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Most Haunted crew heads to Chatham Dockyards in Kent to discover maritime ghostly experiences, writes JOANNA HAGUE

Episode title: Chatham Shipyards
Place: Chatham, Kent
Series: 4 Episode number: 9
Originally broadcast: May 18, 2004
Review of Chatham Dockyards Most Haunted
Murder, suicide and a headless apparition, Yvette introduces the episode as she walks through the shipyard. Chatham was an important shipyard for many years; Royal Naval ships were made and repaired there, including the famous one HMS victory, Nelson’s flagship. The shipyard led the way in modernization until 1984, when it closed its doors.
Some of the ghosts that appear include a young boy who was murdered and beheaded, two dueling cavalier soldiers, dark shadows and the sound of dragging chains are just some of the sounds that can be heard throughout the garden.
The apparition of the harbor admiral has been seen in the commissioner’s house, together with the ghost of a gray lady on the stairs and landing. It is believed that a man was thrown from the tower and that a woman in a long dress was in the flag room. The shipyard’s manager on duty conducts ghost walks, and they have seen the apparition of a suspected suicide woman named Mary in the commissioner’s house.
Richard Felix explains that in the joinery there is a dark, evil figure lurking in the shadows. People experience a premonition when they enter. Cold spots can be felt and people have experienced the sensation of being pushed over.
The most haunted place in the shipyards is the commissioner’s house. A young girl hanged herself, filled with grief because her lover died in battle. Cries and cries have been heard long into the night, and dark shadows have been seen moving about. Observations at the commissioner’s house date back to the late 17th century.
Derek Acorah is the medium on the show and they start in the commissioner’s house. He becomes aware of a woman’s energy as she moves between rooms. Derek goes on to say that if they move to another room, he will pick up her energy more. You see this ghost moving through the walls. Derek says she is a very bossy woman who he believes is grounded in the home. He says he has a feeling the woman died in 1956, but as always she can’t be traced without a name.
Derek then mentions that he would like to go higher up in the house, into the attic, and he immediately picks up on the energy of a man stalking the attic level. There are a lot of audible sounds up there: screams, footsteps and dragging noises.
Derek consults with Sam, his spirit guide, who provides the information that there is a woman who is at the level of male energy; she is responsible for the shadows that people see. Phil confirms that while he was doing his basic testing, a lever was thrown into the room and no one else was with him.
Paranormal artist Brian Shepard is left in the attic. He picks up a woman who appears to be getting blankets from the closet, but later feels her grabbing a rope. Brian then notices a stronger male presence; he feels that this man is full of remorse. This is a high-ranking man who paid a price for something.
Brian picks up the name Peter and information appears on the screen that Peter Pett was the commissioner in the 17th century when the docks were attacked by the Dutch. The drawing Brian made is a photo of Peter Pett, and they look very similar.
Spooky activity in the attic
In the carpentry shop, Derek notices a male presence causing most of the activity there. Just as Derek says this, a noise is heard, making Yvette jump out of her skin. Derek picks up on the energy and doesn’t want them to be in there; This makes Yvette feel more tense, and she says she doesn’t like the feeling in the building.
The energy of a soldier in uniform makes Derek jump, and then he begins to possess Derek. He says this person is not nice; they are bad. The soldier does not belong in the area and he then becomes very aware that this person has killed someone.
As they walk through the workshop, Derek tells Sam, his spirit guide, that this spirit belongs outside, but he is aware that the team is in the building and listening to them.
Just as he says this, a crew member jumps when something cuts off his ear. Derek calls and asks if he wants to show himself. Tom feels something on his back as they walk through the middle of the room.
Karl is alone in the commissioner’s house; Noises can be heard in the background as he spins around looking for the sounds; a sphere is visible; and he makes the comment that the temperature seems to be dropping. Karl then picks up a trailing sound in the room, but he can’t find a source for it. As he goes to another room, the door closes by itself.
Back with the team in the carpentry shop, while Richard and Yvette were talking, dragging noises could be heard. Being brave, they set out to find the location of the sound. Phil begins to explain that dark shadows have been seen in the store, and Yvette begins to panic when she hears a shuffling noise behind her. As this happens, Richard calls for the apparition, and Yvette panics even more. It’s kind of funny that she gets scared so easily.
Karl is still in the commissioner’s house; He hears noises in the attic, but he thinks this is the wind outside. There are then loud popping sounds from the room. He starts asking questions while he hears sounds all around him. The door upstairs slams shut again, scaring him.
The teams switch and Yvette goes to the commissioner’s house and Karl goes to the carpentry shop. In the workshop he hears dragging noises, but then makes light of the situation by saying that he left his cup of tea upstairs! A loud banging sound is heard, but he’s not sure if it’s coming from the door.
Yvette’s team is in the attic of the commissioner’s house and out of nowhere Derek starts laughing in a deep voice. They pick up a young boy named Barney, who is nine; there are no links to the name or the building. Derek also picks up a woman named Lizzy; he becomes very aggressive when the crew tries to ask him for more information. Yvette brings him back into the room and Derek discusses how Lizzy made him feel.
Several crews begin to recap the night’s events; they look at it rationally and think that some sounds that can be heard may have a rational explanation. Yvette ends the episode with her signature statement: “Until next time, sleep well.”.
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