The last thing you want to feel in the bedroom is bored, which is why sex toys exist to spice things up. If you wish to satisfy yourself or make things extra spicy with a partner, there are many ways to do it, such as spraying whipped cream or painting chocolate on yourself so your partner can lick it off.
However, there are so many sex toys to choose from that will make your experience spicier. But if you want to get the best sex toy for you, which is why let’s take the time to choose a sex toy for your zodiac sign.
Aries – Wand Vibrator
Aries, you are energetic and full of angst and need action, as Mars, the aggressive planet, rules your sign. You may have plenty of fun without a sex toy because of your energy, but that does not mean a good sex toy will never come in handy. The ideal sex tool for you to enjoy would be the wand vibrator. As mentioned, you will know how to give your partner a good time, but you will need something intense back, and the wand vibrator is one of the most powerful tools imaginable such as the Doxy.
Taurus – Massage Candle
Taurus, you are sensual and love to take any intimate time you have nice and slow. At the same time, you enjoy having a beautiful, desirable experience as attractive Venus rules your sign. You do not want anything aggressive, hot, and heavy. That is why the ideal sex tool for you is the massage candle. These candles target all senses as they contain essential oils with fragrances, with wax that melts so your partner can apply it all over your body during your foreplay ritual. You would also enjoy licking whipped cream or chocolate sauce spread on your partner so you can get even more of a sensual experience which will get you both into the mood more.
Gemini – Unbound Bender Vibrator
Gemini, you are the multitasker as you are versatile and ruled by communicative and transporting Mercury. You are also known to change your mind within a second as you may be in the mood for one thing for one moment and want something else the next. That is why the ideal sex toy would be the Unbound Bender vibrator which is flexible as you can use it for internal and external use. You can hit all of your sensitive areas with this vibrator which will give you the pleasure you are looking for, whether you enjoy it with a partner or want to please yourself.
Cancer – Satin Blindfold
Cancer, you are emotional and want to experience your emotions as the watery moon rules your sign. You also love comfort, and that is why the ideal sex tool for you is the satin blindfold. How can you be comfortable if you cannot see anything? The thing with you is that you will not get intimate with anyone who you do not trust. And even though the blindfold does not allow you to see what is happening, it provides you with physical comfort around your eyes. Additionally, this blindfold will enhance the play you have with your lover. As you have fun with your partner while wearing this blindfold, you will not only show them that you trust them, but this can turn into an emotionally fun ride for you.
Leo – G-Spot Stimulator (or Prostate Massager)
Leo, you are extravagant and enjoy being the center of attention, given that the willful sun rules your sign. You also need excitement. What is the perfect sex toy for you? You would love the G-spot stimulator (or prostate massager). What thrills you the most about your sexual experience is that much-anticipated orgasm. And the G-spot toy will be the perfect tool to make that happen whether you have fun alone or with your lover. This toy will help you relax before the explosion happens, and unless you are having fun yourself, you will want your partner to see how much this toy is blowing your mind because you love putting on a good show.
Virgo – Sex Pillow
Virgo, you are analytical and can be a perfectionist, which makes sense since practical and thoughtful Mercury rules your sign. Whatever problem comes your way, you want to be the one who can immediately fix it. This means you need a sex toy to help you find the perfect angle to experience some pleasure. The ideal sex tool for you is the sex pillow, which can help you find your perfect angle as you get hot and heavy. The pillow allows you to have any position you feel the most comfortable with, as it creates a lot of comfort and support for the perfect sexual experience.
Libra – We-Vibe Sync 2 Couple’s Vibrator
Libra, you are all about diplomacy, peace, and relationships, as loving Venus rules your sign. You want to please others as relationships are important to you. That means if you have a sex toy pleasing you, you want to ensure your lover gets the same benefit. The We-Vibe Sync 2 couple’s vibrator is the ideal sex toy for your sign. You can use a remote control, which will increase your comfort and pleasure as it stimulates the G-spot. It does not shift even as you change positions while having fun with your partner, as it will not get in the way of your partner having some fun with you.
Scorpio – Thorn Double Finger Pinwheel
Scorpio, you are the most passionate sign of the zodiac, even more so than fiery Aries regarding sex, as powerful Pluto rules your sign. You want to experience anything and everything when it comes to being intimate, and you are open to new experiences even though, in unrelated ways, you are not always keen on venturing out of your comfort zone unless it comes to digging up information on something or someone. Your ideal sex toy would be the Thorn double-finger pinwheel, which has 20 small spikes so you can experience a prick, a tickle, or something more intense than that, depending on your mood. You can go as gentle or as hard with this tool.
Sagittarius – Any Household Item
Sagittarius, you are adventurous, and you love to take an opportunity to explore everything you can get your hands on too. That is why the ideal sex toy for you would be something unexpected: any household item. For example, you could use a wooden spoon to give your partner a spanking or vice versa, but you will want to use the fresh and smooth side so you do not end up with splinters, as that would ruin the experience. You can use a hairbrush and a dildo, but make sure you are not using it and place a condom on it so you are not in contact with viruses, fungi, or bacteria. You could also use coconut oil as lube.
Capricorn – BDSM Sex Toys
Capricorn, you are hard-working, goal-oriented, and have a very serious and business-like side. It is not a surprise since stern Saturn is your ruler. You are highly ambitious, so you would create an appearance that you are serious in every way, as you would rather use your time to catch up on work other than have fun. But in the bedroom, you have a passionate monster within. It is not a surprise since aggressive Mars is exalted in your sign. You will go for BDSM toys, which means you love it rough, so you would want blindfolds, butt plugs, and handcuffs, as you would use those for foreplay as you get excited for what is to come in the bedroom.
Aquarius – Egg Vibrator
Aquarius, you march to your drum and like to do everything differently; that does not go with the norm as your ruler is progressive and rebellious Uranus. That is why the ideal sex toy for you would be unusual and innovative: the egg vibrator. You can wear the egg vibrator inside as it is smooth, compact, and a great quality sex toy, and it comes with a remote control so you can use it at any speed you want. It can give you so much pleasure as it can stimulate your G-spot, and you can enjoy it alone or use it with a partner to make it extra spicy.
Pisces – Oral Sex Stimulator
Pisces, you are imaginative and creative, and as dreamy Neptune rules your sign, it makes sense why you have those traits. You want a sex toy that will bring you so much pleasure that it can take you to another world. There are many sex toys listed for the other signs that can do that too, but the one toy you may love is the oral sex stimulator. If you love the sensation of a partner enjoying your goods as they lick and suck, the oral sex toy is a great simulator. You could either enjoy it alone or have your partner use it on you with one hand as they do other fun things to you with their other hand.
Why not spice up your sexual experience by using the best sex toy that goes with your sign, whether it is your sun, moon, or rising sign? You may also find a sex toy different from any of your signs on the list because it strikes your fancy, and why not experiment with it? If you want to have fun alone, you can do it with most of them. However, if you want to spice things up in your bedroom with your partner, that is the best thing to do to keep your relationship strong. Sex is essential to keeping a good relationship, so why not enhance it in the best way possible?