When a number of UFOs violated Washington’s airspace in 1952, the entire country went on alert and news spread across the country. Shortly after the incident, President Harry Truman was forced to hold a press conference to address the event. After that conference, and also after the great UFO wave that resulted from the atomic bomb, the subject was shrouded in secrecy.
Similar to the recent leaks that exposed the extent of the NSA surveillance programs, the UFO topic fell into the category of unrecognized and exempt special access programs. According to a 1997 U.S. Senate report, these programs are “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to Congress.”
Former CIA chief Roscoe Hilenkoetter said it best in 1960 when he told the country that “behind the scenes, high-ranking air force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe that the unknown flying objects are nonsense.”
Today it’s a different story. A number of governments and government agencies, as well as thousands of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, have all released previously classified files confirming the existence of UFOs. In addition, hundreds (if not thousands) of high-profile whistleblowers have also shared their stories.
The subject is currently leaving the domain of the margins and is quickly becoming mainstream. Just as there was evidence for UFOs, there is also evidence that some of them are indeed of extraterrestrial origin.
This is all becoming normalized, and more and more people are beginning to open up to the possibility and evidence that the government (and those who are its puppet) is withholding information about intelligent alien visits to our planet.
The declassified document is part of a series of thousands recently released by the CIA. These documents cover a number of topics, ranging from CIA parapsychological experiments to information about UFOs.
One of the documents, written by a “Fred A. Kirsch,” reads as a “cleaned copy approved for release.” In other words, it has been stripped of (what they consider) information that is too sensitive for public access. It reads as follows:
“This is a response to the letter in which Dr. Carl Jung has been criticized for his belief in flying saucers and his accusations that the Air Force covered up the truth about these objects. I would like to point out that Dr. Jung is not the first person of integrity and reputation to make such accusations. He is just the newest.”
Other people are also mentioned in the document, including Hillenkoetter:
The exact same accusation has been made by Admiral Delmar Fahrney, former director of the naval guided missile research program, and by RM, Hillenkoetter, former head of the Central Intelligence Agency. . . .
If Jung were the only responsible person to make such accusations, we could dismiss the whole thing as nonsense. However, when a number of pilots, radar operators and other trained observers agree that UFOs are real, a serious reevaluation of the situation is in order.
It is not nearly as important as all the other documentation and information available on the UFO subject, but nevertheless provides another great example of how the CIA monitored the phenomenon.
This document clearly states, and further confirms the many who have also argued, that Jung actually believed in this phenomenon and supported the alien hypothesis as a possible explanation for the existence of UFOs.
He even wrote a book on the subject entitled Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky, in which he speculates on its nature, approaching the subject from a psychological rather than a personal point of view.
According to The guardJung had been studying UFOs for over a decade, stating that he “cannot even say whether they exist or not,” and that he was risking his “hard-won reputation for truthfulness, reliability, and capacity for scientific judgment.”
He has also said: “Over the years I have collected a significant amount of sightings, including accounts from two eyewitnesses personally known to me (I have never seen anything!).
“I also read the question. However, I can only say with certainty: these things are not just a rumor: something has been seen.”
He then discusses what the above CIA document states:
“What amazes me most is that the US Air Force, despite all the information at its disposal and its so-called fear of creating panic, seems to be working systematically to do just that (witness Orson Welles’ radio play in New Jersey) because it is still has never published an authentic and certain account of the facts and only occasionally allows information to be extracted by journalists.”
It’s quite amazing to see how many “credible” people have been speaking out on this subject for decades after examining the evidence, and now we know that Carl Jung is also on this long list.