Whether in pop culture or casual conversations, there is undoubtedly some kind of reputation and mystique in the phrase “soulmate.”
What does it mean? How do you find one? And what exactly should you look for?
Like the concept of a soulmate, the Tarot is also shrouded in all the hustle and bustle of mystery. So there’s no doubt that the two concepts can actually go hand in hand!
Although these are concepts that seem to raise many questions, we are here to help you find answers. Let’s find out more about soulmates… and use the Tarot to find out where yours might be hiding.
What is a Soulmate?
Throughout the world and throughout history, multiple definitions have been assigned to the seemingly simple title ‘soulmate.”
Most interpretations of the word will agree that a soulmate is a fellow soul who is a good match and friend of yours. They often propel you to deep, important lessons about yourself and challenge your perspective.
Call it fate, destiny or the will of the universe – a soulmate can simply be someone you were destined to meet.
From lovers to friends and even those we don’t get along with, a “soulmate” is a complex and layered concept that can go beyond the idea of just being “The One.”
Everyone may have a different belief, understanding, or experience with soulmates, and that’s okay! In different cultures and beliefs, a soulmate may mean something different to someone else than it does to you.
But whatever the definition, there’s no doubt that the concept of a soulmate resonates deeply with our desire to be seen, loved, and understood by our peers. And if you’re looking for one, the Tarot might just be your ally!
That’s possible Also use astrology to find your perfect match: how to discover your perfect soulmate with a synastry chart reading
How Tarot can tell you about your soulmate
The magical, mystical craft that is Tarot has a whole world of insights always waiting to be tapped into at any moment. And yes – this includes information about your soulmate!
After all, a soulmate is someone who resonates with us on a soul level, and Tarot can also easily help us tune into our true selves at this frequency. While there are many ways to get the details about your soulmate from your trusty deck, if you want a place to start, you can use our 5-card Tarot spread below.
Ultimately, you can adjust the spread or ask additional questions that your curiosity may lead you to.

A simple 5-card Soulmate spread
- What qualities can I expect from my soulmate?
- What is a standout quality of my soulmate?
- What stage of my life will I be in when I meet them?
- What will our connection teach me?
- What can I do to put myself in the position necessary to meet my soulmate?
Below you will find an example of what the Tarot spread could look like in practice.
1. What qualities can I expect from my soulmate?
King of Pentacles
This person shows great calmness, stability and maturity.
With the energy of the King of Pentacles, this soulmate could easily be an Earth sign in the zodiac, with the qualities of a financially minded and secure individual.
2. What is a striking characteristic of my soulmate?
10 of Pentacles
The 10 of Pentacles is a card that fulfills our hopes and dreams. It often represents both material and emotional success – us at the height of our goals!
It seems like this person has it all together, or it will just be a feeling to meet them your the world is coming together.
3. What stage of my life will I be in when I meet them?
5 of Swords
Never a welcome sight, the 5 of Swords is conflict and sometimes betrayal. With this card in this position you may find yourself in a situation of social conflict and disruption, feeling overwhelmed by everyone else around you.
Luckily, you’ll meet a much-needed soulmate at a time when the world seems to be against you! Talk about great timing.
4. What will our connection teach me?
The sun
The sun is all about pleasure, lightness and ease in our posture. It’s the kind of childish and innocent joy that we so often miss as we grow up and shake off the purity of our childhood perspective.
Maybe this soulmate connection will teach you how to fall back into pure confidence, excitement and joy. It can make you lighter or looser, but no matter what, it will definitely put a smile on your face!
5. What can I do to put myself in the position necessary to meet my soulmate?
9 of wands
As fun and exciting as it can be to meet someone who sympathizes with us on a soul level, the 9 of Wands urges patience and caution.
Perhaps this card indicates that you’ve made hasty connections in the past and you just don’t want to rush into doing something else now – or you might miss the real deal!
Finally, soul Search for a soulmate
Whatever the cards say about your eventual (or perhaps very soon to be) soulmate, know that there will always be fulfillment and importance in the first relationship that will always stay with you through thick and thin… the one with yourself!
Not only do we want to find someone who can teach us and connect with us, but we also want to make sure we are the best versions of ourselves when we reach out to that special match.
So while you are on the great journey of seeking that connection, know that your practice of self-love and reflection will always be valuable!