks. You may think you will be rejected, but that is just your fears coming out.
Whatever your combination and however heavy your karmic bag, you have the potential to enjoy positive relationships. We all have the ability to move beyond the challenges presented to us. And know that whatever you learn this time will help you not only in this life, but beyond.