Villagers in Peru are convinced something “very sinister” is going on in their area. Locals in San Antonio de Pintuyacu claim mysterious creatures with yellow eyes are terrorizing their village.
They reportedly claim that the creatures were behind the attempted kidnapping of a teenage girl. Speaking to The Sun, the American explorer Timothy Alberino says the villagers are terrified.
They claim to have seen the mysterious figures several times and also witnessed UFOs hovering silently overhead.

Dozens of sightings of the creatures were reported and five hectares of trees were burned to give locals a chance to see the area. Daily star.
Those responsible are said to be up to two meters tall and wearing ‘black body armor’. They are also said to wear oval helmets and have yellow eyes.
One of these thugs was captured on video by a local boy. You can see a man or something like that sitting on the top of a tree.
🚨PROOF…..A boy captured footage of a Black Ops man adjusting his Jet Pack in a tree in the Pichanaqui District of Peru “Look at that motherfucker”. Guys if it’s true, this military grade technology. #pelacaras #blackops #Peru #facepeelers #ufos #ovnis #news #corruption
— Peru.Attacks (@peru_aliens) November 13, 2023
Researcher Timothy Alberino documented the strange events that researcher Timothy Alberino took to social media site X. He claims to have spoken to a 15-year-old girl who said she was caught by the mysterious creatures, who stuck ‘a syringe’ up her nose and applied numbing cream. on her face.
They then made “two deep cuts in her neck” with a scalpel, before managing to remove their helmets and escape into the jungle.
“While I cannot say with certainty who the perpetrators of face peeling in Peru are, I can unequivocally confirm that the phenomenon is real and ongoing. My hypothesis is that they are nefarious humans with reverse-engineered alien technology, and possibly working with a non-human faction,” says the researcher.
“I have not experienced the face peel phenomenon myself, but I did equip the men of the village with night vision goggles with recording capabilities. If they film something with the tech, they send it to me immediately.”
Alberino doesn’t believe the attacks are as mythical as the villagers think, but that they could be even worse than they think.
“At worst, this is an international organization of organ harvesters or sex traffickers in possession of top-secret hardware and using it to do something very sinister… I honestly believe that is what we are dealing with here.”